by wowisay
[2 replies] Last: wowisay, what you need to do is stop deleting your posts when you get ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Gdi32lib.h |
[7 replies] Last: A DC is a device context . This is explained in the link. If you wan... (by Duthomhas)
Queen's war |
[1 reply] : Find the number of rows between the queens and the number of columns b... (by Browni3141)
by Alb13G
For loop to add int between two numbers
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Zivojin I wouldn't have thought of the if/else Thanks for the t... (by Alb13G)
by wuwy
How to read from file with a function?
[12 replies] Last: IMO, Beginners especially should not be taught using namespace std . ... (by mbozzi)
by AL88
How do I overload the < operator to make my sorting algorithm work?
[6 replies] Last: You really should define a specific sorting order for your data. For ... (by Duthomhas)
Splitting a String - Errors (expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token) |
[7 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply, I'm sorry I've responded so late. I was thoro... (by PiggiesGoSqueal)
by wowisay
[6 replies] Last: Do NOT delete/modify your posts, that is VERY rude. This is not your ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by kyrresc
Regarding arrays
[3 replies] Last: Yes, there is some similarity. But there are some key differences as ... (by salem c)
by yat89
Sum up vector and insert function for 2d vector
[11 replies] Last: Hi keskiverto, it is possible for me to use std::pair, if I read data ... (by yat89)
by damphy
[11 replies] Last: Let assume you put anger levels in array ,but first element in array i... (by Zivojin)
by kyrresc
Basic question regarding <iostream>
[2 replies] Last: There are two ways to include a file: with angle brackets or with doub... (by dutch)
by Dr4g
Problem with strings.
[4 replies] Last: there may be better ways, but one easy to follow way would be to itera... (by jonnin)
by calioranged
OpenGL - glShaderSource
[1 reply] : Find by example. (by salem c)
by sara91
Vector size
[8 replies] Last: MikeStgt, its okay. I really appreciate your effort to help me. Same h... (by sara91)
by stillBrazy
PLEASE HELP!!! I'm short on time, or else i'd work on it myself
[2 replies] Last: some quick direction on an easy design struct amenu { string word... (by jonnin)
by sturk
Issue with line class
[3 replies] Last: And what have you been 'given', and what have you changed to get into ... (by salem c)
read file |
[8 replies] Last: I reworked the program, now it's a little hex-printer :) *edited #... (by nuderobmonkey)
by Bopaki
How can I solve this error:
[1 reply] : Okay I have found and resolved my problem. Thank you all!!! (by Bopaki)
by defs
Overwrite a line in structures.
[1 reply] : i did find my mistake.. if someone needs then the right code is - v... (by defs)