by ines6375
Template and max function
[3 replies] Last: Hi Freddy and Keskiverto, Thank you for your help! I found what the ... (by ines6375)
by ronnyHidayat
install wxwidget
[3 replies] Last: @coder777: no there's a link on that page.Read it you'll find it there... (by Pter0dactyl)
by imanoob
Planning on building a simple game
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the advice, I can start learning. (by imanoob)
by Tatanan
include twice
[7 replies] Last: Ok, thank you (but I read everything ;) ). (by Tatanan)
by Tatanan
class& vs &class
[6 replies] Last: Understood. Thank you very much. (by Tatanan)
by Tatanan
MyClass* and MyClass&
[3 replies] Last: Thank you a lot. My doubts were solved. (by Tatanan)
by mangehhh
Loading sound with Mix_LoadWav
[7 replies] Last: So it doesn't crash when you run it with a debugger attached? What do ... (by Peter87)
by zarzor2010
How to declare a global std::list in bison
[3 replies] Last: You will have to initialize Circuit_lists in the same row as it's bein... (by Peter87)
why the hell won't this work |
[2 replies] Last: Oh, i see, thank you very much !! (by troll warlord)
by aminmozel
Using user input to return values from structure
[1 reply] : Also, is this a good way to return more than one value for a user inp... (by MiiNiPaa)
by tdk93
type of this expression- (n(int)>0)?f(float):n(int)
[1 reply] : Two reasons: 1. Types are determined at compile time. n only has a val... (by helios)
C # sister forum |
[no replies]
by okowiec
Maximum value of the array
[no replies]
by mremonerd
A project I need to be explained
[1 reply] : What you have trouble with? It has short description of what you need ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by josepho16
Calculator problem
[2 replies] Last: so how should i fix this? (by josepho16)
by kami12
for loop
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! (by kami12)
by alex067
Palindrome Program HELP!
[1 reply] : 1) I need to modify the program so that it will take sentences rather... (by MiiNiPaa)
by sinfulstyle
trying to create a calculator.
[3 replies] Last: @Whitenite1 Thank you, I had used == first but backspaced it for some ... (by sinfulstyle)
by locolo
Function problem!!
[4 replies] Last: What is wrong?? void guess_letter (char word_player , int word_size,... (by locolo)
by Shrekdonkey
Errors in Rock Paper Scissors Program
[3 replies] Last: colours.h is missing a } at the end of it (by kevinkjt2000)