Beginners - March 2018 (Page 14)

I'm so stuck!!!
I'm working on programming a sort of add-on function for an existing program and totally stuck on permanently changing a value after a triggered event. Basical...
[4 replies] Last: I understand all of that... let me explain a little more [index-1] re... (by Devilish)
Function that appends a string to another string a number of times.
I am trying to have string appended to string a number of times using the return function but it isn't working. Here is my code: string appendTimes(string fi...
[2 replies] Last: Do you realize that when the program encounters a return statement it ... (by jlb)
Algorithm finding square roots one digit at a time
For this program we are making three algorithms to find square roots, I got the first one done, but I'm lost on the second, I think I am pretty close but while ...
[2 replies] Last: hmm its a simple enough program but finding it one digit at a time is ... (by jonnin)
Problems whith argc and argv
So Im working on Ubuntu and I was trying to make this program (sorry for using spanish variables ). It gives you the biggest number of an int array and here is ...
[5 replies] Last: alberto@alberto-HP-Pavilion-Notebook:~/Escritorio/MP$ bin/I_PosMayor ... (by dhayden)
help with the code ------------------------------------------------------------+++++
 Write a program that accepts at least 8 integer test scores from the user and stores them in an array. The app should display how many of the scores were low...
[1 reply] : People on the forum usually don't write code for others. Please try wr... (by dhayden)
Help with debugging?
I'm getting a weird error when I try to debug this in visual studios. It just prints the greeting and then goes straight into an infinite loop. Please help! ...
[3 replies] Last: else cout << name << "'s card number " << number << " is inv... (by jonnin)
Calling class ASAP
So I am trying to figure out how to call line 41 to function on line 105 after you make your selection it should display Selection: name, price per unit: $pric...
[5 replies] Last: Speaking of bevSelect() ... I see that these four functions all take ... (by keskiverto)
Hello i got 3 headers file and getting errors #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "Faktura.h" using namespace std; int main() { Fa...
[3 replies] Last: Hello Jakubaz, Do not edit a message and change it. It makes the thr... (by Handy Andy)
How to read references on this site?
I am a bit confused about the layout of the reference pages on this site. Am I missing a link or something that can explain it as it is confusing me. Take the s...
[3 replies] Last: In the case of std::find, the description of parameter s does refer ... (by keskiverto)
by mutpx
jvm.dll file path & placement of class files for jni
Hi, Java programmer here. I am programming a java wrapper for a c++ program. So because of hardware migration, I am supposed to de-hardcode some stuff like belo...
[1 reply] : It's not safe to modify the string returned by getenv. (by Peter87)
else if Condition not executing
Hello. This seems to respond correctly by asking follow up questions when pressing Y/y, but when I press N/n it still asks the same questions. Also, I tried do...
[2 replies] Last: Operators have precedence. See bottom of (by keskiverto)
String help, please
So I've been fiddling with this code for weeks. It gets to the string words; cout << "\n Please enter " << amount << " words" << endl; getline (cin, words);...
[4 replies] Last: Finally handed this in. Thanks again for your help. (I had to add a ... (by bronnynmynie)
Functions not calling properly.
Since this is homework, I am not asking for a solution. I am just asking for a bit of guidance. Whenever I am trying to function call, it for some reason loops ...
[2 replies] Last: I will give that a try, thanks! (by integralgamingtv)
Rejecting decimals
Hi, I am currently writing a program that should only accept integers values and reject any value that isn't an integer and ask for another input, however I hav...
[10 replies] Last: Hi another thing to learn very soon is the use of functions. You may h... (by TheIdeasMan)
how to catch bad input?
Hello everybody! This is my project for my fundamentals of programming class. I was wondering how I would be able to output "Invalid input entered" or something...
[3 replies] Last: ok, so this is what I got and it looks like it works. #include <ios... (by ns10239)
Help me understand templates.
So I've been following along with this guys (link below) playlist on C++ and SDL2 and have had no issues until now. Studying C++ on my own time for a few years ...
[4 replies] Last: @Keskiverto that explanation makes the most sense I've heard of so far... (by CGunn86)
by Yeyk
Program that calculates the largest and smallest number, and the average
Hello world! I need help with this program, I barely understand something of C++, so, I only got the largest number and the average.. I don't know how to get th...
[4 replies] Last: Hello Yeyk, If I understand what you said you would have to rewrite t... (by Handy Andy)
If Else Only Yields One Option
Hi all, new to C++. This is a snippet from a decision tree homework assignment using if else statements. The goal is to create a tree that a pilot would use in ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both so much. I made the changes suggested by coder777 and t... (by caliJobCase)
by Manga
question about destructors
Will a class destructor automatically clear away any dynamically created memory or do I need to define it? //destructor superArray::~superArray() { dele...
[6 replies] Last: Ok I better take your advice here. Thank you for your help and patienc... (by Manga)
by lamyat
how to move back to the first row with new column
qs: I'm writing a function that draw a picture. i need to make the function called that is printed in a row. i've made the function called printed in column....
[2 replies] Last: @kbw, As I understand it this output * ** *** **** ***** needs to ... (by Handy Andy)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 29
  Archived months: [feb2018] [apr2018]

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