by kabuki
Reading Datas From A Txt File
[6 replies] Last: I know that c++ streams would make it a lot easier but my professor wa... (by kabuki)
by ccmccm
SDL image keep flashing, why?
[1 reply] : You draw an image and then you make what you draw visible right away b... (by Peter87)
by catdance
Help with a priority queue friend function
[3 replies] Last: If operator< is a member of Bid , then in: class Bid { public: ... (by cire)
by Aquos
my else statement problem
[6 replies] Last: any other suggestions would much appreacite~ to enhance my skill~ (by Aquos)
by nightwing
its me again; sorry last question i swear lol
[2 replies] Last: spot on. didnt catch the was the problem, guess i wasnt paying as much... (by nightwing)
by elmoro15
Help with Arrays and functions
[4 replies] Last: Thankkss guyss (by elmoro15)
by nightwing
Help please
[3 replies] Last: damnit lol figured it was something simple that i was over looking. ty... (by nightwing)
by Umeed
accessing contents of header file used
[5 replies] Last: "Can't you just make the game object a member of Minesweaper?" exactl... (by Umeed)
by sebajun
File manipulation
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the help but I just figured out the problem, the file I was... (by sebajun)
by crazyfool
help me to read data
[2 replies] Last: Hi, please use code tags. It has the <> symbol. Aceix. (by Aceix)
by dustyblade
Issue with showing data from a class
[1 reply] : itemDesc = "CS161"; This will set itemDesc to point to the array "CS... (by Peter87)
by cppbeginner1
using private variable of a class
[9 replies] Last: We haven't had any replies from the OP - are they trolling? (by TheIdeasMan)
Error in executable file |
[2 replies] Last: Could anyone please explain what i hav to do o get rid of this error... (by chipp)
by dgcharitha
I want to move this triangle using arrow keys but the triangle shape is not comming please help me
[1 reply] : I do not see any use of x in your triangle function. (by MiiNiPaa)
by johnny92
help using int main(int argc, char* argv[])
[1 reply] : #include <sstream> #include <iostream> int to_int(const char* s) { ... (by cire)
by johnny92
How to use Numerical Recipes?
[5 replies] Last: The third parameter for your Normaldev_BM constructor takes a value ... (by cire)
by maxim
dynamic array allocation
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, these compiler flags solve the problem, now it behaves as... (by maxim)
by Compchefchad
I have WAY to many if statements
[3 replies] Last: Actually, your if statements might be just fine. You basically have se... (by Giraffatron)
by giblit
Lambda Question
[11 replies] Last: what the heck? I need to relook at my code...because I put almost the ... (by giblit)
by razezar
Need some ideas on how to do a raffle drawing
[16 replies] Last: haha no problem. Glad I could be of help. (by giblit)