by nikki1337
Function to count capital letters in string
[3 replies] Last: @MiiNiPaa int countCapital(string custNames) { int capitalCou... (by vlad from moscow)
by jessemcready
Quantitative Biology Program
[8 replies] Last: hey I made a mistake above, sorry: vector<string>& temp = dna ; ... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
by Foxefde
THIS Begginners Skype Chat - BSC
[1 reply] : Normally you can avoid it unless you have a parameter that has the sam... (by Bourgond Aries)
by Markus3400
Y/N question to trigger function.
[3 replies] Last: ooh embarrassing! :D it was the , instead of the ; it did compile tho.... (by Markus3400)
by rdzmichael
I need help starting this program
[1 reply] : Hi. That will require you to read a bit about the basics of programmin... (by ngopza)
by chucthanh
Linear algebra libraries
[1 reply] : virtual ~vector(); I don't think it's ever going to happen: [quote=... (by Bourgond Aries)
by Pter0dactyl
error in int
[2 replies] Last: thanx for the answer. (by Pter0dactyl)
by Lim Boon Jye
AVL tree save file
[19 replies] Last: yes it does, but it's plain wrong. if the height of left is 4 I'd be:... (by coder777)
by BaseRev
8-Puzzle Solver unknown problem
[11 replies] Last: Finally, the program is running and solving all the solvable puzzles ... (by cire)
by NickiF0323
Count Games Played and Store Value !
[1 reply] : Static only works each time it is open ex: static int starts at 1 and ... (by giblit)
by leldijm
classes infile problem!!
[1 reply] : it's happen that everytime you call readin(), the function declares a ... (by kradragon94)
by LichTim
Problems installing SFML 2.0 on Visual Studio 2012
[2 replies] Last: FWIW: (by Disch)
by new2c
lottery game :how can I check user #, computer #, and user+comp # are duplicates?
[no replies]
by bluflame
Need advice for my program
[3 replies] Last: input to an array like this int array[ SIZE ]; for( int i = 0; i < ... (by giblit)
by Tstan
Program to decide what Tax Bracket your are in.
[5 replies] Last: wait a sec...why are you returning a double? You would be MUCH more ac... (by giblit)
by Inficard
Help me understand pointers
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, I get it now (by Inficard)
by Retrokin
Setting up Allegro for Codeblocks
[no replies]
by devroad
Pointer to Structures & Arrays
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for your response. I figured it later, but I still checked m... (by devroad)
by kittycat
how to output to a .txt file
[1 reply] : Instead of using cout, you just need to use your file stream. (by Zhuge)
by asdfghjkl217
Help with Problem?
[10 replies] Last: Plus, you could do this to make it faster: #include <iostream> #i... (by SourceCoded)