Beginners - May 2013 (Page 19)

[2 replies] Last: problem with braces. please re-check your code (by abhishekm71)
For loops
hi guys, i would like to print something like 3 2 1 2 1 1 or 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 using a for loop but my codes are coming a...
[2 replies] Last: thanks very much dude!!!!!! (by louisane006)
by shenk
overloaded error
hi, i built a class name RobotDB, and i have a func thet delete the robot but when u try to build it at the cpp it give me an error: void RobotDB::DeleteRobot(...
[3 replies] Last: Double declaration? (by keskiverto)
Reading in from file
I have some data from an experiment that I want to analyse the format is : theta w(theta) err w(t) ( this part is not in the text file only num...
[3 replies] Last: I got it working here is the program that works for reference: #in... (by dhilchie)
How to Delete an Account from Simple Banking System Prog
This is a working program: If you create an Account then try to create another Account, it prompts: Account Already Existing. After you close the Account, you s...
[2 replies] Last: I thought about that too. I finally got it. Thank You for the assista... (by greenhorn101)
Trying to understand how to use the auto keyword correctly
Guys/Gals, i am a definite n00b. i started trying to learn C++ as my first language about 3 days ago. Please be gentle with me lol. Having said that, I have a b...
[6 replies] Last: @keskiverto. that was it. thank you!!!! (by modiesel)
by Vigii
My program doesn't gets stopped
Hi All, I have displayed a code. In this code at the last part of program I need to stop the program once when the condition is satisfied. But My program kee...
[8 replies] Last: You were pointed to return and you somehow found goto ?... (by keskiverto)
What does round to one decimal place of percision means?
I want to know what "Make sure the output of the program displays the number of slices in fixed point notation, rounded to one decimal place of precision." mean...
[1 reply] : Does round to one decimal place of precision mean that it should roun... (by Chervil)
Creating Retrievable Enemies
ok so please don't laugh at my code I have been writing C++ for about 3 weeks so I know its awful lol. I want to create class' of enemies that I can call on for...
[1 reply] : Create a constructor for your class which will create a ship with need... (by MiiNiPaa)
what is c programing language
can any one tell me in brief
[17 replies] Last: It looks like that you know nothing except games.:) C is used the most... (by vlad from moscow)
how can a client find a server
i need to create a client application that will search for any available servers and then be able to save that server, so the next time the client app is run it...
[3 replies] Last: so i need one server to store the list of all the other servers? Well... (by Peter87)
by Vigii
Maximum Array Size
Hi All, I'm a beginner and I wan to know what would be the maximum limit for arrays for one dimensional as well as multidimensional. Because I need to st...
[1 reply] : Here is a pretty good post that you might find useful: http://stackov... (by walrus)
How to make "for" loop print every power raised till given value in this code?
Hi! Very new to C and programming in general. I am just learning the ropes with mathematical console programs. Here is the code of what I have: #include ...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=Megakoresh]Then don't reply at all. Should I make a decision ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Multiple file access
Guys, Just want to know how to acess a method from a .h file in another .cpp file Correct my code below show. Ex: // main.cpp #include <iostream>...
[3 replies] Last: Did you add 'one.cpp' to your project? (by coder777)
by fblau
How to pass socket to a loop
I want to have the following process: 1. create socket to server 2. loop send data to socket end loop I can't figure out how to pass the int so...
[1 reply] : let setup() return the socketfd and pass that as a parameter to l... (by coder777)
how to merge classes
one class work at a time. how should i select the specific class after detecting the string? the strings should be "S" or "s" for square, "C" or "c" for circle ...
[3 replies] Last: class Shape{ ... (by Daleth)
Noob here, dont understand why my code does this..
When I run this program, on the surface everything seems fine. But when i type in multiple words, like 'hello there' it will do it twice. So if I space things e...
[2 replies] Last: Ah! It worked! Thank you much sir. :D (by Skillster)
Not sure what's happening...
I'm working on some code for a poker program. I'm in a very early stage, and right now I'm trying to test if two different values (that I get from the getValue ...
[1 reply] : First of all you should not declare global variables. Secondly that is... (by giblit)
Manual Square Root
For an assignment, I need to write a function that determines the square root of a number, by repeated calculation using the formula: NG = 0.5(LG+N/LG) Wh...
[2 replies] Last: Works as intended now. Thanks for pointing that out! (by DragonOfFreedom)
Returning an Array
I'm trying to make a function that will change an array of numbers into an array of different numbers. I have to return the array, but I'm not sure how to decla...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by dunnmifflsys)
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