Beginners - May 2013 (Page 16)

I need big help
Ok so pretty much i have this big project in computer programming in my highschool and have no idea what to do in some parts of my program. I am doing a small t...
[2 replies] Last: the thing is that i want to use those but i have no idea how to (by austinthenoob)
Help with simple class definition using SFML 2.0
I'm trying to write a simple class that represents a missile (for a game). It uses SFML 2.0 and the class is basically a sprite type. Now the only interface fun...
[4 replies] Last: Like cire said. You want to use composition instead. You can inherit f... (by Dante12129)
by Blank
if/ else if
i was reading my c++ book and i came across this problem which is a checkpoint. basically a review that was read. i compiled this code and it displays 11. now t...
[3 replies] Last: wow im so dumb...thank you guys. i honestly thought it outputted 11 bu... (by Blank)
by eraily
Lend me a hand(switch statement)
I having a problem to key in marks 0-9 in order to get grades F, what's wrong with my program? Hope you all can tell me, I cannot think of it. Thank you. /...
[2 replies] Last: it's working, but when I key in 0-9 marks, I cannot get output grade ... (by eraily)
Why can't I change individual characters in a character pointer?
Is there any way around this? char * c = "Hellop"; c =' ';
[1 reply] : char c = "Hellop" ; c = ' ' ; std::string s = "Hellop" ; s = ' ' ;... (by cire)
program has stopped working
so when i go to run the program i just get a error message saying the the program has stopped working correctly. now i know im new like brand new to this so any...
[14 replies] Last: haha umm no but yes lol im using notepad++ and i certainly will go an... (by Deadly Dark)
Why is dangerous to run this?
I have an exam tomorrow and one of the question from the review is to explain it is dangerous to run a program with this part of the code and what could happen?...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by lucratico15)
SDL always stops runnning
Every time I run the below program, it always 'stops responding' in a few seconds, or if I click it. Which ever comes first. It does what it is supposed to do (...
[2 replies] Last: Try some of the lazy foo tutorials they are very easy to follow (by giblit)
How to character pointers work?
char * c = "Hello World" "Hello World" is not an address in memory. How does this work. *c='c' Why doesn't this work and what does the value it had...
[8 replies] Last: And, of course, C++11 has made this illegal (about time!) char* c = ... (by andywestken)
Array basics
Say I have an array that counts the occurrences of letters read in from a .txt file: After I've determined the index value denotes the letter that occurs the mo...
[5 replies] Last: Oh no I thought you meant right (by giblit)
Shifting letters on a specific interval
Disclosure: This is part of a homework assignment In order to decode a message I need to shift letters by an amount "shift" that is established using code I'...
[1 reply] : You could try something like mod (%) along with the absolute value fun... (by BigBlackSheep)
Basic Syntax
In the following code the output is: -4 4 Why is the value of n not permanently changed to -4? int n =4; cout << -n << endl; cout << n;
[4 replies] Last: Now that you mention, the pre/post increment/decrement operators do di... (by keskiverto)
Need Word Scramble advice
I am very new to C++ and programming in general, I am not looking for anyone to post actual code. I have worked through several books and tutorials. I want to...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your responses. I will work on your suggestions and hop... (by Oldmarrieddude)
Text Data issue (1,2)
Hi. I would like to be able to record a word in a text file and have the program see but not print that word. Then I would like it to say if (text == hobb...
[39 replies] Last: Thank you so much it is working. (by closed account NUj6URfi)
Basic Formattting
When using endl; is it the equivalent of using cout << "\n"; ?
[1 reply] : Almost, but not quite: (by keskiverto)
Calculator Program
Whenever I try to make a call to Calc function it says "no match to call, etc" I'm using Code::Blocks and GNU GCC Compiler #include <iostream> #include <Win...
[2 replies] Last: in my humble opinion, the problem is not only the function prototype: ... (by ar2007)
invalid type argument of ‘unary *’
I keep getting a invalid type argument of ‘unary *’ error and im not sure how to fix it. my program worked fine before i added this bit float mwth...
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by dhilchie)
Program not out putting last string
Hi I created a program that censors every 4 letter word in a sentence entered by a user. However for some reason if you type "Hi my name is Bobby" the program w...
[2 replies] Last: how do i fix that? take a way the +1? (by sakonpure6)
by trillo
Validation with while loop
Write your question here. How to write this validation program in c++? Write an imput validation loop that asks the user to enter 'Y', 'y', 'N' or 'n'.
[1 reply] : Have you considered trying before posting? Also google std::con or loo... (by giblit)
Help creating condition for while loop
I want the while loop inside my function to run as long as characters are being read in to it from main; int shiftFinder(char ch) { int letterCount ...
[3 replies] Last: Shouldn't need in your shift function but you should put something = s... (by giblit)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 66
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