Beginners - May 2011 (Page 38)

by bacpp
QuantLib under cygwin
hi, I am trying to install QuantLib under cygwin. I followed the following instructions after downloading QuantLib-1.0.1.tar.gz 1. saved the .tar.gz...
[8 replies] Last: I cd'd into the QuantLib-1.0.1 directory and ran the gcc command but i... (by bacpp)
2D array doubt !!
Hi, This code should check each column and each row in a 2D array, but it doesn't work it gives random numbers after the array and then the program stop work...
[2 replies] Last: sorry, each column and row should not contain more than one digit fr... (by Thuraya)
by bbcc
references as inputs to a function
Hello every body, Could any one help me in understanding the meaning of giving the references as the input of a function. The example is: int boost_z (const...
[3 replies] Last: unfortunately, the amperstand is overloaded in C++ 1. sometimes, it i... (by kfmfe04)
Write a bit in a byte/char
Could anyone help me understand how to insert or write a bit in a byte? I have a homework where I have to implement Huffman algorithm. I found out the code f...
[3 replies] Last: So, if I understand, you want to output the variables in base 2 and no... (by LB)
best c++ compiler
where can i find the best c++ compiler that is easy to use and works well. I also want know where i can learn how to program
[2 replies] Last: c++ compiler that is easy to use They all work more or less the sam... (by Moschops)
conver char array to int number
hi i have an array like this : char x ={'1','2','3}; i want convert the array to int number like this: 123(the type of it , is int) can you help me? What a wa...
[3 replies] Last: just make sure your last char is null like this, if you plan to use at... (by kfmfe04)
Question regarding the storage of library functions
Hi there, I am aware of the fact that the function prototype declarations of standard c/c++ library functions are stored in Header files like stdio.h, conio....
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys. I appreciate the help :) (by LegendXeon)
Guys help me to learn C++
I just learning c++ about 3 days but overall i'm working in cmd app. How can I work with gui mode? Is it necessary to learn cmd mode for gui mode?
[5 replies] Last: Same thinking here. I have a book named"C++ gui programming with Qt" ... (by Sparkle24)
Convert string to int
Hello everyone Could anyone please tell why does the following code not convert the string into int? When I pass a hard coded string e-g "123456" then the code...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you (:-) (by vbaswant)
by ammama
can anyone make me understand this line please?? its something relating to pointers. \\*.*"
[6 replies] Last: The reference to a riot should point the thread in a whole new ... (by ultifinitus)
by tonnot
How to use << operator in 'continuous' mode and to determine the 'end' of sentence
I have the next class where I have defined << operator in order to debug my program. This class emit the results to a file, to a listbox, etc. I have : W_de...
[2 replies] Last: Solved. I have to use the destructor .... (by tonnot)
by clomer
gradient function
Hello, Im trying to do some very basic algebra in c++, im not using any maths libraries. I have my midpoint calculator working ok but when trying to calculate t...
[3 replies] Last: go back to the mathematical definitions: given p1 = (x1,y1), p2 = (x2... (by kfmfe04)
by kyleC
Deleting duplicates from an array
Im pretty much new to C++ and trying to write a program for class that asks a user input for an array, ends with a sentinel, and deletes duplicate integers, i c...
[2 replies] Last: and deletes duplicate integers The amount of elements in standard ar... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by splash
double log(double)’ cannot appear in a constant-expression
Hi, i try to write the following c++ program: .... static const int row=(dynamic_cast<int>(log(BHR_LEN*G_PHT_COUNT)/log(2))); static const int pht_bits=((3...
[2 replies] Last: You cannot use 'dynamic_cast<>()' in this context. See http://en.wikip... (by coder777)
by Eman
hello, I have to implement this function: void addTerm(double coeff, unsigned exponent); and it has to: // add term (coeff^exponent) to the polyn...
[4 replies] Last: you should use code-tags to make it easier to read ok - I see you hav... (by kfmfe04)
Why do I get a segmentation fault while trying to find the median of a Circular Queue?
The code is below. I get a segmentation fault in the "findMedian()" function. The logic behind the function is that the singleStepIterator goes to the next elem...
[14 replies] Last: np - glad you learned something :) no worries - I have difficulties "... (by kfmfe04)
how will I do this one? Problem statement: The gravitational attractive force between two bodies of mass m1, and m2 seperated by a distance d is given by F=G*m...
[4 replies] Last: My comment: The datatype of m1, m2, d, F should be "double" as well. (by chucthanh)
is this correct?
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main () { float x, xRad, answer; cout<<"Enter the value of x in degrees:"; cin>>x; c...
[1 reply] : You can check it by comparing the values given by the program to those... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Question about static members
Hi everyone! I'm currently trying to learn C++. I wrote a small program to get a little practice and now I have a question about static data members. Here is my...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the insight guestgulkan. I honestly didn't even think of th... (by cwj7897)
checking rows & columns in 2D array!
How to check each row, each column, and each of the nine 3*3 blocks that they contain one of the digits from 1 to 9 like the following board?? it will no...
[10 replies] Last: here is the code to check rows and columns , but It doesn't work it g... (by Thuraya)
May 2011 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 48
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