Beginners - May 2013 (Page 23)

Help with two programs
I'm having a few problems with two programs I'm writing and can't figure out what to do to fix it, help would be greatly appreciated. #include <iostream> ...
[1 reply] : Problem #1 int sum(int , int); should be this int sum(int , int); ... (by Yanson)
Problem executing compiled code.
So I finally got my assignment to compile but I have no idea how to run it. I am writing a program for anagrams and I was provided with the main program and I w...
[14 replies] Last: Are you in CSCI 140 op? yes and please don't copy my code. You wil... (by wavebulb)
Battleship help!
A while ago I was here with a project on battleship. Now I am working with that program again for another project. I need to add a ship. I wrote the code but wh...
[6 replies] Last: ^^ Agreed with jidder. It would be nice to see the header and also I w... (by georgieboy)
someone please help
hello thank you for clicking this topic. I'm making a simple 2d game and I already have of my question solved, I can block off the left and the top parts of th...
[1 reply] : It looks like this is the important part: [code firstline=135] /* c... (by Chervil)
help meee
sorry if my english wasnt that good at first.. but anyways after I write my image .bitmap into the code and I cut off the image so the sprite will not be able t...
[1 reply] : If you know the height and width of the sprite, then you have your sec... (by Daleth)
by mrju5t
How to mulitply all inputs together?
I don't know how to feed a variable all the inputs and multiply them together? Also of all the input how do you grab the maximum and minimum value regardless o...
[12 replies] Last: I was curious as to what he was trying to do that makes a bit more sen... (by giblit)
Passing by reference to a try block?
How would I pass an object by reference to a try block? I am working with image sets in OpenGL and I would like to pass one to a try block to handle exceptions ...
[2 replies] Last: Please elaborate what do you have problem with? try block isn't a func... (by MiiNiPaa)
by ace55
Problem with array in method
I simply cannot figure out how to get my program to incorporate the methods for min and max. i know that the min is array and max is array how do i programth...
[9 replies] Last: Has anyone noticed that array sizes must constant and known at compile... (by TheIdeasMan)
c++ functions
Can someone please help me my programme is still not completely error free. Please i have been working on it all weekend long. I have tried several ways still n...
[1 reply] : You are setting greatest/lowest to grade then comparing try setting to... (by giblit)
Help with Script C++
Hello, i'm new to C++ and have just wrote this. Can someone tell me if its good or if it will work?, and how to improve it?. thank you. #include <iostrea...
[5 replies] Last: By the way what works for me is to study each section of the tutorial ... (by agnophilo)
c++ strings
Write a program that reads a series from the user and displays only those strings that start with the letter “b”.
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, you go do that. If you get stuck post your code and we'll help ... (by agnophilo)
Counting using switch statement
I eventually want the output to count the number of win and loses for the amount of rolls it took like 400 wins 500 loses with one roll 234 wins 434 ...
[2 replies] Last: int gameWonOne =0; int gameWonTwo =0; int gameWonThree=0; ... (by agnophilo)
Valid type indentifiers and their combinations
I hope I got that title right. I'm new to C++ and I've started reading the tutorials for a few weeks. I'm using MSVS2010 Ultimate and I was wondering how do you...
[3 replies] Last: Even if the size of two types is the same doesn't mean they are the sa... (by Peter87)
SDL surface pixel color/bits-per-pixel
Hi, I have a question about SDL regarding bits-per-pixel. By default it's set to 32 I think, but you could change that depth to 16 or 8 etc. I understand that ...
[5 replies] Last: Ahh, that helps a lot. So, since 8 bits per channel means there's poss... (by treefitty)
Genuine Assistance?
I think I can officially state that this isn't easy. I've spent the last week trying my hardest to learn C++ (which I have been, and I have grasped quite a few ...
[4 replies] Last: the book will teach you OOP in a week. (by MiiNiPaa)
by Daleth
Dynamic allocation check
I have this issue for which I haven't been able to find an answer through Bing or Google. My RobotExtension class's constructor takes a container of pointers to...
[2 replies] Last: Alright, thanks. (by Daleth)
functions in the programming
Can anyone help me with this. I am suppose to put out the students names and grade, also the total, average, highest and lowest. But everything i do doesn't wor...
[4 replies] Last: float largest(float grades) { float maxim; if (grades > maxim) maxim... (by IceThatJaw)
inquiry about while loop
why does the programe output the last two numbers 5 1 respectively ?? they should be 1 1 ???? #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main...
[5 replies] Last: thankss guyss (by elmoro15)
using map with a class method
Hi, I am stumped as to how I can access a map container. I am reading the key into the map via file I/O and later on in my program I want to print the contents...
[11 replies] Last: // class declaration void PrintSRCInfo(Records& rmap); if you are no... (by ne555)
by Leon23
Asking for Filename from user!
Hey guys! I wanted some help on filenaming! I wanted the user to input the filename. Also if he could also input the file extension, it would be good. Mostly, I...
[12 replies] Last: Look at the example here http:... (by MiiNiPaa)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 66
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