Beginners - May 2013 (Page 17)

C trouble
So hi guys im new here. I'm trying to learn c++ char path ; cout<<"Enter the path:"; cin>>path; ofstream myfile; (""); I woul...
[15 replies] Last: Guys thanks to everyone who helped me i ve done it (by DeniLeet)
My loop keeps malfunctioning, Blackjack, HELP!!
When I run my code, my do-while loop keeps running even if the statement is false, please help!! #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime...
[2 replies] Last: your do while loop only executes once, but you don't wan't a do while ... (by Yanson)
by Zoo
Please help with -> symbol !
I really need a good understanding with -> . I went through numerous times through textbooks, but I just do not understand how to use it! Would someone please ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much! (by Zoo)
Infinite "fgets" calls.
Hey guys, as the title suggests, I'm having problem with fgets and my program in general. Here is the question I'm trying to do; Your task this week is to w...
[2 replies] Last: I understand the logic and that you used and I will use this in the fu... (by sebajun)
Help me understand these lines of code
This is for use with an array, it is being used in a program that counts each occurrence of a letter read in from a .txt file. The question is mostly about cha...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by acemanhattan)
have this program that everything works and compiles but in my output i have to sort by term(semester and year) order goes as follows Spring, Summer and fall al...
[10 replies] Last: programs due in like an hour really cant even think right now anyway y... (by Josh Henry)
Help with simple hangman
I started learning C++ in school this year ind I wanted to get some practice with doing some simple hangman game in console. I got stuck so I need help with the...
[no replies]
by Ispil
A Deck of Cards Review
I just finished with making a simple deck of cards... did I do anything in particular in a strange or unacceptable way, or is this otherwise-good code? main.cp...
[13 replies] Last: Alright, now I have the finalized code for the deck of cards. I moved ... (by Ispil)
why my code error from test=++exf++;
main() { int exf=25; int test; test=++exf++; printf("exf=%d test=%d",exf,test); }
[6 replies] Last: While it's not something you would hope to see anywhere, this is not u... (by cire)
stoul how does it work??
how exactly does stoul work. unsigned long x; x = std::stoul(result); but i get the error a3_p1.cpp:57: error: âstoulâ is not a member ...
[7 replies] Last: Or -std=c++11 , depending on the version of g++. (by keskiverto)
Unhandled Exception Problem
class Fraction { public: Fraction(); Fraction(int); Fraction(int, int); ~Fraction(); void setNum(int); void setDenom(int); int getNum(void) const; int...
[7 replies] Last: class Circle{ //... Fraction radius; }; Circle::Circle(const Frac... (by ne555)
polybius square help
i have to write a code for polybius square and this is what ive got right now.. im stuck on the coordinates part #ifndef POLYBIUS_H #define POLYBIUS_H #in...
[no replies]
my code not working pls help
This is a class based program that I have been trying to create.Its about accepting the data of 10(max)employees and searching for them according to employee nu...
[2 replies] Last: thanks itz working now (by cyberdude)
please help... really stuck
I understand this is an assignment help, i just need a little push in the right direction, dont need anyone to do the actual code or anything. just looking for ...
[no replies]
Issues with cin
I need to send an ifstream variable to a function, but the file directory needs to be user-defined. I have: ifstream inData; cin >> inData; The >> op...
[4 replies] Last: unless your doing c++ 11 in which case you dont need the .c_str() (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
help me stuck on this code
I have narrowed it down to something is wrong with this piece of code here. can someone see something that I am doing wrong that I am not seeing ? if(ra...
[3 replies] Last: Well, it would benefit from some else statements, just for clarity. Al... (by Ispil)
by fblau
Sending ASCII to serial port
Easy enough in python ;) but I can't figure it out in C++ Trying to send an ASCII 220 to my parallax LCD to make it beep. First you send a 12 to clear the s...
[1 reply] : char in C/++ is only an integer type of a specific size. It is not a... (by helios)
Missing " )" before "-"
I haven't written C++ code in a while can you tell me what the problem with his bit of code? int y = (((10 * Free_Space_Path_Loss) – 32.44) – 20 * (l...
[7 replies] Last: Aren't you guys overreacting a bit? Maybe he's using some exotic keybo... (by helios)
Linking arrays
Heloo, I create a function for entry with ids. The code is below.Now I need create a function for enter with the markers by id. Ex: id markers 12SA AABBC...
[13 replies] Last: [code firstline=25] int n; cin >> n; string* anim = getArray(); cout ... (by Daleth)
Finding letters in a string (1,2)
Hello guys, i'm new and I'm trying to compile a program that sees wether a user-inputted string contains the letter 'i' inside, using the find_first_of() functi...
[37 replies] Last: I dunno if your still working on it but I found this solution to check... (by pata)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 66
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