by Hvqc
Password script?
[2 replies] Last: well I wasnt planning on using it for any actual login stuff, it was j... (by Hvqc)
storing arithmetic terms to double |
[no replies]
by Gumbercules
Multiple files trouble
[2 replies] Last: Here, i had the same problem and it was solved. http://www.cplusplu... (by Rechard3)
weird errors *very long post* |
[4 replies] Last: Character.cpp now reads #include "character.h" Character::Characte... (by CalvinCreator)
by Ramzi89
Reading string as integer
[no replies]
by Jinjaninja1
Need Help With Assignment
[7 replies] Last: Someone please help? (by Jinjaninja1)
by tqit
spiral matrix
[10 replies] Last: run your original with n=m=10. Should fail. (by keskiverto)
by myregm
error C2143
[2 replies] Last: for cin>>a "\n"; you don't need the "\n" in it. cin >> a; What are y... (by crimsonzero2)
by Fourc00h
Pointer To Pointers
[2 replies] Last: Yes I'm aware I can do this much simpler or with no pointers at all bu... (by Fourc00h)
by dunnmifflsys
rand() not working
[1 reply] : add std::srand(std::time(0)); at the beginning of main() And #inclu... (by MiiNiPaa)
by jmazorra
Trouble with Class and Vector.
[6 replies] Last: Thank you all, this was extremely helpful (by jmazorra)
by junaidkhan
mutiplication table using functions
[1 reply] : How? By trying. Can anyone? Yes but does not mean we will. (by giblit)
by Rechard3
Microsoft's 2010, vector, multi-file.
[5 replies] Last: no, the post is not a joke, i just wanted to give the reader something... (by Rechard3)
by catdance
Priority Queue out of bounds
[1 reply] : Nevermind, I just found it. Forgot to check if the priority queue was... (by catdance)
Meaning of expressions like"%d" in c++ |
[2 replies] Last: I typically don't like using %d, but it is used for a placeholder of a... (by dunnmifflsys)
by Xhalite
Mingw32 run time error
[1 reply] : Ah, I am a total fool. I figured it out now, I looked it up and I'm su... (by Xhalite)
by kato
Posting vs XML
[no replies]
by bibby6522
[8 replies] Last: anyone plz!!!! (by bibby6522)
by genius9955
converting the loop
[1 reply] : while ((k<10) && (sum <= 10*k)) (by vlad from moscow)
by Edward01
problem with comparing two elemnets
[3 replies] Last: The same as your function checkExistance but does it correctly and cle... (by vlad from moscow)