Beginners - May 2010 (Page 26)

Unhandled Exception - Divide-error Exception RPGDM.CPP 2394
Hello, I'm getting the above error when I try to run the following code, and it gets to the marked line. The game stops and I get a blue bar going across that ...
[3 replies] Last: Albatross: Thank you for the help, but the information you linked me ... (by leadergld)
leap year function niggle...
Hello all! Am thick in the middle of some Mayan calender conversion but having a mental block with my leap year function. The function is supposed to take th...
[2 replies] Last: Cheers Imi, Getting back from a few days away and reading your post... (by dan1973)
by dasman
Changing an object while loop
Hi, I have a program which continously captures images from the webcam and does some processing (in a while loop). While doing this processing a global q...
[1 reply] : You'll probably have to create a new thread... Hope that helps (by attaboy)
fahrenheit to celsius conversion problem
So I am trying to write a program with a function that prompts the user to enter degrees Fahrenheit, and then convert it to Celsius in main(). The program compi...
[4 replies] Last: Then firedraco is right. Just read up on them and you'll see it. But s... (by MottMan)
Second Form Loading
Hi guys, I'm writing a windows form app in VS2005 and the main app works fine, infact I have now gotten the second form problem solved, my question s more of...
[no replies]
char * to char array
Hello all, i'm kind of new to c++ and need some help. ok, so I have a function that returns a char pointer. I want to copy the array of chars that it points t...
[3 replies] Last: Use a for loop. (by firedraco)
[Linker error]
Hi Everyone, I'm on my final stretch for this program but now im getting something that I cannot for the life of me figure out ..... [Linker error] undef...
[3 replies] Last: Just a suggest for further posts, try using the <> format symbol. That... (by MottMan)
by mzdr
Biggest number
So Im a noob and all but I kinda catch on quick and I was fiddling around with some code from another post, something about putting numbers in descending order....
[15 replies] Last: thank you (by mzdr)
insertion sort of char array and occurence of the letters
hi!! I have been trying to do char array which provide correct insertion sort order for the texts written in small caps using the English alphabet,and when you ...
[10 replies] Last: Try an integer array of length 26 along with a switch statement. Or me... (by Albatross)
Functions and structs
okay so i have this struct, a struct i have used for an array. thanks to those that have helped me it is working. although i run into a problem with i attem...
[3 replies] Last: The prototype is basically the same as the definition, just without th... (by Zhuge)
what are wrappers? what does it mean when people say that they will write a wrapper?
[1 reply] : (by helios)
by ollie
I am trying to get uniqueID in the following segment of code to count how many times the if statement gets used, but all i get is a list of 1's. Any ideas?? i...
[1 reply] : line 3: you are initializing uniqueID to 0 every time condition is tru... (by Null)
by drc
[1 reply] : Check the tutorials for your answer. We don't give out full answers to... (by Albatross)
by tmwirt
Finding a C++ compiler
I can't find a compiler online that won't cost me an arm & leg.
[16 replies] Last: You could try a Linux VM with VMware Player or some other virtualizati... (by moorecm)
while using code block for the first time and trying the simplest program, it is showing me the error: "It seems that this file has not been build yet. Do yo...
[3 replies] Last: You compiled it from inside the IDE, correct? If not, then you might h... (by Albatross)
How to declare double pointer dynamically?
usually how we initiaze the declared pointer. Say In header file : char* name; In CPP file : name = new char ; I need to do similar kind of dynami...
[5 replies] Last: Yes. (by kbw)
written questions
hoping people can help each other with written questions on c++,provide answers etc.
[5 replies] Last: Since I take it jsmith defined all these as pointers, I'll just slip i... (by Albatross)
whats wrong with this //catchOS 1.0001 full adding, subtracting //multiplying and dividing calculator #include <iostream> #include <stream> int main (...
[1 reply] : The if else part is completely wrong: if (plusminus = add) a + b =... (by Bazzy)
raw data file.
i am trying to ifstream variable values from an outside file. only problem is that it stops after a space. ex. "plain eggs 1.49" will only output ...
[4 replies] Last: oh my word, thank you so much. i know that will work. thanks again. (by kybbles)
Shred Program
I have written a simple program to 'shred' a file - the same idea as is provided in linux via the 'shred' command. I realize my program is not as complex or rob...
[8 replies] Last: You should teach somewhere. I will have to look into those items li... (by closed account Lv0f92yv)
May 2010 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 33
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