Beginners - March 2018 (Page 24)

by Neahle
Graphics in C++?
Im fairly new to C++, and I wanted to know if there is a graphics header? and if so, can you guys give me an example of how to code a circle that moves? I have ...
[1 reply] : There is a graphics header file to which if i'm not mistaken it's real... (by stonedviper)
C++ code explanation for game.
Hi guys im in my first year of uni doing programming, I'm making minesweeper and I need to list all the variables and stuff and explain what they do but the fun...
[3 replies] Last: How about some more online material: (by keskiverto)
hey guys just a few quick questions in I/O,I'm going over it at the moment 1) how come we iobase and ostream classes constructor protected basically not allo...
[2 replies] Last: how come we iobase and ostream classes constructor protected basicall... (by Repeater)
Opening the cd drive
Hi guys I am following a tutorial to open the cd drive on windows this is the tut I tried lin...
[8 replies] Last: I just find it weird that some functions will work without linking ag... (by Repeater)
Rock Paper Scissors Game for Project plz Help
Hi I need to make rock, paper and scissors game for my project. I was stuck and don't know what I did wrong in the program. Thanks in advance. //Rock p...
[3 replies] Last: Be more careful as you write, and try the program out a few times as y... (by icy1)
Monte Carlo Pi
Hi all, I am very new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated. I am currently trying to write a program that determines Pi using the Monte Carlo method...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you lastchance, this is much simpler than mine and makes a lot m... (by jordanhood1234)
Everything is fine until I got the result of cos x at 90
Everything is fine until I got the result of cos x at 90. Can anyone help me to find whats wrong with it? :'( I got the result for cos(90) like this 6,0873...
[6 replies] Last: Just kinda summarizing advice from Peter87 , John56432, lastchance int... (by icy1)
random number generator not working properly
I'm trying to generate random social security numbers from 000 - 00 - 0000 to 999 - 99 - 9999 , so what I did was generate a random number from 0 to 999999999, ...
[1 reply] : rand() generates a random number between zero and RAND_MAX. RAND_MAX ... (by Repeater)
Need assistance with starting my assignment
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this problem. Please help me get started. Problem Description The Dubuque Table Tennis Club wants a prototype pro...
[no replies]
by Vinz24
creating game character using class
Hello! I'm making a turn-based battle RPG battle program. Some feature of my game is choosing what type of character (warrior, wizard and archer) and choosing e...
[4 replies] Last: Here is some sample code to get you going... #include <iostream> #inc... (by Manga)
I'm bad in coding. i need someone guide me for this assignment please.This is my assignment task •The main objective of the project travelling agency Emmanu...
[6 replies] Last: Hello mister2018, As jonnin said most of time the class definition is... (by Handy Andy)
Homework trouble. Can't get my programs to work
can someone help me fix this. Not sure what to do here. I have to fix all four and can't get any of them to work. number 1 #include<iostream> class Worker ...
[1 reply] : private prevents using things. So for #1 your first problem is making... (by jonnin)
Class Assignment
Having trouble with this assignment not sure how to fix all 4 things. having difficulties with all of them. Please help. number 1 //DEBUG1-1 #include<...
[3 replies] Last: just compile them check does: using namespaces std; ; << . { } (by jamesgodspower)
Homework. Please help
Having trouble figuring out these 4 debugs for class. Can someone please help me fix them. Number 1 //Chapter 6 Debug 1 #include<iostream> class Aut...
[1 reply] : I don't see how one can help without doing the homework for you... xD ... (by Marcus Aseth)
how do you make if the item on the menu was selected by user and print its bill. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct menuItemT...
[2 replies] Last: Hello ParadOx22, The first thing that is missing is the header file "... (by Handy Andy)
Help! Trying to input checked INTs to an ARRAY
Hi, I am trying to make a part of a program that I can input multiple int values and the program checks if they are within the certain range of numbers, if n...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much! This did the trick. (by TheMina)
What's wrong with my code
The code should calculate the inverse tangent of the x-radian value entered by the user. It uses the following equation: The summation from n=0 to N of (((-1...
[3 replies] Last: You don't re-initialise each of res1 and res3 before you try to comput... (by lastchance)
I'm having trouble solving this assignment. I know some parts of the code are messed up because I have tried some things right before I placed it here and it di...
[1 reply] : I want know if I am on the right track. I think you are, but there a... (by Enoizat)
Help with class assignment creating a bill.
hello everyone! i hate to be a pain in the ass but im in the process of trying to complete a homework assignment for class using functions. the program seems to...
[1 reply] : All of your functions promise to return something but they actually ne... (by coder777)
Calculator program using '^' power of 2
Write an even better calculator program calc3.cpp that can understand squared numbers. We are going to use a simplified notation X^ to mean X2. For example, 10^...
[5 replies] Last: So, put the evaluation of the expression in a loop, which keeps runni... (by JLBorges)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 29
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