by BenjaminB
Weird error
[5 replies] Last: Well... It worked!! Thank you! I inserted that line between line... (by BenjaminB)
by jaeger138
Confusion over code that won't break right
[8 replies] Last: I appreciate the formatting concerns and help but were I to do this su... (by jaeger138)
by salih555
Put int in int array
[7 replies] Last: Hopefully you are able to use std::deque so that you can grow the arra... (by kempofighter)
by SnakeJam
Let User Make New Object of a Structure
[2 replies] Last: I don't know anything about map, but based off of what I have read jus... (by SnakeJam)
by Schraiber
Non-aligned pointer being freed
[1 reply] : I found one issue, which is that I wasn't actually filling my vector o... (by Schraiber)
by boiwonder
linked lists problem...
[2 replies] Last: omg, thankyou! I can now rejoin the living. I compile. Logic is... (by boiwonder)
by CodyS
[11 replies] Last: That little snippet I gave should be used in a loop, and the final res... (by Albatross)
by gter2010
why processing time is so slow
[15 replies] Last: Thanks, everyone, it works now. (by gter2010)
by Macz1
Making graphic API's (1,2)
[24 replies] Last: Id have to see the code but cheers (by Macz1)
by brgms
Constructors / Destructors
[4 replies] Last: Thank you (by brgms)
by dvdbrander
double mess
[5 replies] Last: I've solved it. int (doublename) (by dvdbrander)
by Chipmunk
Need assistance with a Banking code
[2 replies] Last: My try I used switch statement #include <iostream> using namespac... (by thapchi)
by Deluge
Accessing Member Values from Static Member Function
[4 replies] Last: Got figured out wh... (by Deluge)
by Blooded
String array declaration error
[2 replies] Last: doh! thank, feel a bit slly now. this would also hold true for any... (by Blooded)
by NickL
getline returns whole file contents
[8 replies] Last: Denis I didn't notice those changes in your code, you were indeed c... (by NickL)
by Deluge
Trying to Debug
[2 replies] Last: Appears to have be... (by Deluge)
by terier
Finding isolated nodes in graph :(
[6 replies] Last: Yeah. It works only for the first node in the graph. There is a proble... (by terier)
by johnnylo
int * numchar() can not return an int
[3 replies] Last: As I think you don't understand difference between pointers and variab... (by Denis)
by making
error c2447
[6 replies] Last: making , As I said I do not want to be harsh. It is not my intensi... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by jaeger138
Unresolved Externals Error
[4 replies] Last: Yeah no worries, to be honest the only issue I didn't notice was the '... (by jaeger138)