Beginners - March 2018 (Page 18)

Fstream fail()
Hey guys I'm reading Bjarnes practices and principles and I have a quetion regarding an fstream in this case it is an ifstream well ofstream to be more precise ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks guys :) (by adam2016)
by joiuz
Is C++ Really Worth Learning in 2018?
Hello C++ , i was wondering if C++ is really a good programming language in 2018 to begin with. I am new to programming and love playing with codes. So plea...
[6 replies] Last: I agree with kbw, it all depends what you want to do. According to Sco... (by Thomas1965)
Building SDL2_gfx for Codeblocks/mingw
Hello everyone, sorry if this is not the right section where to post this request. I have aproblem building SDL2_gfx (
[8 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply. I tried in Ubuntu and everything works flawl... (by Amiplus)
Fstream Help
Hi, so I need help, with this kind of "library"(in the physical use of the word) that i'm trying to do. I need to store "books", keep them stored till the use...
[1 reply] : Hello Bengiepr23, Welcome to the forum. PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS ... (by Handy Andy)
Why does my output values is always 1?
Thanks for kind people who answered my last question so I can figure out why is the result wont show after 'status'. After I fixed my codes, I got another probl...
[2 replies] Last: Hello heyitsme1998, TheIdeasMan makes some very good points, but I wi... (by Handy Andy)
Reading in whole lines from file instead of word by word
At first, he said, consumers were a little put off by the higher price of the double rolls, because they were used to paying 79 to 89 cents for a regular four-r...
[1 reply] : Also: test ... (by lastchance)
Running a sorting function on array, but something isnt working properly as I am not getting any output
I have an array of pointers that point to structs each of which have a set of variables name, id, grade, and hometown. We are to create functions to sort tha...
[2 replies] Last: Hey Andy, got it to work, here is my code in case anyone else comes ac... (by soggymuskrat)
Geometry Code HELP
I am a beginner to programming and taking a c++ class at my local college as part of a career/major change. I've worked out most of this code for an assignm...
[5 replies] Last: um....errors in files I've never made. 145 errors total, keeping Main... (by Armygun087)
Displaying multiple characters
I ask the user to input numbers of students which creates a dynamic array. Then the user inputs the names and grades of each student. I then use this function t...
[1 reply] : void displayGrade( int num, const Student* myStudents ) { int n... (by JLBorges)
Reading Text File
my file is called 'dictionary' and im trying to open it but im not sure what im doing wrong because i keep getting the error message. #include<iostream> ...
[4 replies] Last: Make sure that the file "dictionary.txt" is in the current working dir... (by JLBorges)
basic c++ help
Please help!! My Program is outputting user's input twice on my table. Can't figure out why. It only output data last entered, it should output all input ente...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you!! (by browngirl123)
for loop doesn't work. please help!
I am trying to make a Isosceles triangle by outputting a single character on a single line on the command line. I don't know why it only prints out the half of ...
[no replies]
by zapshe
Why does this code misbehave?
Hi, I started learning about Binary since I was curious how programming language turns into 1s and 0s. I learned that 2^64 is the number limit. I made a loop th...
[9 replies] Last: Oh, that's right. Sorry to make you re-explain it. Thanks Helios ! (by zapshe)
What does return -1 do in a function called in main?
What does return -1 inside of a function that is in main? Is there a difference between returning different numbers, i.e: "return -1", "return 7", "return 2"......
[2 replies] Last: You are not using the return value of myFunction, so no, it does not m... (by Ganado)
how to find complex roots in c++ by newton-raphson method
ı would like to write using newton-raphson metod in c++.I wrote code basic equation in c++.but for complex root I have a problem. #include<iostream> #in...
[3 replies] Last: You are working with complex variables, so both the arguments and the ... (by lastchance)
why does it wont show the result after 'Status'?
It goes right until status and then it wont show the next output.Whats wrong with my code? #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<stdio.h> #inc...
[2 replies] Last: int main() { char nama , a , b ; cout<<"===PROGRAM PENGHITUNG GAJI K... (by Repeater)
addressing pointer instead of int
Hi guys, I have problem with initialization of insert sort.Actually I´m trying to do it for the first time so I have here maybe more bucks,but the point is th...
[1 reply] : Hello LandaBanda, Welcome to the forum. The problem is that in main ... (by Handy Andy)
Is there a way to check which data type the programmer chose when they create an object using your template?
Let's say I made a class that uses a template. When the programmer creates an object using my class they have to decide which data type to use, just like when y...
[2 replies] Last: There is "template specialisation" in which you explicitly write code ... (by Repeater)
by Vinz24
passing the value ti a variable of a function to other function
Can someone know how to use the value of this variable a to other function(menu function)? void DisplayshopItem() { int c_item, quantity , a=250, gold=0...
[1 reply] : Hello Vinz24, I just found this. I am not sure what you want to do, b... (by Handy Andy)
by zapshe
Code Shouldn't Work - But Why?
So I'm still learning C++, this was a bit of code that shouldn't and doesn't work. However, I don't fully understand why. Here are my questions - How does Main....
[13 replies] Last: I see, thanks for information guys - its been very helpful and educati... (by zapshe)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 29
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