by sdmf omerta
macros with c#
[1 reply] : For such a simple task, you can use any language that allows you to in... (by helios)
How to write in fail class |
[9 replies] Last: So you're trying to do binary object serialization. In that case your ... (by Hammurabi)
Cirillic output in VC 2006 |
[1 reply] : sadly -- C++'s built-in support of Unicode is nonexistant as of the cu... (by Disch)
by littleimps
Error: no idea what the error
[4 replies] Last: Is there an explanation, due to how the compiler parses C++, of why ";... (by wretch)
by nanger
[4 replies] Last: thanks! (by nanger)
why while(cin>>num) one time |
[1 reply] : it should be cin >> num If you stop the loop by entering an invalid... (by Bazzy)
about implementaton of list |
[3 replies] Last: In stl have a iterators. In my header member-function at(index) retur... (by Ivan Dimitrov)
by wabbz111
C++ classes
[1 reply] : The problem is, in order to verify correct input for BodyStats::Find... (by Tevsky)
by camo coder
Problems exiting from main
[3 replies] Last: That would just make it heap corruption instead of stack corruption, w... (by Disch)
by kyle11778
SDL problem
[8 replies] Last: SDL Comes with documentation from memory that's pretty handy. Otherwis... (by Mythios)
by Tripic
Vector problem
[5 replies] Last: I will have to try that for (PlayerNumber = 0; PlayerNumber <= ... (by Tripic)
by littleimps
[3 replies] Last: I agree the easy thing would be to have each print something diferent (by Tripic)
by VictorH
iterator classes
[3 replies] Last: Following up jsmith's comment, read the docs for a couple of the std a... (by kempofighter)
by wabbz111
classes problem
[2 replies] Last: I hope this helps #include <iostream> #include <string> class ... (by kfex)
by marko k
binary tree beginning, need one more function
[1 reply] : You can't go back to the root from a node in a proper tree, since it d... (by helios)
by jayt
Inheritance question
[7 replies] Last: thank you grey wolf (by jayt)
by Sycrupol
Why i get this result?
[1 reply] : Would you care to share the results of your debugging? If you already... (by kempofighter)
by nanger
about pre-compile #include directive
[1 reply] : if you need fstream in all those files, you can have it just in func.h... (by Bazzy)
by shaun111
file output
[9 replies] Last: BTW, there is a good bit of information about handling BMP files here:... (by Duthomhas)
by littleimps
unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall PigLatin::PigLatin(void)
[2 replies] Last: thank u, it solve the problem. (by littleimps)