Beginners - March 2018 (Page 27)

undeclared identifier errors despite no undeclared variables
In visual studio I am trying to build my solution but continually get C2065 errors that claim that many of my variables have not been declared. This is not true...
[4 replies] Last: That did the trick! Thank you very much. (by vaderboi)
How to specialize a class template?
Hello Community, It seems, that this time I met my 'master' in this problem. Meaning, I do not have any clue how to approach this problem, and here is why. - ...
[19 replies] Last: Cubbi, thank you, I try my best. To answer your last question first.... (by Misenna)
Pointer to struct
[1 reply] : struct someStruct { int anInt; string aPhrase;} }; someStruct* p... (by Repeater)
Storing related inputs from four datafiles
Hey Guys, I am at the final stage of a model I am working on, where I am optimizing the variance, to get the best parameter fit for my results compared to clini...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, lastchance. Your first case above is probably what I will like to... (by Kloppite)
File Input and ouput homework
All shorts of lost. PLEASE HELP!! Background: A local college stores information about students pursuing a degree in Computer Information Systems in a fi...
[6 replies] Last: You want as many variables as whitespace-separated things there are i... (by keskiverto)
help a guy out
Consider the following class: 1: class GrabBag { 2: public: 3: void open(); 4: void close(); 5: bool isOpen(); 6: void add (Junk j); ...
[5 replies] Last: Put another way, which of those functions look like they might try to ... (by Repeater)
Counting the number of letters/digits
My goal is to write a C++ program that can read a text file and: * Count the average number of letters/sentence. * Count the total amount of digits. The ...
[4 replies] Last: How do you propose to Count the average number of letters ?... (by SamuelAdams)
by jblsx8
Determining a straight in poker
[9 replies] Last: JLBorges, Thank you once again!! I did not know it was possible to "c... (by jblsx8)
Help adding a Class in C++ need help!!! (1,2)
Hello, I am trying to incorporate the following into my code I have a difficult time adding these features please assist with adding the following to my prog...
[21 replies] Last: seems to be working ... (by icy1)
by cidex
Problem with getline, page system
Hello I have to make a text file database. I have a text file with 16 car names and this code. First question is, why in void Addnew it skips first getline inpu...
[3 replies] Last: Well trying to randomly read a text file is slow and error prone so pe... (by jlb)
Printing out a list that is private member in class
Hey! How can I print out a list using overloaded operator<< when my list is a private member of my Lexicon class? class Lexicon { private: ...
[3 replies] Last: you can make that overload friend of the class and move your code insi... (by Marcus Aseth)
Random double generation
I'm trying to generate a random double between -1 and 1, should have 2 significant figures i.e. 0.23, here is what I have so far but it repeats the same number ...
[7 replies] Last: I don't think these will become deprecated in C++ before they become d... (by JLBorges)
Thanks! One more issue
Alright! The only issue I am having with the program now is that it isn't working as it should. 1 through 3 registrants should be 150 per. 4 through 9 should be...
[3 replies] Last: Q: What do we know about numOfRegistrants after line 25 (i.e. when t... (by keskiverto)
Help with loops & if statements
I need to create a program where given an integer n (input from the user), the program determines the equivalent of n in the roman numeral system. The user will...
[3 replies] Last: I'll show you my two implementations with the purpose of learning in m... (by Marcus Aseth)
by stav
Inheritance public vs nothing ?
Hi i was wondering whats the difference between this: class child : public parent { }; and this: class child : parent { }; ?...
[3 replies] Last: Oh yes, what he said. Child, not parent. I don't think I've ever not e... (by Repeater)
How to create file using calculated data
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to create a txt that will display information such: ------------- LAST, FIRST Gross: Tax: Tax: Tax: Net: ------...
[1 reply] : See: (by MikeyBoy)
What is wrong with this else if statement?
I have a multiple if, else if, else statement and the problem is that even when a condition is met and the associated code is ran the else statement after is al...
[1 reply] : Are you sure that one of the conditions is being met? Have you observ... (by MikeyBoy)
Exit print statement not working.
I am writing a program that starts by printing a menu. The user then picks 1-6 from the options. If they pick 1, it should print an addition problem using two r...
[3 replies] Last: I suggest that you don't mark the question as solve when it isn't. Cha... (by coder777)
Repetition and Nested Loop Structures
Write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter a number and then prints the “bow” pattern shown below. ***** **** *** ** * * ** *** *...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main... (by lastchance)
Help needed with Hangman game
I am a beginner beginner and have a few issues with this code. First of all, I don't know how to code the number of words into the random. The random does...
[4 replies] Last: It's all part of learning! (by bronnynmynie)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 2526272829
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