Beginners - May 2013 (Page 24)

by kabuki
Reading Datas From A Txt File
I'm trying to read the txt file into my main program but I'm stuck trying to get it to read. So far I've already got the address but I don't know how to get the...
[6 replies] Last: I know that c++ streams would make it a lot easier but my professor wa... (by kabuki)
by ccmccm
SDL image keep flashing, why?
Anybody can help? How can I modify my code to not keeping the text and images flashing? // Screen surface SDL_Surface *gScreen; SDL_Surface* fontSurface...
[1 reply] : You draw an image and then you make what you draw visible right away b... (by Peter87)
Help with a priority queue friend function
I have a priority_queue defined in my Items class as a composition object. priority_queue <Bid> bidQueue; Bid is a separate class that deals with the inpu...
[3 replies] Last: If operator< is a member of Bid , then in: class Bid { public: ... (by cire)
by Aquos
my else statement problem
Write your question here. Hi all, im newbie that need your pro help, right now im trying to do a simple calculator that do simple math like, addition,substract...
[6 replies] Last: any other suggestions would much appreacite~ to enhance my skill~ (by Aquos)
its me again; sorry last question i swear lol
This prg actually compiles. with no errors, but after you input the values and the functions start the prg crashes. shows me this error: First-chance excepti...
[2 replies] Last: spot on. didnt catch the was the problem, guess i wasnt paying as much... (by nightwing)
Help with Arrays and functions
the following code give an error which says "cannot convert form parameter1 from int to int" ??? what does it mean??? #include<iostream> using ...
[4 replies] Last: Thankkss guyss (by elmoro15)
Help please
so i have a prg im doing for school. i have it done but i try to debug i get this compile error: 1>------ Build started: Project: 2Darray, Configuration: De...
[3 replies] Last: damnit lol figured it was something simple that i was over looking. ty... (by nightwing)
by Umeed
accessing contents of header file used
Write your question here. I am trying to include a header file(that i myself have defined) named "Mines.h" in a windows form application(GUI) named "Minesweape...
[5 replies] Last: "Can't you just make the game object a member of Minesweaper?" exactl... (by Umeed)
File manipulation
Hi guys, sorry to bother but I am having a bit of trouble with this question, I'm very new to file manipulation so there is probably a lot of mistakes in the co...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the help but I just figured out the problem, the file I was... (by sebajun)
help me to read data
I don't know where, but seems my code is wrong. this is my input: 6 92 86 78 93 22 56 4 90 83 85 58 the first number indicates the total set of data and also ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, please use code tags. It has the <> symbol. Aceix. (by Aceix)
Issue with showing data from a class
Hey guys, When I run my program, all seems to go well, until I try reach my ShowData function. The specific line I have issues with is line 172(tasktrack.cpp). ...
[1 reply] : itemDesc = "CS161"; This will set itemDesc to point to the array "CS... (by Peter87)
using private variable of a class
I wanted to know how to access my private variable. I have written a small code snippet. Is it the right way of using private variable? If not, can you plea...
[9 replies] Last: We haven't had any replies from the OP - are they trolling? (by TheIdeasMan)
Error in executable file
I've written a program using Code::Blocks and though it runs using the compiler, if I run the exe file of the program it says: The program can't start becau...
[2 replies] Last: Could anyone please explain what i hav to do o get rid of this error... (by chipp)
I want to move this triangle using arrow keys but the triangle shape is not comming please help me
#include<iostream> #include<ncurses.h> //#include<iostream> using namespace std; void triangle(); int main() { int ch; int x; x=20; initscr(); keypad...
[1 reply] : I do not see any use of x in your triangle function. (by MiiNiPaa)
help using int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Using the code, int main(int argc, char* argv ) { cout << 3*argv << endl; and calling it from command line as ./name_of_program 5 I want ...
[1 reply] : #include <sstream> #include <iostream> int to_int(const char* s) { ... (by cire)
How to use Numerical Recipes?
I am having trouble generating a normal distributed number using the Box-Muller Method in Numerical Recipes. I tried declaring in my main section a norm_dev as ...
[5 replies] Last: The third parameter for your Normaldev_BM constructor takes a value ... (by cire)
by maxim
dynamic array allocation
Greetings C++ gurus, Here is a question for you guys. I used to think that C++ compiler should not accept dynamic array allocation when the dimension of an a...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, these compiler flags solve the problem, now it behaves as... (by maxim)
I have WAY to many if statements
I want to shorten the amount of if statements in my code. I am currently writing a text based adventure game in C, I am loosely basing this on my knowledge of t...
[3 replies] Last: Actually, your if statements might be just fine. You basically have se... (by Giraffatron)
by giblit
Lambda Question
So I know how to use a lambda to find the least accurate person in my structure. My struct contains information on each Gunman which like their accuracy and if ...
[11 replies] Last: what the heck? I need to relook at my code...because I put almost the ... (by giblit)
Need some ideas on how to do a raffle drawing
I am writing a small raffle program (as part of a larger program). The user can input a bunch of names and tickets purchased by that name. At the end, the progr...
[16 replies] Last: haha no problem. Glad I could be of help. (by giblit)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 66
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