Beginners - May 2013 (Page 35)

if - else problem
Hello guys, I have a real headache with program execution using the if - else keywords. This is my WRONG program : #include <iostream> float Conve...
[8 replies] Last: line 30: else if(your code```) (by amchinese)
Problem with Code?? HELP
Below code is for Binary Representation of a Number. This code works fine.....but i don't know why if((x&(0x80000000))>0) should be <0 instead of >0 because ...
[1 reply] : Well x is an unsigned int. But what is 0x80000000, signed or unsigned... (by vin)
Help on my coding
hey guy I need help on finishing this project on c++ .. the problem I am having right now is that the output doesn't clear so all the information stays on even ...
[1 reply] : Besides a random 0 on line 33 and the deprecated and nonstandard conio... (by Daleth)
SFML error
I have code blocks and MinGW. I downloaded SFML, installed everything properly following the tutorial. Everything compiles very well, but when the console pops ...
[2 replies] Last: bump (by uzferry)
can anybody please help me with this project?
In this project, my input will be 2 strings consisting of the characters A, G, C, and T. For instance: agatgctagatttcg agcctcccgatagcc and Count the number...
[3 replies] Last: hey, cubby , one more question, how do I Allow the strings to be of di... (by zzh0008)
by animus
C++ Sorting Help
Hello dudes, a beginner and need some help. I have a homework that wants me to have the user input a person's name and test scores. The program than sorts the t...
[18 replies] Last: So what does your final code look like? because i have a similar proje... (by legolost)
C++homework for validations
I can getthis to work with everything except making a number with more than one '.' invalid. What am I doing wrong? Help please. Put the code you need he...
[2 replies] Last: i simply do not understand the answer given above. how do i change th... (by CCTHECRAW)
conversion of vector to an array prgram problem
I have the following program which was a vector. I have done some conversions so it has the following array code. //This program calculates whether or not ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by kittycat)
Loading Comma Separated Data from a File
Hi there. I'm having some difficulty with a little project of mine. Basically, I've written some member functions to manipulate the pixel values of a black and ...
[1 reply] : You can use getline() ( (by ModShop)
Save data
Hi, how can I save data using fstream? Like, say level on one line and weapon on another, and read the seperate lines and assign variables to that value? Ive k...
[1 reply] : It really is quite simple to... (by ModShop)
Space Invaders code help (1,2)
I am having compiler issues with this code. Here are the two issues. 1. The compiler expects a ( before the else statement. 2. At the end of the program it ...
[20 replies] Last: I finally got the movement in my program to work. My only issue is now... (by RadCod3Win)
What happens to memory that you never free or delete
What are some problems that occur if you never delete memory? What happens when main finishes and you never deleted your pointers?
[1 reply] : Never freeing memory you allocated with malloc() or new will resul... (by Daleth)
C++ why use void and how to use the .exe
I am using Code::Blocks with GNU GCC Compiler. My first question is why do i use void here instead of int. i used int and it worked but the tutorial i am using ...
[2 replies] Last: Interesting thankyou for solving this. Having an increasingly difficul... (by snowfiring)
Different data on different files?
Hi, I am developing a game that has many things to be saved. Should I save every thing onto one file(I dont know how to make it read specific lines) or mak...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you Chervil (by SourceCoded)
Random Number between 60 and 100
I need to be able to make a random number between 60 and 100 but my code is not cutting it. I think this should work, but I've gotten numbers a low as 41. If I ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks man, worked like a charm (by El zorro Gris)
by bobr
Please Help! (second part of code is in comments bellow)
can someone help me fine tune this code a little more!? this code converts units and uses pass by ref but I need help refining it! #include <iostream> #...
[1 reply] : void weight_to_us(ConversionType conversion) { int kilograms,... (by bobr)
Having trouble trying to write to a binary file
OK, I've been working on a small game project and I got stuck when trying to add a 'high score' feature. What I intent to do is store the highest score regis...
[5 replies] Last: @Chervil: I tried your code and it worked. Thanks a lot! Also, thanks... (by oldcrow)
by Snolla
What did I do wrong here?
I just started learning C++ (any code for that matter, I'm an sound guy by trade) and this is day 5 in my attempts at learning. Everything seems to be ok here...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks everyone :) Fixed it right up (by Snolla)
help with school looping question.
I have a project due for school and I'm having a tough time with the logic. I think I need a loop for the days and a loop for the rest of the stuff. Any help wo...
[7 replies] Last: You should try to code it instead of just listing the things. And it s... (by giblit)
by Oppo
Counting 0's and 1's
I am trying to make a program where the user inputs binary, and the programs outputs the total number of leading 0's before each 1's. For Example: Input:000101...
[3 replies] Last: It worked perfectly! Thank you very much. (by Oppo)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 3334353637... 66
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