Beginners - May 2013 (Page 38)

linear to binary help
how would i write this code in to binary search ? #include<iostream> using namespace std; int lotteryList ; int main() { const int LOTTERY = 10; int n...
[4 replies] Last: Thank You :) (by kittycat)
by Aero9
Converting a memory Address into an int
Hello, I have been trying to figure out a way to convert a memory address, 0x200G69, or something similar, into an integer. I was hoping someone could help. I...
[6 replies] Last: Here, I think I have been making it seem more confusing. I am trying ... (by Aero9)
by lrmg14
I need help with adding something
I have a project file about an election. I have typed below the output of the project file. Waht I need to do now is to add a function to ask for the number of ...
[3 replies] Last: ohh sorry, the "voter" is used when i tried to do something else on my... (by lrmg14)
C++ without fear exercise 5.1.2 help!
There is an exercise in this book that asks to make an array of 5 integers, then print all of them and then the sum of all the numbers. I thought i knew how to ...
[13 replies] Last: Only it is a bad style of programming to use such identifiers as x as ... (by vlad from moscow)
boolean functions problem
I am trying to write a code that will read a .txt file and then output the number of words.I am trying to accomplish this by having a boolean variable inWord an...
[2 replies] Last: so I moved the function declaration outside of main and now my program... (by wavebulb)
ARRAY..... Help????????????????
hello guys.. i know that an array is always passed by reference in C++ when we use it with functions. but what if we use the reserved word const for examp...
[6 replies] Last: This function void get(int z ); id equivalent to void get( int *p )... (by vlad from moscow)
by cat023
Basic namespace query
I'm starting up C++ after being familiar with C, Java and Python. I'm unsure about some concepts behind including headers. I'm currently using the Eclipse C++ I...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thanks, this is a lot clearer to me now. (by cat023)
Postfix Operator help.
So i believe i got my prefix working, now i'm trying to get my postfix working so that the class object happy should have its day increased by 1. Not sure whats...
[7 replies] Last: got the program working, thanks for the help Thanks vald from moscow ... (by destroyer333)
Why does this function crash?
I'm sorry about the question but I have been studying this for a while and can't figure out where the error is. This is a translator function that should be abl...
[11 replies] Last: Well, this won't directly cause a crash, but it will surely cause inco... (by Chervil) to fire a bullet in this code? SDL
how would I go about firing a bullet within this code? one method i did was create a n object and have it start up on key press buttttt when I did that it repla...
[no replies]
How to write a function that reverses a string but not the positions of the null terminator?
[2 replies] Last: #include <algorithm> /*....*/ char x ; std::strcpy(x, "Hello"); std:... (by MiiNiPaa)
find the root of the equation ax2+bx+c=0
I want to find roots of the equation ax2+bx+c=0 searching different programs for quadratic equation I don't get the answer I want for example input a=1,b=1,c...
[3 replies] Last: yeah but if it is +6 maybe b is 10 and then b²is > -1 * ( 4 * 1 * 6) ... (by giblit)
by M159LE
Just a few quick Q's!
Hi all... I just need help with a few short questions. I am still very new to C++. I am doing some excercises (which I don't have the answers to) in order to ge...
[8 replies] Last: And another thing, English is not my first language, so it's sometimes... (by M159LE)
by Rascal
Hi, When I try to compile the code below I get this error: error: expected ';' before 'push_back' at line 17 but am unsure where I am missing it as I have tr...
[2 replies] Last: Second set of eyes always helps. Thanks firedraco, appreciate your qui... (by Rascal)
how to make .exe file?
I made a hang man game and I want to be able to execute the code using a .exe file like hangman.exe. How do I do that?! Thank you for your time!
[1 reply] : nvm I found the .exe file where I saved my project! xD (by sakonpure6)
Need a new C++ Book.
Hello, I was reading accelerated C++, and the first 2 chapters went fine, but when it went to loops(chapter 3) I didn't understand anything, and they used to...
[4 replies] Last: Try Computer Programming For Teens . It has a very good structure, pl... (by SourceCoded)
by Rascal
Hi, I have the question below: Explain what is wrong with the following code: char sms = "Gr8", strcat(sms, " & )"), NB strcat concatenates " & )...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks so much guys. The q is just to find what is wrong with it but i... (by Rascal)
Using a Return
I won't post the entire code because it ranges about 200 lines. Only one part of my code is giving me trouble. I made a function that returns a different number...
[3 replies] Last: Great idea! Thanks! (by hatefacecore)
Need serious help with SFML , BEGGINNERS SKYPE CHAT
Okay...Configured SFML ,did everything was needed with CMAKE ,made a new project,added a simple cpp file,simple code...compiled ,but what now? Wanna...
[no replies]
Game Over
Im New To C++ And When I Open The File The Window Just Opens And Closes. Ive Been Told To use pause but i dont know where to use it in my code HELP #include<...
[9 replies] Last: Ah sorry I never use cstdlib (by giblit)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 66
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