by Relit
Input Validation
[6 replies] Last: In simple words if your input fails, then member functio... (by eyenrique)
by amirtork
Dynamic Array, delete
[8 replies] Last: But anyone know what delete do to release memory? Don't know if i... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by MsPhelix
Why is it so hard to display a string?
[7 replies] Last: However, I find cout cumbersome and would love to use printf() instea... (by ngbeslhang)
by CodeGoggles
Quick question about inheritance
[2 replies] Last: Thankyou (by CodeGoggles)
by MsPhelix
Trouble overloading the + operator
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for responding. Putting const in string getRider() const... (by MsPhelix)
by alex067
Sorting random numbers help!
[5 replies] Last: Your sort function works. So does your display function. What is it yo... (by Yay295)
by tmason
OpenGL/GLM - Combining(?) Quaterions Accurately from Keyboard/Mouse and other sources ...
[1 reply] : Hello to All, So I completely resolved the problem down to a simple... (by tmason)
by SrgjanLDTeam
Quick Question about C++ Maps (reply fast if possible)
[2 replies] Last: got it .. changed to map<string,map<int,string>> op; and now works li... (by SrgjanLDTeam)
by DEnumber50
Using push_back
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for the help on this one. (by DEnumber50)
by pepstein
Creating an ostream with Pair struct
[2 replies] Last: There is already a pair class in <utility> by the way. (by Yay295)
by dleanjeanz
Static class?
[3 replies] Last: If all methods are static then you should ask yourself why they are in... (by dhayden)
by locolo
Crazy looping, not going in
[15 replies] Last: Also get rid of line 25. (by fg109)
by electriceel
Visual Studio Debugger bug?
[1 reply] : I don't know about your example, but perhaps it is the case of run con... (by JockX)
by Auroch
Counting identical words
[19 replies] Last: This is working code with possibility of input closing by pressing "En... (by Auroch)
by dunkindonald
how can i manage to input a long sentences
[3 replies] Last: As the others said, the best way for that kind of inputs are string an... (by amirtork)
by locolo
Silly looping not working!!! WEIRD
[2 replies] Last: First time through line 10, guess is uninitialized so the results of t... (by AbstractionAnon)
Function with & and without |
[2 replies] Last: thank you...... (by muhammadmazhar76)
by Pacopenguin
Errors with Classes
[2 replies] Last: Ahhh thanks (by Pacopenguin)
by phztfte1
Array in STRUCT does not get filled
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Yay295 and benbalach, The fix was for lines 123 and 148: u... (by phztfte1)
by xeltic
Call and compare the same value
[4 replies] Last: The code to check if it is greater than itself would be if (pointed >... (by freddy92)