by sams
pointer in c++
[2 replies] Last: this is a special pointer that all the instances of a class have, an... (by maeriden)
by axis7818
Saving data
[2 replies] Last: Your first thought was correct, but there are several ways to do that.... (by maeriden)
by blobeb
I have a question about c++/sfml
[3 replies] Last: Programs involving concepts you learn in the book. You can make progra... (by Daleth)
by eyeless71
I'm having trouble with string input in a loop
[5 replies] Last: JLBorges, thank you. This solved my problem and helped me to understan... (by eyeless71)
by genius9955
loop problem
[2 replies] Last: Building on what Dhruv already stated. The modulus operator (%) retur... (by Daleth)
by sakonpure6
How to find a char in a string backwards
[1 reply] : I did not find out any error std::string s( "My name is Bobby" ); ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Ramzi89
[1 reply] : Basically either Eclipse is not producing an executable after compilat... (by Ramzi89)
by freak04
c++ program begginer
[5 replies] Last: When you talk of assigning something to each name, I think you mean th... (by Chervil)
by acemanhattan
Preserving spaces in the following loop
[6 replies] Last: The reference section of this site is very useful. (by keskiverto)
by dhilchie
Over Filling Arrays
[2 replies] Last: Thanks that fixed it (by dhilchie)
by mystikal242
Problem In a Stack
[6 replies] Last: ... (by mystikal242)
by abhishekm71
"new", "delete", "memory leak"
[4 replies] Last: ok.. will need to read up more about RAII. thank you! (by abhishekm71)
Which Topics should i Learn to write a Library managment system |
[no replies]
by tharindu11
want to find the fault
[3 replies] Last: Works for me. Remember, you are outputting into file, not on screen. A... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Tstan
FOR LOOP Help! Sum of the Multiples
[19 replies] Last: For extra fun, think about (by keskiverto)
by crazyfool
error C2082: redefinition of formal parameter 'i'
[2 replies] Last: Websearch with the error message finds (among other things): http://ms... (by keskiverto)
by joey0xx
Problem converting a double to a char
[4 replies] Last: Just edited the code. Sorry I didn't add it sooner, I didn't think it ... (by joey0xx)
by zerowalker
Generate Tone C++ Visual Studio 2010 Express
[6 replies] Last: Beep() seems to reset all the time. I am trying to get a constant soun... (by zerowalker)
by pinkbawks
Filling a polybius square
[2 replies] Last: The 'Square' object is an array of square . It follows a polybius squ... (by pinkbawks)
trouble displaying array of structs |
[2 replies] Last: ok so I tried that and I am getting error messages. here is my new cod... (by theswellylife)