by DeniLeet
C trouble
[15 replies] Last: Guys thanks to everyone who helped me i ve done it (by DeniLeet)
My loop keeps malfunctioning, Blackjack, HELP!! |
[2 replies] Last: your do while loop only executes once, but you don't wan't a do while ... (by Yanson)
by Zoo
Please help with -> symbol !
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much! (by Zoo)
by sebajun
Infinite "fgets" calls.
[2 replies] Last: I understand the logic and that you used and I will use this in the fu... (by sebajun)
by acemanhattan
Help me understand these lines of code
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by acemanhattan)
by Josh Henry
[10 replies] Last: programs due in like an hour really cant even think right now anyway y... (by Josh Henry)
by mori170
Help with simple hangman
[no replies]
by Ispil
A Deck of Cards Review
[13 replies] Last: Alright, now I have the finalized code for the deck of cards. I moved ... (by Ispil)
why my code error from test=++exf++; |
[6 replies] Last: While it's not something you would hope to see anywhere, this is not u... (by cire)
by clangnoob
stoul how does it work??
[7 replies] Last: Or -std=c++11 , depending on the version of g++. (by keskiverto)
by earthearth
Unhandled Exception Problem
[7 replies] Last: class Circle{ //... Fraction radius; }; Circle::Circle(const Frac... (by ne555)
by misslmegan
polybius square help
[no replies]
by cyberdude
my code not working pls help
[2 replies] Last: thanks itz working now (by cyberdude)
by clangnoob
please help... really stuck
[no replies]
Issues with cin |
[4 replies] Last: unless your doing c++ 11 in which case you dont need the .c_str() (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by grodri9
help me stuck on this code
[3 replies] Last: Well, it would benefit from some else statements, just for clarity. Al... (by Ispil)
by fblau
Sending ASCII to serial port
[1 reply] : char in C/++ is only an integer type of a specific size. It is not a... (by helios)
by haniffdj
Missing " )" before "-"
[7 replies] Last: Aren't you guys overreacting a bit? Maybe he's using some exotic keybo... (by helios)
by cristinesel
Linking arrays
[13 replies] Last: [code firstline=25] int n; cin >> n; string* anim = getArray(); cout ... (by Daleth)
by damasta6
Finding letters in a string (1,2)
[37 replies] Last: I dunno if your still working on it but I found this solution to check... (by pata)