Beginners - May 2014 (Page 54)

by quayda
Clock through 24 hour day.
I'm trying to write a program that runs through a 24 hour day using a counter variable clock. I'm pretty usual. C++ is just not for me! But, I need th...
[13 replies] Last: Check the main function(line 69), and what Dput said. NOTE: You can ha... (by Aceix)
Pig Latin Program Help
So I'm supposed to write a pig-latin translator. The program must be able to translate entire phrases into pig latin, output the number of letters characters an...
[no replies]
by swang
Problems with cin and spaces
I'm having trouble with inputting lines. cin only gets me everything before the space. I've seen a few topics about this, and found getline(cin,var), and cin.ig...
[4 replies] Last: It worked! Not sure what did the trick, but it works now. Just to be c... (by swang)
The assignment is calculating the bowler's average. But I can't seem to figure out how to calculate the average because I don't know how to add the individual b...
[3 replies] Last: Simpler? I believe not. We are literally assigning the current total ... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
unable to find my headers when in another file
please help I am trying to make my programme more manageable by splitting the header files into different folders. however when I compile I get this message ...
[9 replies] Last: ah i see what you mean. yeah i like that better. If you give them uni... (by Little Bobby Tables)
std::sort functions third parameter
Can someone explain the following code? How can the third parameter be a function with no parentheses? I understand how to use it but am a little confused by th...
[3 replies] Last: A function name with parentheses is a function call. You don't want th... (by Peter87)
Calculate for some polygons (sum of interior angles, each interior angle, each exterior angle. Ask the user to input the max number of sides of the figure ...
[7 replies] Last: Oh you want to find the sum of angles/angles for polygons up to n . Y... (by Void life)
Problem with Arrays
Hi everyone, im a noob and need some help with arrays. I am trying to create a 5x5 column and get it to print correctly. I have done this with single digit numb...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks guys! really appreciate the help. (by natiggiz)
by cfm310
Help with class roster using struct
I really need help with the following program. I have done everything except for #3 and #4. I cant seem to figure out what to do for it exactly. Any answers, h...
[no replies]
by ASQ19
Counting the repetition in an array
Hello friends, I need your kind help in the following: I've a program that takes, the following: 3.25 2.54 2.00 2.54 3.25 2.54 1.70 1.00 1.70 2.54 2.00 100 0....
[12 replies] Last: Thanks, I did it using the following: vector<double> unique_values; ... (by ASQ19)
An Question waiting to solve(about uva424)
The following codes is the solving of uva424, but there are a some problems in these codes, who can help me to solve these annoy problem? The codes wroten as f...
[9 replies] Last: @ LB - thanks, I thought there would be something like that so whoever... (by Codermik)
defualt and user constructors
I'm having issues with what a default constructor is and how to write it as code. This code im going to show you is my attempt at simply defining player, point...
[2 replies] Last: The purpose of a default constructor is to ensure there is no error, i... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by Mildon
how to make sure input of float is a number
In the case the user types in a character instead of a number for a float, I put a loop that checks if the value of the float is equal to 0 since if they input ...
[10 replies] Last: Also you don't need the cin >> input if you are using getline and ... (by giblit)
Can anyone help me with my printResults function?
In my program, if one of the candidates has more than 50% of the votes, the program prints that that person is the winner. If there isn't anyone with more than...
[1 reply] : The problem is that you're recomputing cand each time through the loop... (by AbstractionAnon)
Removing Name from Array
[7 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your help! The task has been resolved. (by Cynthia401)
Reverse a string
figured it out! thank you :)
[1 reply] : you can use a string constructor to do the job: string reverse(str.e... (by Hiddencage)
lowercase/uppercase string
Hi everyone! I'm doing a 3 part assignment for my class and I'm having trouble coming up with how to do this function: "down case all letters of the string, ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys for the responses! :) It works! (by klove93)
What is a situation where it makes a difference whether you leave main() blank vs if you put int argc, char *argv[] there?
A lot of times in programs I see int main(int argc, char *argv ) but then I put them in my IDE with just int main() and they work fine. What is the p...
[2 replies] Last: thats where i learn... (by Little Bobby Tables)
Write a program to do the following being sure to use formatting to line up columns: A. Display the menu 1. Burger Meal Hamburger, Fries and a Drink ...
[6 replies] Last: this is the only question i have to do ad i still cant get passed whe... (by Codermik)
Hi, I get a Error from the code of page 15 and 16 about structs, The code from the book works fine but when i try to make my one struct. And try to make the sam...
[6 replies] Last: mark Solved your question.. (by cronopio)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 52535455
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