Beginners - May 2009 (Page 6)

by jimctu
Type detection
hi everyone... i´ve got a little problem here... I have a Char* and it will have a number, that can be an int or a float... but i need to know what is t...
[2 replies] Last: i´ve search for a " . " in the char... it works =) thx for the... (by jimctu)
Pointers and Declaration of Pointers
Hello Everyone ! I am starting working with C++ language and I have the following doubts: 1. Is there any difference when I specify the following members ...
[6 replies] Last: I never knew that and that also explains why my first pointer never wo... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Creating static and dynamic libraries ?
Hello, how can I create static or dynamic librarlies ? I'm trying to write my own library for using SNMP with C++. I have a project written with QT, and I thi...
[1 reply] : go here: ... (by writetonsharma)
C Pair
Don't know if this is a nub question or not but what's the difference between a C Pair and a two-member struct? Or should I say what are the advantages of a pa...
[5 replies] Last: So it's just a helper utility. That clears that up. *checks answered* (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Header files missing
Good day. I'm an absolute beginner. Why is the proxy.h, socket.h and in.h and some other is not available i did use codeblocks, dev c++, VS 6 and theres no such...
[3 replies] Last: I tried that already. Anyway Thanks Guys! (by thetransltr)
Input Strings and Operations
Hey Guys Just another issue with C++ that I need help with. How do you program that if the user enters a particular string, an operation occurs. For ex...
[3 replies] Last: @Tevsky switch works only with integral types @wizard25 If using C+... (by Bazzy)
Delete Repeats
I have to write a function that takes in an array of characters, finds the characters that are repeated, delete them, and move the rest of the characters up one...
[1 reply] : ...Well, what type of string are you using... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Beginer problem
I dont know if it is corect cuz is givin me error #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,j,m,l,n,x,plus ,minus ; co...
[4 replies] Last: sorry, i had a bad version of c++. my bad. (by militiask8)
Windows bases database
I currently manage a database in Excel, and I have a friend in the UK that thinks that I should be using Mircosoft Access to do my database. It sound great, but...
[3 replies] Last: The database will be in one central location application, but will upl... (by tinkertron)
sequentail access file
i have a sequential access file named number.txt which contains the numbers 10 thru 20 I'm trying to write a program that reads the number.text file and add a v...
[4 replies] Last: In your for loop for (int x = 0;x += 1) write it like this for(i... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Question on functions
For my class i have to write a program. It must have: - function named check () with three arguments; 1st argument is an integer number, 2nd is a double prec...
[4 replies] Last: ha you caught me, but ya that link explains what im tryin to say (by jloundy)
by dman
Why use append for strings?
whats wrong with: std::string st; st=""; st+="dfjsdjfls"; st+="dfjklsjdfl"; std::cout <<st; as opposed to using the append method? Is there a me...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thats good, i was wondering if it worked like C# where it creates a... (by dman)
easy question: if, else if
Do I have to use braces after "if()", if I use "else if()" or "else"? Which one is correct, or are they both correct? if(x == 0) dosomething(); else if...
[5 replies] Last: there correct, but you really should just put brackets around everythi... (by jloundy)
write game Disk Shooter
Hello everyone! I'm a newbie in c++ and i do not have much knowledge, i have to write a full source code of the game Disk Shooter, below is the content, please ...
[4 replies] Last: A diskShooter for a homework question - come on #1 you ask us to sit ... (by jloundy)
by sonix
structures, pointers, convert IP
Hi there. I´am begginer in c++ and I would like to learn about socket connections. I have a problem with this: inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)H->h_addr). I know how ...
[2 replies] Last: I was read it, and I can working with pointers, but i don´t know abou... (by sonix)
by cantog
Function return address, not value from array
I have an array consisting 5 int values. When I try to get the value from one of the elements in the array I just get something that looks like the address. Ca...
[9 replies] Last: I recommend that you use the tool that makes the most sense. Don't tr... (by cantog)
Inserting a .txt file
Hey guys Can someone please write and describe the steps for inputting a .txt file into a C++ program. I need my program to output information based on the ....
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> // dont forget this #inclu... (by jloundy)
knowledge of c++
are these true or false. can someone help me 1.A function prototype tells you all you need to know to write a call to the function. 2. A local variable d...
[11 replies] Last: when you don't know... proudness makes you say "is too elementary....... (by mcleano)
Compare last and current response
Hi, Currently, I'm struggling with this comparison problem and I have been searching for solution for these past three days, but I can't seem to find an answ...
[2 replies] Last: Store them in an array and then see if they equal eachother? Perhaps s... (by mcleano)
LoadResource, FindResource play Wave file
I'm trying to play WAVE file via sndPlaySound using this solution I know I just could use PlaySoun...
[1 reply] : hInst is a handle to your window. In order to play the music you need ... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
May 2009 Pages: 1... 45678... 21
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