Beginners - May 2013 (Page 21)

some matter about cin
i'm trying initializing two vector<int> with the ""while(cin >> num)"" loop,the code as you see. but i can't initializing ivec2, i don't know why... #incl...
[6 replies] Last: But I don't think failure is a decent way terminate the loop (even th... (by Chervil)
Help C++ dynamic programming
Hi guys, I'm working at a project about a popular italian game, but I've got any problem in the code: I want to get it better with vector or list for the imagep...
[4 replies] Last: Linker combines binary code "object files" into the executable. It ma... (by keskiverto)
want to play again?
I made a text based game where the player tries to guess a pre set number. That works fine. At the end there is a 'want to play again'? type thing. The main cod...
[3 replies] Last: Also single quotes (char). (by agnophilo)
by nxs
client/server problem
Hi everyone. Sorry for my English... So I am writing a client/server program and I would like to send a command that will be exexuted on the remote client with...
[no replies]
Uninitialized Local Variable within Case block.
Hi again, I am having problems with my case block. Within it is a variable called userChoice. This variable stores the user's input. I don't know why I am getti...
[1 reply] : line 11 is supposed to be before switch (by coder777)
MPIR installation help
Hello I am trying to install MPIR on my computer for the past 2 days. I am using windows7 + codeblocks + minGW. I downloaded MPIR 2.6.0 from their site and...
[no replies]
hello from serviceproz
Hello everyone, I was exploring this forum from a long time, I found this forum interesting so I join this community to get and share knowledge. I hope I will ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for showing interest. (by serviceproz)
string random [emergency]
help me how we use a string random in c++?
[1 reply] : tell more about what you're trying to achieve (by coder777)
I am positive I did this right but I can't figure out why when I compile I am getting a weird error. header #ifndef H_complexNumber #define H_comple...
[6 replies] Last: Yeah your right I just meant the prototype and definition header didn'... (by Yanson)
Being able to type int or char
I'm currently writing a program that will half simulate a modified version of poker. I am in a very early stage of the program which will be incorporated in a l...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you, this did end up working. (by dunnmifflsys)
Replacement for system("cls")
What is a replacement for system("cls")? I want to clear the screen and start at back at the top of it. p.s I'm afraid someone on this forum would stab me if ...
[2 replies] Last: (by Daleth)
need help with c++ program please
the program is suppose to calculate the mpg of 10 vehicles, and then average the total mpg for all 10 vehicles. i wrote the program, but it only calculates the ...
[9 replies] Last: sorry if its already been suggested. . . just trying to help out (by TECKSPEED)
Multidimensional array complies but fails to run
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void arrays(string location ); string location ; int main() { arrays(location); //This simple fu...
[1 reply] : Fix: Your an idiot (this is how i expected you guys to reply to me). C... (by TheGingerKid)
Sdl_surface arrays
I would like to know how to create an array of sdl surfaces. I've heard that its possible, but I'm not quite sure how. I think it involves something like this: ...
[1 reply] : SDL_Surface* surfaces[ 2 ]; surfaces[ 0 ] = SDL_LoadBMP( "surface1.... (by Fransje)
Function calling
How do you call a function?
[15 replies] Last: Ok, let's just try to explain this one step at a time. The simplest ... (by Austin J)
by vindel
Is it possible to make a conditional CIN?
What I mean by this is, is it possible for an IF statement to perform a given action if the CIN includes a given word? For instance, I'd like to give an answer...
[4 replies] Last: Wow. This is perfect. Thank you so much! (by vindel)
Need help with Functions please
I need to write the functions for this, but I can't seem to do it. I've spent way too long trying it, I know I've strayed away from the right track. Any help/ex...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
Why won't this compile?
Why won't this code compile? line 6 gives errors. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; string a,b,c,class...
[11 replies] Last: Solved it. Thanks. (by cometlove1)
SDL and opengl
So I have been using c++ for a few months now, and though not skilled am wanting something more. I am trying to use SDL and OpenGL for the creation of 2d games....
[1 reply] : Returning with 1 means that something went wrong. One or more of your ... (by Austin J)
Input file help
I am having trouble making the program open a file. What this program does is that it prompts the user for a file name so that it can open that file and count t...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks!! I'll try it (by UndeadNexus)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 66
  Archived months: [apr2013] [jun2013]

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