Beginners - May 2013 (Page 20)

Function with return array
Hello, I'm trying create a function that return a array with all ids. I tried the below code but not worked #include <iostream> #include <string> using...
[10 replies] Last: It is not very important for the question that you put a wrong code. I... (by vlad from moscow)
Eporting to a text file
I have built a number guessing game, and I would like to learn how to export name, score, and date into a text file, without erasing the last scores or input. ...
[6 replies] Last: out is always set for ofstream objects (even if explicitly not set in... (by andywestken)
by gaolou
A function call&return issue
I'm running the following code and it outputs 9. As I understand, variable x and ptr are allocated in the stack section of getInt() function and when it returns...
[3 replies] Last: Choice of compiler and compiler options (debug vs. optimized) can affe... (by keskiverto)
by eps0
Arrays: int vs char
Hi everybody, I know that the identifier for a number type array (int,float,...) is the pointer pointing the considered array. For instance int A ={1...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks to both of you. That is a very important detail that is kept we... (by eps0)
need your help !!
hey everyone am new here and i just need your help in some code . i need a program to input five student grades in five subjects and if the student passes them ...
[7 replies] Last: If not while. While will keep adding forever since no break For the ou... (by giblit)
AVL Tree, deletion.
Hello, I have trouble. It's old topic, where I found the example. But when I made some changes - I found mistake in this program. When you'll input: Add new val...
[no replies]
Function referncing
Hello everyone. I have a problem with referencing int functions. My function has three arguments so my question is, can functions with arguments be referenced a...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks alot for all the help and feedback, its greatly appreciated! (by LethalJ)
by rye88
Problem with my code C++ using Allegro 5 - R6010 Abort() has been called
Firstly Hi, I'm Ryan I just joined, this forum has helped me quite abit although this is my first post. I'm creating a game in c++ using Allegro 5, my deadli...
[no replies]
Help in program project needed
Need to do for school something that involves: "Your final project must include at least two components from our study, which are CPU (ALU), memory (memory addr...
[2 replies] Last: I bet that they are asking you to write a hardware simulation program,... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
Should I begin game programming with C++
I am not really sure if I should start here or not, or with what tool's I should use. I have no real understanding of it yet, which it might just be me. Althoug...
[6 replies] Last: I will look into creating tools for myself, but what should I use to d... (by cody mick)
Some questions + What compiler to use?
I decided to learn C++, and I bought the book "C++ A Beginner's Guide" (this one: to learn...
[4 replies] Last: > but why does the book tell me it's cstdlib? Don't know. Perhaps the... (by JLBorges)
Reading info from txt (1,2)
hello there, probably you're going mad with these kind of doubts but i really appreciate some help. I'm trying to get information from a txt file which looks l...
[24 replies] Last: If you're not familiar with defining your own functions, you should pr... (by Chervil)
segmentation fault on memcpy
Hello, everyone I am getting a segmentation fault on the memcopy statement in my student.cpp file. I am debugging it but the debugger I use really don't help me...
[4 replies] Last: ¿so? encapsulate your histogram. (by ne555)
I need help starting a Dice game
This are the instructions: You are to write a dice game for 3 players. The rules for the game are: The game ends when any player gets 100 or more points. T...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I'm just having problems with the loop statements, if ... and... (by Djmoist917)
by esulcs
I am new to C++ and am trying to do some example problems before my exam next week. Could anyone provide any insight on how to do this? Write a program seg...
[5 replies] Last: Oh, woops. I made a silly mistake. You're right, the initial value sho... (by Thumper)
unsuitable topic{it shouldn't be here}
Hello Everybody, I want to thank everybody who stood with me during this semester and answering me for all my questions about C++; today and thanks to god...
[no replies]
What is a good and simple Compiler?
Hi, I've yet to actually begin learning C++ as I want to obtain all the required softwares first and one is a compiler. I found a thread on here that spoke of ...
[2 replies] Last: Now THAT is what I like to see :) Thanks a lot (by laggninja)
I need help with a Assembly code. I know this is a C++ forum, but if anyone can help me I would very much appreciate it.
I complied this code, but there is an error message indicating there is a problem with the code. Please anybody help me fix it. SAMPLE program for arithmeti...
[6 replies] Last: Hey thanks guys, Sorry for the late reply. Anyways, a thanks to Chervi... (by Dave Jones)
help beginner
i have some cpp and hpp that download from a book. However, i do not know how can make it link and work. i think it may be the problem of directory. can anyone ...
[7 replies] Last: thanks, i have find the place for the include directory and it works.... (by huang11404)
by Razar1
whats in the array
Write your question here. greetings all first time here. some code submitted recently part thereof can anyone tell me what numArray =true does. does it as...
[1 reply] : numArray stores values of type bool (true or false) line 5 just does a... (by MiiNiPaa)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 66
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