Beginners - March 2018 (Page 25)

Use 2 nested loops
I'm beginner C++ and I need so help. I started but, i think i might doing it wrong. Write a program that prints a pattern follow: Prompt the user for a numb...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> int main() { int size ; // the size of the s... (by JLBorges)
by edsoul
Help with reading in a complex number
Hey there all, long time lurker, this is my first post!! This is an assignment I have. Just need someone to look over this and tell me what I'm doing wrong!! I'...
[4 replies] Last: Hey thanks! I actually got it to work before I looked at your comment ... (by edsoul)
by Vendal
Help with assignment
Hi! For one of my assignments, it requires that I code a program that can store, delete, and view an archive of the users favorite games. It's a chapter introdu...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> int main() {... (by JLBorges)
Simulating KeyDown for creating Video Game Auto Run
Hi all, I am new to C++ and attempting write a console application that make my character Auto Run in game. I have written the part of reading the game th...
[2 replies] Last: helios, Okay, I know it is probably a stupid question I just wanted t... (by ScottDurkin)
Program using Bubble and Selection sort
Hey guys. I am working on writing code that will swap using both bubbleSort and selectionSort. However, for the two functions, I have to use two other functions...
[2 replies] Last: AAAAAAAND I did it! Sorry for posting when I was able to figure it ou... (by likeohmygodisthatstnick)
Stop Console Input (cin) from reading input twice.
So this is what I don't understand with this code of mine. When program control enters the do-while loop during execution, cin repeats whenever a zero is input ...
[1 reply] : The output doesn't belong to the if statement If you format your code ... (by Thomas1965)
Help with reducing number of loops & if statements
I need to create a program where given an integer n (input from the user), the program determines the equivalent of n in the roman numeral system. The user will...
[1 reply] : Double Post: (by chicofeo)
undefined reference to
Hey guys first off please bare with me the code is quite long but I will note that the error occurs in the initAge function so most of the code you can ignore i...
[5 replies] Last: thanks guys yeah it was a declaration mistake I had initDate instead o... (by adam2016)
Matrix of any size
I'm trying to write a code where the user inputs the size of the 2-D array and then adds the numbers. If I try it and input for example r=2 and c=3 It doesn't ...
[3 replies] Last: Boost also provides a multidimensional array library. http://www.boost... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Class C++
Hi everyone! In this class example i can use N in the constructor, however in the function it doesn't work. What is the solution to this? P.S (I don't want to p...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your quick response! (by RytisBe)
why is the result wont show?
Why this code wont work some functions: 1. Its just repeat with the same input value ('suhu' wont add with 10 as I wish on the second loop until the end) 2. m...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so muchhh :"))) HUG SCREEN! (by heyitsme1998)
Can you guys what is wrong here?
On codeblocks it says: |In function 'void highestScore(int)':| |76|warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]| |80|warning: statement has no effect ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Peter87. Now my problem is to output in a tabular form and I d... (by ParadOx22)
Calendar Code
I am trying to make a calendar at any given year where the user inputs the year they want(where the program will check if it's a leap year) and they would also ...
[1 reply] : If your problem is only the spacing between columns in output, you cou... (by Enoizat)
overloading problem with linked list
hi guys I recently asked a question about overloading the post and pre fix incremental operators with enums but now I am trying to implement a way to get the cu...
[2 replies] Last: I need an int in the arguments to verload the postfix operator but th... (by Enoizat)
Calendar-- Loop Design
This has been irritating me I couldn't really find a solution. The top row seems to shift than the other row. I really don't know how to fix it! \ #include...
[3 replies] Last: Letting the standard library <ctime> do all the heavy lifting: #in... (by JLBorges)
Need help.
Grade wont output. *I only placed grade for A for now to test* but then it wont show. #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct sData { str...
[1 reply] : findGrade is never called. sGrade has not been assigned a value when y... (by Peter87)
Finding the Mean, Median, and Range of an Array
I am having trouble determining how to calculate the median for my array. Additionally, I am not too confident in my solution to find the range of the array. ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <... (by JLBorges)
Stubbed function- cannot convert...
I would like for someone to explain what I got wrong and what that error means. I would also like to know how you got your answer as well. #include <iostream> ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for all your help! I realized what I have done wrong. it was... (by evargasl)
Looking for a prefix in another string in a std::list<string>
I want to send in a string to a function That looks for every word in the list that starts with that prefix and then put that word into another list and return ...
[3 replies] Last: std::list<std::string> words_starting_with( const std::list<std::stri... (by JLBorges)
Is C++ Primer fifth edition now obsolete?
Hello, google couldn't answer so now I'm here. I didn't buy my class textbook and instead am using C++ Primer, however I just noticed it's teaching C++11, shou...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both! (by sciman777)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 29
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