by megatron 0
Game logic question: Containing entities within a level or overworld
[1 reply] : Reading all of this makes me think you are getting a bit ahead of your... (by Manga)
by anonim
[2 replies] Last: Hello anonim, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button) ... (by Handy Andy)
by An Integer
What is wrong with this virtual function?
[1 reply] : I can see that I am being stupid with my setDamage function (Which I a... (by An Integer)
by samtheman
Putting a Space in cout output
[2 replies] Last: @Handy Andy already answered this question. However, you could also ... (by An Integer)
by delloskill
Error using isdigit
[5 replies] Last: Hello delloskill, I agree with Ganado "DEV C++" is not the best compi... (by Handy Andy)
by poohbear
two decimals
[2 replies] Last: Hello poonamp6792, After you read the links that keskiverto suggested... (by Handy Andy)
Need help with class constructors. |
[16 replies] Last: Those are linker errors. They are telling you that you are trying to ... (by MikeyBoy)
by jmpc92
Reducing cyclomatic complexity of function
[1 reply] : Do you realize that you're copying vectors? (by kbw)
by Sigge414
Quick question.
[1 reply] : You can write a little program to verify if they are equal or not, a p... (by TheIdeasMan)
by samtheman
cout (output)
[1 reply] : int age = 2; cout << age << " is your age.\n"; (by Ganado)
by SirSkunks
Switch statement returns
[3 replies] Last: Hello SirSkunks, This is true many times it is not necessary to inclu... (by Handy Andy)
Help with Array's |
[16 replies] Last: I was able to create two out of three of the functions. I got help wit... (by josephhoffman28)
by gogogriff
MadLib project, text formatting question
[no replies]
by bnolan22
Functions/Testing them manually
[2 replies] Last: Hello bnolan22, For your last three functions you will have to give m... (by Handy Andy)
by fivestar
Printing Vector
[1 reply] : There is no << operator defined for an std::ostream and an std::vector... (by Ganado)
by samtheman
Visual Studio
[3 replies] Last: Creating an offline installation is easy: (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by samtheman
Best Complier:
[3 replies] Last: I am using DEV C++ ver 5.11. As a beginning am I using the best and e... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
converting char to int, recursively |
[4 replies] Last: Yes recursion was required but i ended up figuring it out. I just pass... (by closed account NCRLwA7f)
by jennamac12
Factorials for 1-10, but not all together. ??
[4 replies] Last: true. Good catch, had starting at 1 on my mind from checking the code... (by jonnin)
by samtheman
Savings changes:
[1 reply] : The compiler reads your source file from the hard drive. If you don't ... (by Repeater)