Beginners - May 2013 (Page 22)

In what order does the console read the code?
Hey guys. Second post :D So, I have a question. I'm about a week into this whole C++ nonsense, and I'm beginning to see something I didn't expect. As far as ...
[1 reply] : The code is read from left - > right from top - > bottom. Try this fo... (by giblit)
Beginner question
Hi, Sorry I'm trying to work through some of the beginner problems which are posted here I'm doing the "Bracket...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, I found this th... (by tractorboy)
Question pertaining to <xiosbase>
While using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, there's a class _Iosb within <xiosbase> // TEMPLATE CLASS _Iosb template<class _Dummy> class _Iosb { // define ...
[3 replies] Last: Edit: On re-reading, the post I thought might be interesting (now belo... (by andywestken)
by smkl
Ampersand differences
Hello, I am very new to C++ and am just learning. If I were to declare variable as this: int a = 7 int b = 6 int* c = &b This would simply mean t...
[2 replies] Last: This would simply mean that c = 6, correct? c has a reference to b. ... (by Peter87)
by kabuki
Help with strlen
So I created a box of asterisk so that I can output my data into so it'll look something like this ************ * * * * * * ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for sending me the link. It did solve my problem. (by kabuki)
c++ quetion 2
Write your question here. Write a short program that reads three non-zero integers from the user input and determines whether the values could be the sides ...
[5 replies] Last: No, it is a bad idea to remove posts. (by vlad from moscow)
c++ quetion
Write your question here. C++ i need this answer asap Fix all syntax error in this program. Submit the correct program and clearly state which lines had p...
[2 replies] Last: Where is the question? Seems like you need to do your own exam or do a... (by giblit)
Asterisk and pointer conversion
Hello, all I am pretty new to C++ but have some experience with Java and other programming language. Currently I am having some problem with the the asterisk an...
[6 replies] Last: I created a .h with what I need. (by BillWang)
by Vigii
How to find the difference between each iteration level
Hi, I'm writing a code for a type of numerical method solution. I got stuck at a point of implementing the check expression while the iteration is carried ou...
[2 replies] Last: If the difference value of n+1 iteration and n th iteration is equal t... (by Vigii)
syntax for passing parameter data at execution time in executesql
// Open the database database.Open(NULL,false,false,sDsn); // Allocate the recordset CRecordset recset( &database ); CString text; //Ge...
[2 replies] Last: it also makes it easier to respond to your post. In particular, tag... (by andywestken)
by Gaxt
How to sum ?
Hi guys . I'm new here and I'm kinda new to programing . I'm trying to complete the task from the book , I done something so far , but I ran into a problem. How...
[4 replies] Last: indeed. see my post. (by mutexe)
Some code I don't understand.
I was reading through C++ interview questions to quiz myself and look for new concepts to research and I found this question: "Write a short code using C++ t...
[4 replies] Last: There are two ways to check whether a number is even or odd. The first... (by vlad from moscow)
by Vigii
Plotting Graphs and contours
Hi Everyone, I'm a beginner to C++. I need some help in plotting my array which was my end result of my program and have to make a contour with the arrays ob...
[3 replies] Last: (by mutexe)
Pointers and Dynamic memory
This is a question about a homework problem and before anyone gets all mad, I am not asking for anyone to do this problem. I just have some questions about it ...
[8 replies] Last: It's good as example (Besides, you still didn't delete your array), b... (by S G H)
by Ludidi
Declare a structure Employee. An employee has a name, and employee number and salary. Write a function that takes a employee as parameter and prints out the d...
[1 reply] : Your definition of function taxPayable has several errors, including... (by Chervil)
How do I pass variable to function?
Hey guys, so I am trying to build a simple Linked List (Just practice NOT a homework assignment). I managed to make it without the use of functions but then my ...
[3 replies] Last: Try the following code. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> usin... (by vlad from moscow)
Problem with roman numeral converter (1,2)
Hello. Im trying to make a program that converts roman numerals to arabic numerals. I keep getting a error saying 'unresolved external', and I do not know why t...
[27 replies] Last: Test it on: (by Namy)
Help with passing values
Writing a program for class and I'm having a very hard time trying to pass values. The assignment says "Write the procedure GetPlayerNames, which will accep...
[4 replies] Last: You made the second (and third) change I suggested. But what about the... (by Chervil)
by sl227
need help with homework... assigning grades
here is the homework: Write a program that in which you provide 3 grade values (as literal values) and calculate the sum and average of the grades. Store th...
[9 replies] Last: @bibby6522 create a new thread. Aceix. (by Aceix)
by jidder
SDL Clips
Hi, Ive recently been using SDL(for graphics and sound) to create a game. Ive been using LazyFoos tutorials and everything works as expected. My problem is t...
[11 replies] Last: Yeah i understand what you mean now. That would be far easier. Thanks ... (by jidder)
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