Beginners - May 2013 (Page 9)

Heap Corruption Detected
Well i am trying to add some numbers to an array, if the array is full the program creates a new, bigger array, and when i try to erase the old one i'm getting ...
[1 reply] : I think that the problem is that the new allocated array was not initi... (by vlad from moscow)
Const and Reference
Write your question here. What does the const at the end of this function definition mean? virtual double area() const;
[6 replies] Last: Brilliant! (by Ramzi89)
goto statement replacement
is there a better way to do this rather than a goto statement int main () { //FILLING DATA ARRAYS // ask user for dat file start: cout << "...
[5 replies] Last: In that case it is. However there could be some cases when use of go... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help with SFML: Need smooth sprite movement
Hello, I need some help with sfml 2.0. I have been working on a small test program for 'space invaders'. The part i am looking at is moving the ship left / righ...
[4 replies] Last: alright mate - i will try experiments with removing the switch stateme... (by closed account ypfz3TCk)
Hashing problem with overloaded operator
I'm just now learning hashing and it's giving me some trouble. I've got a StateData Class that is to be hashed by the hashT class. I've overloaded the != oper...
[1 reply] : Bumping this for help. I've been looking at this for two days. (by catdance)
Problem linking SFML
Hi! Trying to pick up a 2D library, SFML was my choice. But, I can't get it to link properly. When I try to build and run it I get the following error:...
[5 replies] Last: Have you thought about setting up your pc to dual boot windows & linux... (by closed account ypfz3TCk)
Making .exe work on other PCs after linking
Hello! I wrote a program for a friend and created a .exe but when he tries to use it on his pc he gets the error message - "The program can't start because ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by leezeebub)
Bitwise operations
i learning c++ as first program language and i cant understand the logic of the bitwise operations pls explain to what they are and do tnx guys
[8 replies] Last: attack_type&&EARTH It should be single & for bitwise application.... (by MiiNiPaa)
Evaluate my C++ console dungeon crawl idea?
Hey guys, I am doing a comprehensive test of my fundamental C++ skills by writing a huge console dungeon crawl just for fun. I wanted to see if you had any sugg...
[1 reply] : Notice any coding problems or bad practices? Global variables. Use c... (by MiiNiPaa)
Output/Store calculation to Variable question
I am having issues with storing a number. I want it to perform the calculation with the variables stored earlier in the program and save that to totalAdjustment...
[1 reply] : totalAdjustments = totalIncome - adjustIncome; (by vlad from moscow)
how do you test what something does
I know to build a program you use code blocks, but how would you test something like 3+4; I know it's going to be a 7, but how would you run it. I tried ...
[1 reply] : Try this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ... (by Xhalite)
string uppercase!
The user enters three sentences and all of the letters are lowercase. Find the first character of each sentence and convert it into uppercase (use the function ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi I have got one stupid question. Why you use a[i-2]? You can do it w... (by powerbg)
ASCII to bit
HI! I have a problem! I have a code that copies data from a .txt file and send it to a device.My problem is that every character in .txt is sent as ASCII code...
[1 reply] : int atoi (); (by pogrady)
by Glare
Hey guys I need your help they say this is infinite loop .. i just didn't understand why this is infinite #include <iostream.h> void main() { int...
[2 replies] Last: thank you bro (by Glare)
Need help with the Big Three and this project. (a little long, sorry) (1,2)
Alright so the project itself is almost done, I just need to alter some of the coding with whatever help I get from you guys. I will give you guys 2 files, ...
[21 replies] Last: As far as referencing his work, not really, no. The way he teaches is ... (by degausser)
by mamad
need help
I am a student i am not good in english and also c++ and have a bad grade, to pass this lessen i need two program as project please help me in this way: 1)a pr...
[1 reply] : Nope. (by giblit)
by Lim a
try-catch ?
In a college library, a staff can use the self-service book borrowing system to borrow books without going through librarians. To begin using the system, the st...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { std::cin.exceptions( std::ios_b... (by JLBorges)
Function to allow multiple "Clock Ins"
Im writing a program that simulates a clock in device such as those normally used in a workplace. I want my program to be able to clock-in multiple employees in...
[1 reply] : I suggest to use std::map<int, ClockTime> inside your clock class. C... (by MiiNiPaa)
Finding position of Array
I pretty much want clckNAM to be the location of the found employee ID in the array empID. while(mainMENU!=3) { if(mainMENU==1) { std...
[2 replies] Last: thanks buddy (by the Lagrange point)
by sumsar
key press down.
Is there a way to check if a key is press down? without having to pause the program.
[2 replies] Last: windows 7 64bit (by sumsar)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 7891011... 66
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