Beginners - May 2013 (Page 30)

Function is not working i want to get the area
#include<iostream> using namespace std; float circarea(float c) { float pi=22.0/7.0; int t; c=(pi*t*t); return c; } int main() { float r,g; cout...
[2 replies] Last: i got it thanks 4 help..=) (by dgcharitha)
Vector not displaying correctly
I am having problems with the output. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; class DVD { private: ...
[no replies]
KeyLogger detection of keys [ { } ] etc
i've detected each key while using the following two functions: GetAsyncKeyState() GetKeyState() but I am unable to detect the following some keys: \;',./ #i...
[1 reply] : (by LB)
please help me :)
Guys i need help.. This program is supposed to convert 3 digit numbers to words.. like 123 to "one hundred twenty three".. my only problem is with eleven - nine...
[7 replies] Last: OH GOD.. i finally got it!! X) i added this else if (n%100 ... (by USS DjMarV12)
PLEASE HELP.. only one more problem
Guys i need help.. This program is supposed to convert 3 digit numbers to words.. like 123 to "one hundred twenty three".. but when i type 123 it will only show...
[3 replies] Last: I replied to the other thread: (by LB)
Review my quadratic formula program please.
I'm new to programing. And I made this program complex to allow me more practice (if that makes sense). I set forth the following requirements 1. ask for the...
[3 replies] Last: Well, three of your variables, discriminant, posRoot, negRoot are us... (by Chervil)
Switch Statement
So, I have a stack. And I'm using it to convert a normal mathematical expression into a postfix expression. And I'm using a switch statement to tell the comp...
[7 replies] Last: Strictly speaking, isdigit() -- no capital D -- says whether the char ... (by andywestken)
by Ch1156
Using pointers with an array
Im making a pointer that works with an array and im trying to get the output but it just gives me a big number and not the array element. when i ran it i got: 2...
[2 replies] Last: oh oops i forgot that, i changed that, i still get a weird number its ... (by Ch1156)
by soori
debug in C++
Hello all thanks for adding me to c++ forum. am newbee to c++ programming I would like to know if der is a command to debug line by line in linux. ex: if i comp...
[3 replies] Last: print &i (by Peter87)
by zenniz
How to read
Still a beginner here. I have a txt file with all the values (Values are not fixed) //Information inside values.txt 1234 12345 123 12345678 Ho...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=kbw]That example isn't quite right. You shouldn't call open/clo... (by keskiverto)
by Focus
Beginner Classes
My question is simple, i have probably missed something essential about functions but i cant find an explanation to it anywhere so im posting it here: how come ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Focus)
Keylogger help required
Friends i have started coding simple keylogger but i am facing problems when i press speacial characters(@,#,$ etc). I think what we get from GetAsyncKey fun. i...
[3 replies] Last: Thnx for the help .... i used this if(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) && G... (by programmerx)
If Else - Else not working.
So obviously I'm a beginner at programming and we're writing a program for one of my classes. I feel like I understand everything pretty well, but I'm stuck on...
[10 replies] Last: you're saying it doesn't output the area? try to simplify stuff by doi... (by Aceix)
by Vigii
Reading a polynomial expression
Hi I'm a beginner in C++. I'm looking out to read a polynomial expression and do differentiation to the same expression. Is it possible doing it. For Exampl...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for shedding light on my problem. Thank you a lot!!!!! (by Vigii)
bulls and cows
I have a question for you guys, I have provided this code and it works perfectly, But I have a doubt. In lines 31/32(approx.), I have commented a while loop on ...
[6 replies] Last: thanks a lot for your replies. Cheers. (by dhruv90)
Need some help.
#include <iostream.h> int main() { int p,t,n; cout << "N="; cin >> n; p=1; t=0; while(p<n) { t=t+p; p=p*2; } cout << t << endl; cout << p << endl...
[2 replies] Last: For b there are 16 values?Is that right? Thanks! (by andreistefan)
Learning more than syntax
I can't express how much I would like to learn to program, especially in C++, but I face a rather large problem. I know all too well from reading other forums t...
[4 replies] Last: You can also get good information at: - -http:/... (by Aceix)
class constructor and string
I've been struggling with creation of proper constructor which takes string as parameter and uses parameter to initialize member of class. Book I'm reading use...
[5 replies] Last: You showed irrelevant code. I think that the problem is in another cod... (by vlad from moscow)
populating an array
im trying to get this code to work what i need to do is to ask the user to input a persons first name and last name and store it into stringName ; so str...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=OP]but i was wondering if there is a way to do it while having ... (by Aceix)
by Ch1156
Am i doing pointers correctly?
I bought Sams Teach yourself C++ in 24 hours which is awesome and Im learning things very well, but i want to make sure i know the concept of basic pointers, an...
[5 replies] Last: ok (by MarcoPeter)
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