Beginners - May 2013 (Page 26)

Help on Practice Questions !!
I posted my own answers next to the question in Bold. Can someone please verify the answers for me. If a statement doesn't have a,b,c,d answer options, tre...
[19 replies] Last: Write in the margin "if you mean..." (by agnophilo)
by SeBeQ
Is it memory leak?
Hi everyone. If I use a new operator without delete or I assign a new data to pointer with a new opreator I do a memory leak. But piece of code below can ...
[3 replies] Last: String literals have static storage duration. That is the storage for ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Pebble
Function To Return Pointer To Array
I'm struggling to comprehend how to return a pointer to an array, From a function. The book i'm learning from has a small section on the above, But very littl...
[2 replies] Last: What is the advantage of using a function? One advantage would be to... (by andywestken)
object and array?
Create an application program that declares an array of 100 components of type Item. Is create 100 item object by array or create an object and inside the o...
[4 replies] Last: I would give bonus marks for: const size_t itemCount = 100; Item it... (by andywestken)
by k4elo
casting question
Here is an audio callback routine for use with portaudio. The part I don't understand is how or why you can use the name of the class AudioReaderPortAudio as a...
[1 reply] : Parameter userdata is defined as void * . So you can say nothing abou... (by vlad from moscow)
by melon
reading different values from a .txt
Hey guys, I´ve read a lot of similar questions here in the last hours, but I still didn´t find out how to do it. I want to read line by line from a txt fil...
[7 replies] Last: Hey guys, thank you all for your help. Apparently the version I posted... (by melon)
Loading a value from a file (ifstream & ofstream)
Hello I am to create a Program that displays the biggest number in a file and here is the code # include <iostream> # include <fstream> using na...
[2 replies] Last: First I'm sorry from being indirect but I've accomplished it and u ar... (by PureEvil75)
by labeeb
Visual programming in visual c++ 2010
I am completely beginner to visual programming in c++.I have downloaded Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 I was expecting to have drag and drop option in it but have no...
[1 reply] : Do you mean building GUI apps? Then read about application framework l... (by Aceix)
by eoaneh
counting characters without strlen
i'm trying to write a program about measuring the length of a string without using strlen. i have wrote something but my problem is i don't know how to add '\0...
[10 replies] Last: thank you all for helping! (by eoaneh)
Game of life program
The program I am trying to write is the game of life. I have all the beginning part set up correctly as the instructor gave us most of it. Now I am stuck at the...
[17 replies] Last: okay thank you very much I will post the final project. (by adam32885)
by ace55
Array question
I need to write a code that calculates the average score based on the number of scores the user inputs and it has to be between 1 and 20. What am i doing wrong?...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const siz... (by vlad from moscow)
.exe runs fine, but .cpp won't compile, what?
The following code was found at "" and used in a Wincows XP Pro backup batch file, and it (sendtoEFS.exe) worked great, exce...
[no replies]
by ace55
program wont compile help?
it says on line 20 when i try to compile, i need ; before { how do i fix this i ended the line with ; is my code correct? thanks! #include <iostream> ...
[no replies]
For loop isn't looping. Variable in failure.
I am trying to tally the prime numbers from 1-100000, and I think I'm on the right track. My issue seems to be with the second for loop, with the imbedded if a...
[2 replies] Last: I figured it was something simple that I was overlooking, thank you so... (by chronomancer)
prime numbers from array
hi i am still a beginner in c++ and still didn't learn functions and not allowed to use libraries . so a friend of mine challenged me to write a program that sh...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=eyenrique]@usanfriends you need to add one condition in the las... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Understanding References
References could be used to: a) define pointer to a memory location b) pass pointer arguments to a function c) access the value without and asterix (*) Are any...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Daleth]I was saying... The subject of this thread is referenc... (by cire)
Whenever I want to stop my program from closing, I put cin.get(); before return 0; I don't know why, but sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't even a...
[2 replies] Last: It worked :o thank you! (by HighbrowManiac)
C++ Ignoring Special Characters, Upper and Lower Characters in a String
Hello, I'm a newbie, and I'm doing this assignment. I need help with simple function or a statement that will ignore if user inputs special characters in a s...
[1 reply] : Unfortunately it doesn't work. If you present a snippet of code and... (by cire)
Array bug in calculator program.
C++ is my first language and I've been reading the tutorial on this site too long without actually programming anything (got almost to the end without learning ...
[6 replies] Last: Oh, then by all means go ahead. :3 Just be careful that you are workin... (by Daleth)
Help understanding Arrays
Hello to the community and thank you in advance. I'm having a little bit of trouble with this code. I need to "merge" all of similar number inputs and display t...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry about that, I thought that if I shared my code it might be easie... (by litoscu)
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