Beginners - March 2018 (Page 9)

complie error
my code stops running at populate_div_sales(div_sales, div_regions, 4); and gives me errors saying en242@cs04:~> c++ top_div_array.cpp -o top_div_array /...
[2 replies] Last: Hello poonamp6792, Adding to what coder777 said what that confusing c... (by Handy Andy)
by GonlyG
Exception in finding a string in a 2D array
I have a function where I must try to find a string in a 2D array of strings and obtain the row and column which I found the string. My code is as follows, but ...
[5 replies] Last: only occur when there is an error? What error? What error do you ex... (by keskiverto)
Getting cpu temps using WMI
Hello I downloaded: this software to generate wmi code for temps. Generated code from software and changed to su...
[3 replies] Last: Up. (by speed258)
Counting the number of Even and Odd numbers
Powerful Techniques to remove urine out of your Futon mattress. In the Event That You or your household have young kids or Pets, th...
[1 reply] : % is the modulo operator if (integer%2 ==0) your other erros look d... (by ne555)
compilers and assemblers
Hi guys I am reading a book called computer system architecture by M. Morris Mano anyway I skipped to the chapter on programming,and it says that a compiler ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello adam2016, anyway I skipped to the chapter on programming,and i... (by Handy Andy)
by zapshe
A way to search input for a specific character?
Hi, I've been coding A LOT and so I've been wondering lots of things - I feel like I'm spamming the forum. However, I do look for the answers before asking them...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Thomas! I looked up the find function and it'll work for what I... (by zapshe)
Combining strings and numbers
What is wrong with my code? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int age = 20; char name = "Jake"; cout << "Hello " + na...
[5 replies] Last: Put your ego back in its box. Trial and error? Sure, that's great. ... (by Repeater)
code doesn't compile
so my code works in shell but doesn't work in pico c++ editor .cpp compiler these are the errors i get: top_div_array.cpp:81:71: missing terminating " cha...
[1 reply] : You have got one more end brace on line 62-65 than needed. This would ... (by Peter87)
how to delete a line from a file
if i have a file i am reading from for example A 3.0 5 B 2.1 2 .. if i want to delete line b if the int 2 reaches zero how can it be done?
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much. (by Echelon22)
how can i end this loop
masters how can i end this loop. pls #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a=20, b=40, c=60; bool d= true; while (a<b) cou...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout <<"thank yo... (by jamesgodspower)
all I want "now" is some kind of beep sound after I trigger a event.
[1 reply] : cout << '\a'; or Beep(523,500); // 523 hertz (C5) for 500 milli... (by SamuelAdams)
C++ Grid for TheNameGame
Hello, I am literally just starting a class for C++ and below is one of the assignments the teacher gave. i am currently confused about how to actually get the ...
[1 reply] : Hello loskers, This is better. Sorry it took so long to see your post... (by Handy Andy)
Why my result always be incomplete
When I run this program, the results are weird, there is always a (0,0,0) on the first place in my vector, and one of my job is absence. When I comply my code, ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks guy, rly help me a lot (by cabbdeng)
by zapshe
Using || (or) with cin.ignore ?
Hi, I have two characters that may need to be ignored up to. The problem is, it can be one or the other (never both). I'm forced to use two if statements in ord...
[7 replies] Last: The code for making "myVoid" would be counterproductive for me as the ... (by zapshe)
by JakeTL
Sentinel Help
So I'm making this program to take the absolute value of any integer that I give it. So I can't really make a sentinel with an in int value because that would b...
[2 replies] Last: I'll give it a shot Thomas and report back! (by JakeTL)
sound in DEV C++
Is it very hard to code a wav sound file in DEV C++? Thanks, Chester
[5 replies] Last: Maybe like this: (by Thomas1965)
Overloaded operators and copy constructor
so I have some trouble with my code, not sure if its something wrong with the copy constructor or the overloaded insertion this is the DoublyList.h #ifnd...
[5 replies] Last: Can anyone help me with this? I have provided all files that were part... (by kikiyox77)
Vector output
I dont understand why its printing the word with 'a' it should print words without 'a' in string. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <v...
[1 reply] : It looks like you check function's logic is wrong. Also you really do... (by jlb)
[2 replies] Last: Yes (by garza07)
tic tac toe
Hi I have made this simple tic tac toe game for my project for school. At the moment the game only ends when there is a winner. I have tried loads of things to ...
[15 replies] Last: I'm sorry and thanks will create one right now (by loskers)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 7891011... 29
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