Beginners - May 2013 (Page 33)

by dpixel
Global variables and SDL keyboard array
I understand that it's worth avoiding global variables. I had a problem with one that I think I solved, but was wondering if this sort of thing happens... I h...
[3 replies] Last: The difference in efficiency is mostly that you don't have to update t... (by Peter87)
by Snolla
Just did my overview of the first 3 chapters :D:D
I just created a code encompassing all the techniques in the first three chapters of my book. I'm brand new to programming and have started with C++ because it ...
[3 replies] Last: Techniques Covered: - Namespace Where in your code are you using ... (by Daleth)
by jidder
Declaring array of class object with constructor
Is it possible to create an array of objects from a class with a constructor that requires input. E.g #include <iostream> class Ship { private: int S...
[7 replies] Last: Hey, That still doesn't work for me and after looking around other pla... (by jidder)
by Daleth
Linked Lists Test program
I'm going back to the basics and relearning some concepts I've been kind of putting off like working with dynamic memory. I created a working test program as sh...
[4 replies] Last: Ooh... After doing a little research, I realized I am using the wron... (by Daleth)
Passing arrays through functions w/bubble sort.
My Assignment: Create two arrays data and sdata. Input user data into array data. Copy the contents of array data into sdata. Then bubble sort the array sdata i...
[2 replies] Last: Ugh. I moved the display(data,maxLength) above the copy/sort calls and... (by HotSoup)
by Snolla
Difference between Arrays and Enumerated Constants
I'm currently learning about arrays and just just finished the lesson on variables. It seems to me that arrays also list multiple values beginning with 0. I n...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the quick replies :D This forum is a great help (by Snolla)
by Jace
Working on a Text Adventure
I am working on a text adventure right now, and it's pretty good if I do say so myself. But right now there is one big issue that continues to vex me. Help woul...
[12 replies] Last: If you are asking about how to do something with the console without w... (by Giraffatron)
I need help writing a program?
I started but I am lost I don't understand classes, functions, etc and my assignment is due tomorrow... IF anyone is interested in helping me please send me a m...
[8 replies] Last: Yeah no worries today was my last day in that class! Yay! (by closed account LN3RX9L8)
Need help storing user's input
My assignment is to take a string that a user enters and change all the characters in the string in order to encode or decode their input. The user has to put i...
[3 replies] Last: Oh wow, I counted and double counted my brackets, can't believe I miss... (by idealcat)
Wirte a function that find the n biggest element from the list .Put these elements in an array in descending order . (You can run the list only once) . I am a ...
[9 replies] Last: Make a limit to the number of items there can be in the list by either... (by agnophilo)
by Ludidi
Arithmetic Operators Help
The Program must allow users to enter any two positive numbers and then display the results. i'm strugglin plzzz help #include <iostream> using namespac...
[1 reply] : You have a number of syntax errors in you code (for example you need a... (by martianxx)
Turning numbers into text?
I just want some pointers in the right direction. And here is the practice problem from the book: "Implement the source code that turns numbers into English ...
[12 replies] Last: I'm an intermediate learner and have been meaning to try this myself w... (by agnophilo)
Simple problem
Hi, I was thinking for a few days at a C++ problem and I couldn't solve it, I tried but I'm a begginer. So n and k are two natural numbers with max. five number...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you L B, keskiverto and Aceix! (by andreistefan)
Here is a snippet of my code, it'll compile, but when I run the program, it just get stuck after I entered all the employee's names. So I want to know what's wr...
[no replies]
Question about cin.ignore()
The format of using a period is object.member is it not? So why does cin.ignore() or cin.clear() work? Are ignore() and clear() static member functions or wha...
[4 replies] Last: I'm guessing this will make more sense when I get to the section of th... (by agnophilo)
C-Structure, linked list HELP
i have to create a program for storing data which should. inserting a person with the given attributes into the list deleting the person under the speci...
[no replies]
Problem using SFML to move a sprite "missile".
Hi, im using sfml 2.0 on linux to make a space invaders game. I can see how to move a sfml sprite using a real-time input. For example, to control a ship - ...
[2 replies] Last: Hey - thanks! (by closed account ypfz3TCk)
Convert Perl scripts to a more common lang
Hi, I have a few perl scripts and they need to be converted into some more common language such as Java so that in the future it can be modified and enhanced...
[9 replies] Last: Are scripts and OO mutually exclusive? Nope Isn't Python both scrip... (by MiiNiPaa)
So our teacher gave us a game of 20 questions basically as sample code however the sample code does not run and I have tried to fix it. I have gotten it down to...
[4 replies] Last: At the bottom of bintree.h you say #include "bintree.cpp" Don't do... (by booradley60)
Unkown Syntax error.
So I've been making a decently large single file program to simulate The Game of Life, and I think I have everything ready but for some reason im getting stuck ...
[6 replies] Last: I figured it out!! It was a silly mistake by me, a typo within createP... (by MicBrad)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 66
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