Result not changing |
[6 replies] Last: @ Shacktar, I dunno dude, it said it was compiling. But it is most lik... (by PraxxtorCruel)
by FilipeVasc
File Compresor
[1 reply] : Your code is not compressing/decompressing correctly, causing file cor... (by h3432)
by biancaj
[3 replies] Last: There's a whole sticky thread on this: (by Disch)
by llVIU
[9 replies] Last: The need for downcasting is actually quite rare and using it is usual... (by shacktar)
by CodeMonk
error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'fstream'
[1 reply] : Just from looking through, here's what I notice: You #include fstr... (by Danny Toledo)
by kyranstar
For some reason, my if statement never runs.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I didnt know that. (by kyranstar)
by RayHanz14
Makin' Change
[3 replies] Last: Secondly on line 3 I have it listed as a "double" but then as an "int"... (by RayHanz14)
by CodeMonk
Adding user acounts to current game
[5 replies] Last: Well, what you could do is this: 1) Create a simple menu that allow... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by Kieth89
Don't understand exactly how char * months[12] works
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I see. I would have never thought of it that way, but it actually ... (by Kieth89)
by Guluck
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot. (by Guluck)
by brijach
Help needed on a quick, easy-to-solve program
[6 replies] Last: I can help with functions. A function is a chunk of code, as you know.... (by lfnunley)
by unbekant
sizeof struct with one member
[3 replies] Last: Yes, when you have a struct containing a single field of type double, ... (by webJose)
by tonnot
How to store char (byte) buffers into a vector?
[3 replies] Last: The allocator is an object responsible for providing memory to the vec... (by webJose)
by malvado
C or c++ (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: I can't say I remember exactly what it was but I remember it being lik... (by Computergeek01)
by tonnot
About iostream and buffers and arrays and vectors and the ways to communicate all of them
[no replies]
by akilguo
Redefinition Error with CFree5!
[10 replies] Last: I had a similar problem but I had declarations and definitions in one ... (by caballero)
by jason55915
Class Problem
[3 replies] Last: Fraction.operator*(n1,d1); What are you trying to do here? First ... (by freddy92)
by mitadya
OpenCV DevC++
[5 replies] Last: I looked around on various forums and opencv's site, but I couldn't fi... (by mitadya)
by GUY25
How to check if string does not equal something
[9 replies] Last: This is just a nitpicky thing, but most of us prefer to read the code ... (by lfnunley)
by Rwkeith
Mysterious Error from simple code...
[4 replies] Last: I fixed all of the errors. Here is the revised code if anyone would l... (by Rwkeith)