Beginners - March 2018 (Page 20)

argc changes
I have to make a code that uses inputs from the command like to print the most common names on a BabyNames file. I need to print the number of names given in th...
[5 replies] Last: Nice catch Ganado . So combining this, it sounds like the code shoul... (by dhayden)
Test help
So i have a test and i have this question : how can i solve it ?
[1 reply] : Hello yepicubef, This is a test, so you need to come up with somethin... (by Handy Andy)
The Coin Toss Code Conundrum
Strange. I am getting an "Uninitialized local variable" on the cointoss(void) section of my code for the "return randomnumber;" line I'll post the code I have s...
[6 replies] Last: @Armygun087 I am also getting nothing but "headtail" outputs. As yo... (by whitenite1)
Shallow Copy vs. Deep Copy
Hey guys, Currently I'm trying to create a shallow copy and a deep copy. Currently, I have two deep copies I believe. I can't understand why I have two deep co...
[1 reply] : > I just need some guidance on how to create a shallow copy. In this ... (by JLBorges)
Where did I mess up?
I'm working on a program that needs to calculate and display pay raises for 3 years. the pay raises needed are 3% 4% 5% and 6%. When I finished, my program does...
[1 reply] : It's not perfect, but it's a start #include<iostream> using namespa... (by SamuelAdams)
Need Help with File I/O
Hello I am having issues with this program and am not too sure what I am doing wrong. The programs ask the user for their name, and if the name does not yet exi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the help, but I am still a bit confused. cout << "Wel... (by vikingsfan76)
defining Type Characters Class fonctions with pointers
Hello to all, I just started a online course for programming P.O.O. Any help would be appreciated. I suffer a lot and I got no clue what to do with what you l...
[no replies]
by JayGln
I broke my array reference code
I'm trying to write a program that takes in a average rainfall for the past year, then it will ask for the current rainfall for the year. I also made it so it w...
[4 replies] Last: Hello JayGln, Your welcome. What my output does not show is the mont... (by Handy Andy)
Nested Loop problem
I'm having trouble with this code, the purpose is to take in a list of names with corresponding birthdays and determine which is the closest to the date entered...
[6 replies] Last: Hello BoomMan, Glad you got it working. I came to the same conclusion... (by Handy Andy)
Class Inheritance
Soo, i m doing my homework and i have a question. This is the code: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; class...
[7 replies] Last: To clarify, the reason why Shape a = {cir, rec}; does not work is ... (by Ganado)
How do I optimize the use of my if statements?
Hello, I am curious how to put the if statements listed below into a format that can be more easily called to (like a function or a class). I am working on a tr...
[3 replies] Last: you are welcome! There are times you can reduce a bunch of correlated... (by jonnin)
Destructor Not Called
Why wasn't the destructor not called automatically? See output. Constructor called. Constructor called. Constructor called. Constructor called. Construct...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all. I had suspected that the destructor executed but did n... (by phztfte1)
passing on ofstream by reference error
Hi guys I know that you cannot pass by value when dealing with ostream and other streams but the thing is I'm not passing by value and I am still getting an...
[2 replies] Last: > you cannot pass by value when dealing with ostream and other streams... (by JLBorges)
Confusion with copy constructor and non-const values
How does cmplex c1=cmplex(2,3) creates temporary object here?..please give me detailed explaination #include <iostream> using namespace std; clas...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot (by samir1996)
unable to differentiate between constructors
I want to know what are the differenecs between the lines commented below.How do they work and how they are different from each other? include <iostream> ...
[7 replies] Last: This helped me a lot,Really thanks from the core of my heart for clear... (by samir1996)
by sb99
can someone please explain this factorial function
For the life of me I cannot visualize how the program is computing the factorial, I of course understand the method, but I'm just struggling to see how the new ...
[2 replies] Last: I was just stuck up on the whole calling the factorial function again,... (by sb99)
Tableau Angular2 Integration
Has anyone tried building an Angular2 application with tableau visualizations integrated in it using the Tableau JavaScript API.? According to the documentatio...
[no replies]
by Gore7
External Struct being used in Class
Ok i'm trying to use structs and classes together in the code below to be executed in a class function, but im getting an errors like : No default constructor e...
[1 reply] : A default constructor is a constructor that can be used to construct a... (by Peter87)
by CNoob2
Soundex Code
(Please note that this is not a homework assignment.) I'm trying to do a soundex code where it writes out something like this: C160, but it comes out like this:...
[6 replies] Last: Can you state your phonetic rules? H and W are supposed to be removed ... (by lastchance)
if else not working
I've tried various methods for getting the correct output here and nothing seems to work. I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong and its probably someth...
[3 replies] Last: Oh ok, I knew it would be something simple, this worked perfectly!! Th... (by curlyTiff)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 29
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