Beginners - May 2013 (Page 63)

Trouble with arrays: Finding the lowest number
Some notes before I describe my problem. I am writing a gradebook program. The setup for the program is this : A teacher has 5 students who have taken ...
[5 replies] Last: tempSum += tests ; You never actually assigned any values to the ... (by Ispil)
random numbers in an array
I'm having trouble putting random numbers into an array. this is what I have so far. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace ...
[1 reply] : There is no such thing in your code called "values." There is an array... (by Ispil)
by liz99
im lost
write a program to manage employee information for a company . you have to solve this assignment by using classes and a singly linked list of employees. ...
[3 replies] Last: Lol seriously? You aren't even asking you're giving us your demands so... (by giblit)
Changing Array Values
Hey guys I have a question.. If I had an array with values such as this: decade = 1 decade = 2 decade = 4 decade = 8 decade = 16 and I wanted to...
[4 replies] Last: sweet thank you all for the suggestions I got it working with a string... (by youngnito)
In the explanation for va_start parameters, it mentions that the second parameter is the "Name of the last named parameter in the function definition. The argum...
[no replies]
Try/Catch not Working as Expected
I am working through examples in Chapter 14 of Malik's "C++ Computer Programming". This chapter deals with exceptions. I am compiling in Cygwin with GCC vers...
[4 replies] Last: This online compiler is using GCC version 4.7.2: http://www.compileon... (by Alrededor)
by zmlink
I need help with this .. completely lost.
i have to convert these 2 algorithms to match my files .h and additional .cpp program i just dont understand the way you are supposed to write these in source c...
[no replies]
File output with a switch statement
I am working on a project where I have to take a string from a file (in1.txt) and then run it through this function (called 'code') and then output the 'codded'...
[no replies]
by yasha
Help with last function please
hey guys I just need help clearing up my errors in my last function thanks! #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> ...
[8 replies] Last: I tested out your program with the fix I mentioned. The new error is n... (by Daleth)
by Hoop22
A question about const
Here is the codes. Basically I am not sure the difference between the 'const' in front of the function's name and the 'front' behind of the function's name.Well...
[1 reply] : I have done it by myself.... I need to allocate some space for the po... (by Hoop22)
Tic Tac Toe Game 2D Array
My code runs, but it doesn't print out anything in the board. I'm pretty sure i have done a couple of things wrong, and if someone could point me in the right d...
[no replies]
by liz99
help please
Write a program which analyzes the Amsterdam stock exchange market situation on 18th January The program has to read data from 3 files: the AEX composition AEX...
[5 replies] Last: Please do not repost to... (by Zaita)
Double or float?
I am creating a new big data program that may or may not become very large. All data is stored in the form of a very large number of "Codon" classes, each of wh...
[1 reply] : Just use float since you'll never need a double. Memory management is ... (by Aceix)
Shared_ptr exercise.
Kinda confused if I'm going about this exercise right. - Write a function that returns a dynamically allocated vector of ints. - Pass that vector to another...
[10 replies] Last: ne555, do you mean this? I am curious about this, too. void Fill... (by Daleth)
I am stuck understanding my own logic here, why so many babies?
Why so many Bunnys right at the beginning but no more later on? theres supposed to be 6 to start with, instead theres a bunny invasion, and then no more babies ...
[18 replies] Last: :D, I have to study all of this more thoroughly after some more sleep,... (by devonrevenge)
by fetzjr
Should i learn GLUT or SFML?
I am stuck between GLUT and SFML... Everything i try to do in GLUT NEVER works :( Soooo :D Advice?
[6 replies] Last: SFML is semi obscure, so GLUT is likely far more widely used. (by Disch)
User data file
I need some help on this one. Generally I am suppose to ask the user for a file name and then open that file and it will have a list of ints and doubles for exa...
[2 replies] Last: Cool thank you I will definitely look into making it easier for the us... (by youngnito)
I am so lost!
I am having trouble making the program loop the arrays but save the information to later be displayed, after the user decides to enter more teams. I used char i...
[3 replies] Last: I should change char team_class; char divi_class; int divi_level; ... (by MikeyBoy)
by liz99
dont no how to do it at all
create a program that creates an array of 10 integers.the users will be able to enter thr data. create a second array that contains the addresses of the diffe...
[6 replies] Last: Did the place where you did find your "homework" have any explanati... (by IdivideBy0)
by alf725
Somebody help me please!
I feel like a mindless dumb ass =/ Okay I'm completely stuck in this part ---If P is pressed, display the content of an array - make sure you display all re...
[1 reply] : You should convert user input to uppercase. For example, if the user e... (by Yanson)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 616263646566
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