Beginners - March 2018 (Page 23)

overloading << operator
Hi guys, I'm trying to overload the << operator for my book class but to no avail it must be something simple,but I get an error is there something wrong with ...
[3 replies] Last: the reason I have a default ISBN is if the user enters a wrong ISBN w... (by jlb)
Dynamic array vs array on stack
Hi guys I have come to learn that the first example is not good practice and on some compilers will not compile because n is not known at compile time I unde...
[8 replies] Last: very true keskiverto abstraction comes in very useful at times (by adam2016)
by Vinh11
Frequency of random generated 30 numbers from range of 0 to 9
I have been attempting to finish one of my codes for homework I got the list to work listing o to 9 numbers and displaying their frequency but I could not get t...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you Icy1 I finally figured out what occurred by using yours as a... (by Vinh11)
by RCE11
How to square a matrix
Write your question here. I have the code which creates the matrix, but I am having trouble squaring the matrix I have created.
[8 replies] Last: How does one multiply two matrices? (In math.) (by keskiverto)
Initiallization Issue in Project
Hi all, I'm currently teaching myself C++ and have been working on a project using ncurses and vectors to create a simple maze game. I have been doing every...
[4 replies] Last: I've tried to use your example. I've change the code for the class as ... (by B3gin3r)
Calling Functions in main()
i have this project for my class that i am having a few syntax errors with. the whole story of the project is to create an array from 3 numbers stored in a tx...
[4 replies] Last: Hello dragonxalli, As I started working with the program I noticed th... (by Handy Andy)
Finding Prime numbers with boolean function
I am trying to find the prime number from the function isPrime. If the number is prime it will give me true, if not it will give me false. When I input 5 on ...
[2 replies] Last: it is still giving me the same problem, i am getting false when i inpu... (by irfantz)
using types from other projects
Hey guys I have been trying to fix this problem for over an hour now,I have researched it and tried some solutions which I mainly found on stack overflow but no...
[2 replies] Last: thanks repeater,I forgot the <> brackets are used for the compilers in... (by adam2016)
error C3861: 'paint_Menu': identifier not found
What do this error means int numInList; void addName() { if (numInList < MAX) { system ("CLS"); cout << "Enter Name: "; cin >> list ....
[4 replies] Last: @Repeater Okay.Thanks for guiding (by mister2018)
substitution Cipher
Hi everyone, I am a complete novice to C coding and Programming. I have the task below and I have absolutely no idea where to start. I am quite limited for tim...
[3 replies] Last: fun little assignment you got there. Try things out! Even tiny incre... (by icy1)
Why can't my base class pointer work the same way as a basic pointer?
Hi! As the title why can't my base pointer work the same way as a normal pointer? In other words why instead of using the superclass pointer I have to use t...
[2 replies] Last: Slice and dice 'em. is not equal to this? That example of yours h... (by keskiverto)
Microsoft Visual Studio Wont output my code
Hello very new to using Visual Studio. I have Microsoft windows 10 64 bit, as well as the latest version of Visual Studio. I am trying to do a C++ homework assi...
[7 replies] Last: That's because you've programmed it to do that. I can't tell you the ... (by Repeater)
by Yago
read / write txt files on the internet
Hi friends, first of all I would like to apologize for my bad English ... it's not my mother tongue and I'm using an online translator. I have some code that c...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks friend! I am moved by your willingness to help me. I owe you. (by Yago)
Segmentation Error
Can anyone explain to me why I'm getting a segmentation error here? I haven't worked with pointers much, so I'm clueless about what I'm doing wrong. This is ...
[1 reply] : The member variables in class Date will remain uninitialized. In the c... (by coder777)
Deleting dynamically allocated memory
How would I delete a pointer to an int? class { int* thing; } class:class() { thing = new int; } Would I do delete thing or just delete thing? I thought i...
[1 reply] : If you new you delete, what you new you delete . (by jlb)
Need help writing a program for multiplication with for loops only
I am trying to write a code that will do multiplication with for loops using ++ and -- functions only and when I run the program it returns me with the n1 value...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the help it worked. (by getch1531)
Struct and nested structs
I'm having trouble how to figure out this problem I'm assigned. When I'm referencing the code I keep getting a message saying "no matching function for call to ...
[5 replies] Last: Update pt. 2: Okay I figured out the error part, but now that the pro... (by CoderParzival)
File input/output help
confused on where I went wrong, plz help. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int mai...
[2 replies] Last: thanks, I found my mistakes (by JSchaeffer4515)
I'm writing a car insurance code for class, in which the program takes into account the users sex and age and from there determines the extra percentage they ha...
[12 replies] Last: That's a simple mistake that I missed. Thank you for point that our fo... (by trenton11)
Visual Studio 2017 Issue
Hello, after countless hours trying to figure out why my code is not working correctly i have decided to seek help. The code below, is not 100% finished, but i ...
[2 replies] Last: Did you look at the screencast video? The menu pops up, i select displ... (by nickb24)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 29
  Archived months: [feb2018] [apr2018]

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