Beginners - May 2013

Running an external .exe in a console app
What's a good alternative to system(...)? I would like to place the .exe in the same folder as my program and run it without specifying the file path, like ifs...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, should have looked it up first. (by DrZoidberg)
Writing to/reading from files
When using ifstream file; ("Data.txt"); file >> variable; Is there a way to specify the line number, or another way to make it possibl...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you (by DrZoidberg)
Trying to extract a certain string from a text file
okay so im new to programming and Ive emailed my prof 3 times to ask for help but she hasnt replied, so hopefully someone here can help me out. I know I nearly ...
[1 reply] : Here the entire contents of the file is displayed. But you could easil... (by Chervil)
Working with Arrays and Loops
I am trying to create program that asks a students information. However when I run the program the first questions is skipped? How do I fix that? for(i...
[4 replies] Last: right clarification, miiniipaa. apologize for my lack of precision, bu... (by ar2007)
STL list, need help using remove
I am creating a "Graph" ADT using a multi-list for one of my c++ classes. I am not very familiar with the STL list object, and am having trouble deleting a Vert...
[4 replies] Last: No, that would not work. The parameter for remove_if is a predicate .... (by keskiverto)
by Nexy
friendship not being recognized
Hello, I'm learning about the friend function but I can't seem to get it work though. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? //Auxi.h #ifndef AUXI_H #defin...
[14 replies] Last: That still didn't fix anything. I get the same error and still can't i... (by Nexy)
Random Number Generation Issue
Hello everyone, I have recently watched a tutorial on generating random numbers, however there seems to be a problem with my code which doesnt show up in the co...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for all the feedback.... @dedlier Although with your method ... (by LethalJ)
Need Help with 2D dynamic arrays and finding largest product of any four adjacent numbers in the array (1,2,3)
Hey guys, I need help with writing a program that creates a 2D dynamic array from a command line argument and then finds the largest product of any four adjacen...
[40 replies] Last: We have already shown by pointing you to a thread that has an example.... (by keskiverto)
Please help me, about decimal in C++..
So, i wrote this code: //On a certain day the British pound was equivalent to $1.487 U.S., the French franc was //$0.172, the German deutschemark was $0...
[10 replies] Last: BTW... All standard i/o manipulators which set or reset something, w... (by andywestken)
Troubles with mancala
For my class I'm making a mancala game, but I'm having troubles with the actual movement of marbles in the game #include <iostream> #include <vector.h> ...
[no replies]
How to create an unclosable form ?
I want to create a form that you can't close. Obviously disabling the Control Box isn't going to be enough since you can still just use Alt+F4, Task Manager, et...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both, I got an in-depth answer in the Windows forum. (by DrZoidberg)
Opening new program from within a program
I want to open a new terminal window using a program just the way a window is created using the windows command prompt. I tried 'spwanl' but the child process d...
[9 replies] Last: Yes i understand that for creating a process, you need to use some OS ... (by letscode)
Memory Leaks. String Help
So, I'm having a problem actually understanding memory leaks I suppose. I thought I had a grasp, but I was mistaken. Visual Leak Detector has detected 5 leaks i...
[8 replies] Last: Does the standard allocator for string use memory pooling? Many impl... (by JLBorges)
ERROR: Label "foo" was referenced but not defined.
So I was fooling around with some C++ and got the previously stated error with some code that looked kind of like this: #include <iostream> using namespa...
[10 replies] Last: Anybody with access to this forum has access to the Internet at large,... (by MikeyBoy)
by Zexd
for switch
I wrote the following program... I didn't compile it yet because I am looking for the way to break a loop from switch statement. I tried Google, but no results....
[10 replies] Last: something like this? bool bStillGoing = true; while(bStillGoi... (by mutexe)
by tdk93
tried linklist implementation using two classes(node and list), error
i tried implementing Singly Linked List using two classes, SLLNode(node) and SLL(list class) Here're the implementations --------SLLink.h------- #ifndef INT_LI...
[3 replies] Last: It is obvious that instead of SLL *head, *tail; there shall be SLLN... (by vlad from moscow)
by Pebble
Simple Class: Path of execution.
I'm teaching myself about Classes so i can start using SFML, But Cant work out how the function at line 14 is called. Can someone explain the logical path of ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank's coder777. (by Pebble)
problem with atan in c++
Iam writing a program for my senior project its a program to input the current coordinates and the destination coordinates and output the compass angle that the...
[4 replies] Last: There are a few issues with your original code. if(x1=x2) if(y1=y... (by Chervil)
Program Crash
hey i took this code to see how my visual studio 2012 will respond and it crashed i took this code from the documentation // operating with variables ...
[6 replies] Last: some IDEs support two types of execution, one that closes after finish... (by Rechard3)
by herold
Help needed to convert path in C
Hello Friends, I am writing one module in which i need to convert the path of directory (Windows) but the problem is the path is without '\\' means it ...
[2 replies] Last: your question is not really very clear, i'm not sure i understood all ... (by Rechard3)
May 2013 Pages: 123... 66
  Archived months: [apr2013] [jun2013]

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