by conejo5991
file manipulation
[2 replies] Last: You are looking for an interpreter. Check out Tcl http://www.tcl.... (by Duthomhas)
by Legend28469
Array problem
[1 reply] : You are going about it the hard way. Use opendir (), readdir (), an... (by Duthomhas)
by jayt
any ideas about recursion ?
[14 replies] Last: a nice recursion example--not as challenging as the binary search invo... (by Joe101)
by ibama
Another array problem
[11 replies] Last: sorry people. Newbie here. Okay don't have a cow, man. (by ibama)
by jayt
template question
[5 replies] Last: yeh helios ! I got it Thanks (by jayt)
by MrProfit
Passing dynimic matrix to a function
[10 replies] Last: You are right, on line 88 there is a stupid mistake. I dont know if l... (by MrProfit)
by webbywebb
i Hope i did this right
[2 replies] Last: 2. should be friend bool operator==( const Worker& w1, const Worke... (by jsmith)
by MarcioAB
polymorphism example (beginners)
[3 replies] Last: I would rename Swap() to something else then. swap has a specific mea... (by jsmith)
by steinzfan
File Manipulation in C++, is what I have so far ok?
[1 reply] : You never stored anything -- you only read each line and echoed it t... (by Duthomhas)
by mac7
Dynamic array of arrays
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a ton Duoas, But I don't see the dynamic part of the arrays ... (by mac7)
by kamikkaze
variable int with other type of value
[2 replies] Last: What does "escolhaJog" mean? (by Hammurabi)
by Comrade
Troublesome output placement
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, I appreciate the help. (by Comrade)
by cookiedianne
Advice on Histogram
[1 reply] : I would say ... no. You are using old-style headers. Do this instea... (by Hammurabi)
by ddamq
Problems with char array and atoi function
[1 reply] : #include<iostream> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char* r... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Bv202
Vector question
[3 replies] Last: vector<> has an insert() method that takes two iterators which define ... (by jsmith)
by syardhi
"space character"
[2 replies] Last: For user input, you should be using getline () with string s. #i... (by Duthomhas)
by karalius
i need suggestions in c !!!
[4 replies] Last: thanks for your replies.. I have finished the game. I prefer to use... (by karalius)
by Joe101
Please point in right direction
[2 replies] Last: Disch, thank you yet again. (by Joe101)
by drunkenmonk
copy an instance of a Stack class?
[1 reply] : Your stack is a stack of ints held in a fixed array. You can do a bit... (by kbw)
by kfex
cc1 error fixed on dev C++ for vista
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