Beginners - May 2013 (Page 10)

=== Thanks, guys
[4 replies] Last: Putting original code back. Please, do not delete your question after ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by shrina
function skipping
i have function that return values so how can i skip the first two functions and read the third function in main function it's like this one- int main(...
[4 replies] Last: Your function selectOption () uses values returned from the functions ... (by pogrady)
counting with char arrays
Here is what I am trying to do I have a one dimensional char array to which the size is set at runtime eg. char array I have another one dimen...
[6 replies] Last: something like... void increment_string ( std::string& s ) { for ... (by abhishekm71)
more efficient method?
I do not know why my method is not working.
[6 replies] Last: Please, go to tutorial section of this site and go again through lesso... (by MatthewRock)
Magic Square
Hello, i am new in this forum as you can see, i hope someone can help me out with this little problem, i have coded a magic square program in c++, it is working...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks guys! Will try that out. Cheers (by RoastChicken)
by zolo
reading and writing files
Hi, I am completely new to the forum and this is my fist post so I apologize in advance for inappropriate words. I am not a programmer but I have to use c++ ...
[9 replies] Last: Now I just have to understand why! fstream (C++98) does not take a st... (by coder777)
Ncurese printing shapes problem
now that my problem is i want to print a shape like below but all my coding is invain coz its not hapenning so can any one correct my coding the shape i want...
[2 replies] Last: thank u vry it worked (by dgcharitha)
help for ceaser cipher program
how does this program works ? can you explain step by step? #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much . now everything is clear (by henrymorgan)
by Ispira
Where to begin with basic game programming?
Hello everyone, I've recently been picking back up on C++ where I left off a while ago. What I want to begin doing is learning how to make games using C++ (S...
[2 replies] Last: SFML looks very promising, Thank you for the very straightforward, hel... (by Ispira)
decimal number
Write your question here. float c; float total; float average; float number ; cout<<"Number of units...
[6 replies] Last: Oh man. mine worked to lol but thx . ive just recognized that (1+2+3+... (by DeniLeet)
so I am making a multiplication table using 2d arrays but it wont show correctly could some one guide me right please. #include <iostream> #include<ioman...
[4 replies] Last: ahhhhh i c, man thank you very much (by science)
Decryption Program Broken
I am terrible at this. Learning a lot though. Can anyone point out where I went wrong? #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> using na...
[1 reply] : At first glance, line 77 should be else if (ch == ' ') . I don't hav... (by Branflakes91093)
Binary sort in large array.
Hey guys! First post. I'm having trouble with a binary sort with an enormous array. for(int i = 0; i < used; i++) { sorted = false; while(sorte...
[2 replies] Last: Oh my god, really? Well, thank you. I wonder why it was only affecting... (by chokfull)
How do you learn programming?
What is the best free way to learn coding without buying anything?I found some of the explanations in online C++ tutorials are quite limited and unclear.
[6 replies] Last: Incognito20, I found (by Donnie)
by symbit
cin skips a line, how to disable?
I'm writing a simple RPG, and am trying to utilize cin and switch, but my issue is that cin always skips one line, rendering me unable to use between menu borde...
[3 replies] Last: cin? or cout? They are very different objects. For cin: cin will by d... (by Daleth)
Char Pointers
I'm trying to work out whats the difference between all these char's and consts and what not. Searched a lot but I'm unsure about a few things whilst experiment...
[3 replies] Last: //After declaring C-string, an example of: // 1) modifying what is... (by Daleth)
Bifid cipher implementations won't compile
I'm trying to write the implementations for a program that will encipher/decipher input from the user using a bifid cipher based on a polybius square, but when ...
[no replies]
Function for intrest rate (C not C++ please)
I am currently taking a C++ class, however we are learning C before starting C++ and I am required to write a function that will calculate the intrest on a loan...
[1 reply] : (by ats15)
Strings rand
Write a program that uses random-number generation to create sentences. The program should use four arrays of pointers to char called article, noun, verb and pr...
[4 replies] Last: I dont know why its not generating 20 sentences... Do you mean your ... (by Daleth)
Won't write to file
This seems like it should work. I've ran my program and added a customer. At the end, she appears on the screen just fine but she's not appearing in my output f...
[4 replies] Last: I forgot the function that reads the file. Here it is. It does read ... (by catdance)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 89101112... 66
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