Beginners - March 2019 (Page 18)

[2 replies] Last: wowisay, what you need to do is stop deleting your posts when you get ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
So I am trying to use the setpixel function but I need a library Gdi32lib.h and a DLL Gdi32.dll. first off, I am very new to c++ so don't judge me on these ne...
[7 replies] Last: A DC is a device context . This is explained in the link. If you wan... (by Duthomhas)
Queen's war
On chess board are 2 queens. I need help to check if they are attacking. In one line are cords of both queens, cords are separated by space. Cords of one ...
[1 reply] : Find the number of rows between the queens and the number of columns b... (by Browni3141)
by Alb13G
For loop to add int between two numbers
The for loop outputs all numbers in between adding up. how can I output just the sum? Can anyone see where I went wrong. this is the program Write a program t...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Zivojin I wouldn't have thought of the if/else Thanks for the t... (by Alb13G)
by wuwy
How to read from file with a function?
Hello, I tried browsing the web and looking at different places, but I can't figure out how to write a function that could read from text file. Basically what I...
[12 replies] Last: IMO, Beginners especially should not be taught using namespace std . ... (by mbozzi)
by AL88
How do I overload the < operator to make my sorting algorithm work?
error: no match for ‘operator<’ (operand types are ‘bool’ and ‘const string {aka const std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>}’) const addressCard &obj1...
[6 replies] Last: You really should define a specific sorting order for your data. For ... (by Duthomhas)
Splitting a String - Errors (expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token)
I've been reading solution #1 of: The particular code I'm referring to from ^ that post is: htt...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply, I'm sorry I've responded so late. I was thoro... (by PiggiesGoSqueal)
[6 replies] Last: Do NOT delete/modify your posts, that is VERY rude. This is not your ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Regarding arrays
Hello, I have a question regarding arrays. I made the following code: void fillInFibonacciNumbers(int result , int length) { result = 0; res...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, there is some similarity. But there are some key differences as ... (by salem c)
by yat89
Sum up vector and insert function for 2d vector
Hi all. I got a task to sum up 2d vector. But each time the amount of the summation reaches 50, I need to insert the value of 0 and sum up the next number until...
[11 replies] Last: Hi keskiverto, it is possible for me to use std::pair, if I read data ... (by yat89)
by damphy
Chef went to the store and saw a long queue. There are N people in the queue (numbered 1 through N from the front of the queue to the back); as it usually happe...
[11 replies] Last: Let assume you put anger levels in array ,but first element in array i... (by Zivojin)
Basic question regarding <iostream>
Hello, I've been programming in C++ for a few weeks. And up until now, I've just been using the "std_lib_facilities.h" header by Bjarne Stoustroup. Now I want ...
[2 replies] Last: There are two ways to include a file: with angle brackets or with doub... (by dutch)
by Dr4g
Problem with strings.
I wanted to write a function that returns string without characters between first and last small letters 'a'. Function returns wanted output, but in main it pri...
[4 replies] Last: there may be better ways, but one easy to follow way would be to itera... (by jonnin)
OpenGL - glShaderSource
Can somebody please try to explain parameters two and four. I am trying to create a shader from source code and I'm unable to interpret from the OpenGL document...
[1 reply] : Find by example. (by salem c)
by sara91
Vector size
Hi, I'm beginner in c++. I would like to ask. How can I standardize the size of each row by putting zero at the back of row. Then the solution should be: 11...
[8 replies] Last: MikeStgt, its okay. I really appreciate your effort to help me. Same h... (by sara91)
PLEASE HELP!!! I'm short on time, or else i'd work on it myself
Write a program that displays the following menu: Select your menu: 1. Lunch Special, $10.59 2. Burgers and Fries, $13.50 3. Gumbo, $10.0...
[2 replies] Last: some quick direction on an easy design struct amenu { string word... (by jonnin)
by sturk
Issue with line class
Hi, I have a problem with my line class, in that I am stuck trying to get the code to work. My logic is wrong I'm sure of it. But not sure how to fix it. I need...
[3 replies] Last: And what have you been 'given', and what have you changed to get into ... (by salem c)
read file
Hi, I am writing a function that reads the text file “smslog_eng.txt” and creates a new file containing all posts coming from the phone number 0702-235689...
[8 replies] Last: I reworked the program, now it's a little hex-printer :) *edited #... (by nuderobmonkey)
by Bopaki
How can I solve this error:
I get this error when compiling: cAssignmentOprOverload.cpp:61:36: error: no match for 'operator ' (operand types are 'const cAssignmentOprOverload' and 'int')...
[1 reply] : Okay I have found and resolved my problem. Thank you all!!! (by Bopaki)
by defs
Overwrite a line in structures.
Hello, So right now i`am writing a project( banking system ) and i`m stuck at deleting a line from file. Program deletes all lines after input.. ( if want to d...
[1 reply] : i did find my mistake.. if someone needs then the right code is - v... (by defs)
March 2019 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 25
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