Beginners - March 2018 (Page 15)

by zhichi
what does the "void" mean here in a for-statement?
Hi, I get confused when I read the code from this page: template<class InputIt1, clas...
[3 replies] Last: > Is that a special syntax, or is it just the result of ++first2 being... (by JLBorges)
PACS (Reading/Writing Files)
Hey Guys, My name is Ian. I'm looking for some help on an assignment for my C++ class at a community college. We are asked to create a mock PACS interface. The ...
[3 replies] Last: In option one, any user input with a space breaks the program. cin... (by Ganado)
by column
Build 32bit project on 64bit Linux system
I need to compile my C++ project that is developed on 64 bit Ubuntu Eclipse to 32bit one. I know that I must set -m32 switch for compiler. I know that I sho...
[5 replies] Last: Indeed. It should be possible with Ubuntu package managing tools to s... (by keskiverto)
Cannot convert float to float error
My program is giving me this error; line 76 41 cannot convert 'float (*)(float, int)' to 'float' for argument '2' to 'float compound2y(int, float, double, ...
[2 replies] Last: That worked, i used calc(r,n), thank you!! (by jjhennessy)
Pleaseee help,Problems with formatting
i was writing a prefect number programme, #include <iostream> using namespace std; int N1, N2, sum=0; cin >> N1 >> N2; for (; N1< N2; N1++){ for (...
[2 replies] Last: Because it goes on for ever. for (int i=N1; N1< N2; i++){ should b... (by lastchance)
Replace numbers in a string
Hello, I am attempting a program that gathers a password from the user, and then creates and displays a new password, given the following rules: All vowels in ...
[3 replies] Last: Your vowel list also needs the upper-case equivalents. (by lastchance)
Compound interest program
I need to write a program that takes in two values entered by the user, compares them with 50 and 5000, chooses the max and min of these values and takes them a...
[1 reply] : You logic is flawed. In this expression: if (ans == 'N' && ans == 'n... (by coder777)
Reading/ Writing Files
I have written the following code and want to pull data from a simple txt document into the program and write to a new text document, but whenever I run the pro...
[1 reply] : When you open a file without an absolute path it depends on the enviro... (by coder777)
by zapshe
Code Allows Something Strange
Hi. I've coded a calculator that I continuously add onto as I learn new things. However, I recently noticed (After trying to see how the calculator would handle...
[2 replies] Last: There are two different kinds of input operations: formatted input a... (by JLBorges)
Reading from left to right or right to left?
I've been doing questions that require us to give the output and up until now I thought my concepts were clear until I came to these specific questions. I have ...
[3 replies] Last: Assuming that m and i are scalars (like int), This is undefined b... (by JLBorges)
payroll array help
I'm having a problem getting the ss, tax, medicare, and subtotal its giving me the wrong number is there anyway anyone can help me with this I also have to get ...
[2 replies] Last: so like this string nameofemployee; double numberofhoursworked; do... (by Kingokafor96)
Boost asio TCP server splits incoming message into two parts
Hi. I have written a plugin using boost::asio that acts as a server. It receives messages from the client that are sent every 5 seconds, which look like this: ...
[5 replies] Last: Need more testing but looks like replacing boost::asio::async_read... (by igorland)
What does this code do? String questions
A little bit of a backstory....I am making a program in Visual Basic. The program basically opens up a compressed archive, finds a file inside it and then I THI...
[1 reply] : ill preface this with bytes is bytes :) you can jack 4 ascii letters... (by jonnin)
Curley braces
Hello: Would you please give me your best examples of what the {Curley braces} are use for? and when to use them and not to use them. I am trying to get ...
[2 replies] Last: Curly braces have to be used with class, enum, and function definiti... (by Ganado)
Classes & Vectors
Working on a project on a class named "budget". We were instructed to pretty much stuff everything into a .h file and not worry about .cpp files in the meantime...
[1 reply] : To get the sum of all income and expenses you can use std::accumulate ... (by Thomas1965)
Using string function.
How do i reverse an inputted string but the last character of the string stays the same, say, inputted : "Hello12345" will return : "4321olleH5". Using cpp code...
[4 replies] Last: string is a type. it wraps the old char array / char * in a class and... (by jonnin)
payroll array help
I have to write a code for payroll array but I'm having trouble defining the variables for it here is the question any help with this would be much appreciated ...
[1 reply] : Hello Kingokafor96, First thing I noticed when I looked at the progra... (by Handy Andy)
question about hashing
our you allow to use rand() when your using std::hash because im trying to make a simple hash function where it generate a 6 unique digit or is there other way...
[9 replies] Last: @ganado i get what i did wrong i made an object outta customer and ca... (by ghost1111)
C++ Function help ASAP!!!
Please look through my code and help where it is commented I am having a great deal of trouble with this assignment and I am out of time please assist. #...
[3 replies] Last: Remaining issues. assignment detail: Complete the following in yo... (by josephhoffman28)
How to concatenate two floats?
I'm collecting geographical data for a couple of sensors I have. They collect the latitude + longitude and store them as float, e.g.: float lat, long; void lo...
[2 replies] Last: if you need it to look exactly like what you wrote and you actually ne... (by jonnin)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 29
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