Beginners - March 2019 (Page 20)

Problem with pointer to pointer
Hello, I want to swap a pointer wich points to another pointer which points to an array. I can do it if the pointer points to a variable but not to an array....
[4 replies] Last: thanks a lot :) (by lecram3000)
Having trouble using pointers with classes
So I am getting a segmentation fault at tech_name = new char[strlen(temp)+1]; strcpy(*tech_name, temp); in my input function, and I'm not sure if I ...
[9 replies] Last: First, let's take a look at your void tech_list::input() void tech... (by fiji885)
Hi, I am supposed to write a program that reads the binary file timelog.dat and saves all data from the sensor A into the text file A.txt. The rest of the data...
[5 replies] Last: Corrected errors in the code above. Sorry. I thought I had a clean c... (by AbstractionAnon)
How to set one static editor window in background and other static edior text on top in vc++ ?
I am working on vlc library libvlc in mfc vc++.In this, I have two static editor window .In one window video is playing and in another window, I send the text.I...
[1 reply] : Hello pankajlata, Your question looks more appropriate for the "Windo... (by Handy Andy)
Algorithm to find all possible combinations given the length of the number and what numbers are available
For example: Let us say we can use any number from 0-4 and we have numbers that can be 4 digits long then there would be 5^4 = 625 possible numbers that you ...
[15 replies] Last: One thing I am confused about it, what does this do and how does it w... (by lastchance)
Can you use seperate files as arrays of stings?
Write your question here. I was trying to make an program that lets you test your typing speed, but ran in to a problem. I want to use a seperate file (.t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. :) (by wetSheep)
[4 replies] Last: Great, another hit-and-run delete all the information poster. Expect N... (by salem c)
After login works, how to get to next menu
I am writing an ATM code for beginners using different functions. I am attempting to do it with call by reference. I tried using strings for username and passwo...
[7 replies] Last: Hello JLaw21, Eventually you will find out that when you #include <s... (by Handy Andy)
Why is my templeted linkedlist outputting '0' ?
I have been trying to figure this out for a few hours. any help will be appreciated. NodeList Header file #pragma once #include "Node.h" template <class T...
[5 replies] Last: yes (by fiji885)
currently taking an online course nd Im havin trble with this asnmnt,I would appreciate hlp nd wil post my bad code 4guidance
Write your question here. Demonstrate event-controlled loop using boolean flag to present a menu. Use nested decision structure to process each choic...
[2 replies] Last: oops, meant to post what I had before based on what I found but I'm af... (by victryhard)
banking program, function not calling
hey, so i have to create this banking program for my cs1 class and for some reason after my createAccount function is used and i go to my logIn function it does...
[no replies]
Overloaded function
I wrote a piece of code like this in order to read a file and copy the content into another file. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace s...
[6 replies] Last: Got it, thanks (by thinhphucvang)
Recursive function to reverse the words of string
Hello, I am supposed to make a recursive function which will reverse the words in the string.. I have made one program but that program reverses all the chara...
[2 replies] Last: Some thoughts to help you through: 0123456789012 "Hello world!" ... (by Duthomhas)
How can I make it so that this code generates the board without any of the console "flashing" occuring?
I had to remove a room so that I could fit it in the content limit, so just don't try to enter room 5. w, a, s, d to navigate the board. #include <iostrea...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you jonnin . Using system("cls") (or any other code to clear... (by Duthomhas)
Can't get to the right answer
I'm probably stuck starting from line 33rd and up to 37. I have a text file : 5 // How many times went to fill up fuel 7 100 // the first digit is how much lite...
[2 replies] Last: static would fix it. That is a good solution. the function ecovid ... (by jonnin)
Consolidate daily sales to sales of a month
Hello, I have daily sales imported in a vector of objects class adb private: long S_Date = 0; // Date yyyymmdd double S_Amount = 0; // Daily...
[7 replies] Last: thank you for your help - I learned a lot!!!! Now I have changed struc... (by formatyes)
Void function refuses to work
Despite all the mess you gonna see in there I need somehow to make my void function to work and not give me error : "C:\Users\dulin\Desktop\New folder\darbas.c...
[3 replies] Last: Actually the type of the parameter vid in EcoVid(...) is int while y... (by coder777)
by yjin6
Question about reference
I am learning to use a c++ library, where there is a class called Point, and point has a member function called square. I defined a function as: double c...
[2 replies] Last: References are not the same as pointers. They can be used in similar w... (by Ganado)
For loop welp me
I have a text file: 5 7 100 6 112 12 160 5 80 9 150 n is number how many times a guy went to fill gas. The first number is fuel (l) how much he filled. And the...
[5 replies] Last: Okay thank you very much for the help and explaining about the "intege... (by DdavidDLT)
Pair of numbers using vector
This piece of code is not using the stl pair but vector of vector. I am not able to understand how it is taking a pair as input that too with only one "cin" K ...
[5 replies] Last: When you said a pair of numbers, I automatically thought of std::pair.... (by AbstractionAnon)
March 2019 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 25
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