Beginners - May 2014 (Page 33)

I really need help ASAP
I really need help with this now. I can't figure out how to make it so if the user guesses the word completely the loop is broken and they win. #include...
[1 reply] : Double Post (by Codermik)
by binf
Need some help!
I want to write a code where will be given n integer numbers.The program will print the two numbers whose difference is the closest.It will show any two, if the...
[1 reply] : Double post : (by Codermik)
Would anyone like to give me some insight?
I want to try and wrap my head around OOP and start planning out my programs before I dive in to it half arsed and end up with projects being unfinished after u...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the info! I now have the CPU and RAM classes working insid... (by closed account L6b7X9L8)
Reversi game is tough for a newbie
Ok, so I am writing a reverse game with an 8x8 array board. I have the board all complete and working, but now I am stuck. I cannot figure out how to validate t...
[9 replies] Last: Well since it seems from your double post you are just looking for so... (by Codermik)
Reversi code
Can anybody provide me with a simple Othello or reversi code?
[2 replies] Last: Why double post? (by Codermik)
Coding in UNIX environment
Hey, I am doing a Stanford Open Course(CS 107 Programming Paradigms). Is there a free UNIX OS that i can practice the assignments on? In assignments they req...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks. Ill use Codeblocks then. (by coder224)
Accessing member variables through member functions
I thought I understood how to access private/protected class member variables using public functions in the same class. But in this case I'm getting compiler er...
[5 replies] Last: Hah, I see where you're going with that. I forgot 'Character::' before... (by hinesro)
Need help comprehending simple code.
Hello all, I need some help comprehending how this code works. I'm learning C++ with Jumping Into C++ and I'm struggling immensely with some of the example code...
[5 replies] Last: isDivisible() is getting the values from the for loop in isPrime(). ... (by admkrk)
Im just a beginner, obviously. Ive decided to try to write my own code and i get some errors, obviously this code isnt correct, can anyone fix it? #inclu...
[13 replies] Last: As I mentioned in my edit cin will only read in until it hits whitespa... (by RadWayne)
Loop(s) assistance.
Hey everybody. I have a practice question I am tackling from a beginners C++ book regarding loops (while, do-while, & for), and would like to know if I am appro...
[10 replies] Last: line 43 main(); Main function shouldn't be called within... (by wildblue)
How to Pass Class as a Function Arguement?
At the bottom of my code is my function definition. It says player1 is undeclared. How do I get my function to output the class I made, "PlayerClass"? #in...
[3 replies] Last: Your welcome :) (by Codermik)
Help bypassing a "not declared in this scope" error
I am pretty sure I understand the issue here, but I am not sure how to get past it. I am attempting to use a user select a profession which will generate a c...
[16 replies] Last: Yeah, there we go. Thanks a ton NT3 for sticking with me through this.... (by q742tt9)
Hey. Quick question. I'm wondering if i should use this: for(unsigned char i = 0; static_cast<int>(i) < 10; i++){ Or simply use this below (which is most e...
[2 replies] Last: Oh okay.. Since static_cast converts the char on the number entered in... (by robkar32)
I am trying to make a program that encrypts a 10 letter message. I just started but I keep getting errors. Can you please tell me what my problem is? #i...
[10 replies] Last: I agree with Softrix's suggestion to handle this another way instead o... (by wildblue)
I need help with My commands
The commands that I want the user to put in to make the @ sign move is not working. If someone could help me out it would be much appreciated #include <i...
[3 replies] Last: Dput means these: int Up = "Up"; int Down = "Down"; int Right = "Ri... (by Codermik)
Confused about if statement and modulo.
I just started reading c++ tutorial here while also learning from the book. So here is my problem. if ((yearBorn % 4) == 0) // 14 % 4 = 2 { cout <...
[1 reply] : Line 18, if person entered a year over current year it has no checks.... (by Codermik)
failing to call class from main function
I am trying to call a class that i created from the main function of my program in code blocks. main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "display.h" int m...
[2 replies] Last: I press the build icon when I have the main.cpp file opened. Not sure ... (by zuluMagic)
Constructor Initializer Lists: When (and why) Should I use Them?
Hey guys! I was doing some examples from my tutorial, and found that after introducing constructor initializer lists, it almost always used them over initializ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks! (by geniusberry)
functions giving me headache
I am supposed to do a main program with two function named tulTerv and tulHei. First one to ask name(nimi) and second to print 'nimi' and if it's AustinPowers r...
[4 replies] Last: @wildblue thanks! this helped me to get a sharper picture of the whole... (by kinkero)
Attack system
[1 reply] : The first if statement does not use { }. (by Peter87)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 55
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