Beginners - May 2011 (Page 34)

star search program (1,2)
this is a list of directions that i have received for an assignment but some points i do not understand: Your program will have an input file that will con...
[36 replies] Last: urgent help is needed the variables are supposed to be read from a fi... (by UrbnCampr02)
Confusion with Vectors
The following code keeps telling me the "!=" isn't being used properly, but I don't understand why. int getLeftMost(BWTA::Polygon subject) { int left...
[1 reply] : Why not avoid confusion and use BWTA::Polygon::const_iterator ? I th... (by webJose)
by cmox
I need some help.
I need help with creating a program that allows the user to enter a payroll code. The program should search for the payroll code in the file and then display th...
[no replies]
Saving your Programs Data
Hello, I started a simple inventory program where you can check and add or subtract inventory but is there a way to save your data in the inventory? thanks in...
[2 replies] Last: Do you mean to save the variables values into a file to be loaded late... (by ModShop)
Graphic Help
Hello everybody, me again. i was wondering about graphics and how i can use just basic images to create somewhat of a game. So what i am saying, can i use like ...
[1 reply] : If you just want to learn ... (by ModShop)
Frequency Output
Hey everyone. I'm working on a project and made a lot of attempts to try to get this right, but I'm having a lot of trouble despite numerous examples online. ...
[10 replies] Last: Oh wow you're right and that fixed the entire thing. Now I just have ... (by ecstasyaeternus)
did i define the string true need help
char carModels ={"ford focus""honda civic""citroen couple""peugeot 208""mazda RX6""golf GTI"}; how i can define that string ?
[17 replies] Last: thank you ı solved the errors :) ı may want again for other programs... (by malikrgc)
Function definition with pointers
Hi... I am finding the following part a bit difficult as I find hard working with pointers... Somebody please help me out...
[6 replies] Last: No, a function pointer is a pointer, so ptr() or ptr = func is technic... (by firedraco)
programming jobs (1,2,3)
Hey everyone, quick question. Is it possible to get a programming job without having a degree? Also, how many languages do you usually learn for programming?...
[45 replies] Last: Torvalds knocked together Git in a couple of weeks. History does not r... (by Moschops)
ClassName(int l=3, int b=5, int h=8) { length=l; breadth=b; int height=h; } is this a constructor with no parameters?
[3 replies] Last: No. You can clearly see that ClassName has arguments. A constructor ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Having trouble accessing memory location of private class member
I get the following runtime error when trying to access the private member char *name. Can somebody give me suggestions on how to get rid of the run time error ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. (by wildman0501)
what is it mean if I initialize array like below int array ;
[3 replies] Last: That means that you'll have 2 rows and 4 colomns :)) here's a simple ... (by Janlan)
by ogward
send an array to the consturor
Hi there! i have this 2d double pointer array (?),called graph. I would like to read in a text file to another array lets call it cities, then send that arra...
[13 replies] Last: I can't say what is wrong with your code. However, here's a working e... (by hamsterman)
what's wrong with this???
I wrote a program that will allow the user to guess a character from a to z.But the program does not compiled.I m using Dev C++(Bloodshed).Tell me whats wrong w...
[3 replies] Last: there should be a semicolon after while(tryNum<=5) a do loop is a st... (by nomijigr)
Popping off vector.
A while ago i post a thread about greedy function. So let's say there's a symmetric matrix that represent the distant between each city. I am to write a func...
[1 reply] : right off the top of my head, if you use a list<> instead of a vector<... (by kfmfe04)
by shurix
Dictionary like setup
Hi,I am new to c++ and I am stuck. I have a text file. There are word pairs separated with "," formated like word translation,word2 translation2,word3 tran...
[no replies]
Class SIP
Hi Looking class to support SIP? I want to call mobile phone wiht use my VOIP provider.
[no replies]
how to remove a character from cstring
i am using the following code to tokenize a character array for(int i = 1; i <= count+1; i++) { name = strtok(NULL, "("); type = strtok(N...
[1 reply] : (by matsom)
by zeus
No errors in DevC++ but tons in MS Visual C++
5 years ago I tried my hand at C++. I only wrote one little program (Date Calculator) and I remember compiling it in DevC++. Today I found a draft of the code ...
[1 reply] : My program code..... Id like to add this is my very first bit of codi... (by zeus)
how to add digits separately
Hi i m just a beginner to C++.I only want to know that how can i add digits of a given number separately and get a single digit answer.e.g. User entered "5323" ...
[4 replies] Last: have you learned how to write a function yet? if not, I would recomme... (by kfmfe04)
May 2011 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 48
  Archived months: [apr2011] [jun2011]

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