Beginners - March 2018 (Page 13)

Array of pointers
Hello everyone, From my reading and web studies, I have not found anything relating to the above topic : int * array_to_pointers[ 10]; My c++03 bo...
[2 replies] Last: Hello everyone, responding to jlb. I stand corrected and disappointed.... (by mycuser)
Tax Rate Calculator Revised
I wrote this code for a class assignment, and had posted it priorly, but I am still getting the incorrect output and can't see at this point as to what is causi...
[8 replies] Last: Hello DeathShaman1, Your last post showed up before I finished mine.... (by ar2007)
Baby Names Project
I have to make a project that I need for school where I take a file and print the top baby names for boys and girls, the amount depending on the command line in...
[14 replies] Last: Remove lines 32 & 33. The number of boys and girls at that point is ze... (by dhayden)
Operator overload
You should overload the operator+ such that you can perform the following operation in the main function A = B + C; where A, B, and C are all objects of type my...
[10 replies] Last: You can test that. Your array does currently store int s. Replace th... (by keskiverto)
broken for loop or equation
Hello, I'm having issues somewhere either in my for loop or my equation. The program I was asked to create for my assignment gave me the variables and "equation...
[1 reply] : You can't take the log of a negative number (line 6). Reconsider your ... (by lastchance)
Only Letters On String
Hi I am new in c++ i would like to ask if how to put only letter on a string if the user put a number on it the system will say Invalid input.. and if th...
[1 reply] : Hello portrap099, Welcome to the forum. I through this together quic... (by Handy Andy)
my first program
This is my first true program who i made 80% myself 20% from tutorials , i'm newbie in C++, so what is your opinion about it? ,i made it in code blocks. I just...
[4 replies] Last: Hello Andreiz112dn, I must apologize, my bad I referred to being cons... (by Handy Andy)
Only allowing certain input pattern
I have a program that I need to write for my computer coding class that involves only allowing a sequence of either the letter a or b, followed by any two numbe...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, this works perfectly, and I can now use this as reference when... (by Databend)
SDL2 Rectangles!!
What is the best way to draw a rectangle on the screen? ///------------CLASS RECTANGLE-------------/// class Rectangle: public Shape{ protected: int x, y; ...
[2 replies] Last: Another alternative is to let Rectangle inherit from SDL_Rect. This al... (by Peter87)
i cannot stop my looping
guys im having problem with my looping ,its unstoppable //To calculate average of exam mark 1 and 2 and display status under department #include <iostream...
[5 replies] Last: Hello amyblackpearl, You are welcome. I hope I have helped you unders... (by Handy Andy)
The result of the for loop is not outputing , i am not able to understand what is the issue with the code.
The result of the loop is not outpting, please look in the code sugest me what is the issue with the code. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int m...
[2 replies] Last: thanks . (by adlice8700)
[Why does the result for determinant is always 0?]
Is there anyone know why is the result of determinant is always 0? Thank you, Good people :) #include<iostream> using namespace std; int cofacto...
[2 replies] Last: cofactor_v is never initialized. The compiler should be able to warn y... (by Peter87)
by loomy
Inheriting from class template undefined reference to constructor
I am having trouble with templates and combining them with inheritance, I keep getting an error undefined reference to AssetLoader<Shader*, ShaderLoaderParamete...
[2 replies] Last: That was it! Thank you! (by loomy)
Calculator help
I am stuck in this giant mess that is originally intended to be a calculator for a paper-based strategic game. I've been trying to do a mechanism where a set of...
[1 reply] : Have a closer look at your if statement on line 258. What will happen ... (by Thomas1965)
Use keyboard to enter size of array for both - >string and int arrays
The following code does not compile - I need to enter the array size via the keyboard for both a string and int array. The number you enter must apply to both...
[1 reply] : The number you enter must apply to both arrays, string and int. ANY i... (by jlb)
Vector Looping
How can i loop through a vector of strings and check if a letter is in a word? this is what i tried so far but im getting an error at "==". for (int v = ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> int main() {... (by JLBorges)
Only allowing numeric input error
I'm trying to create a program that allows the user to input 9 numbers, and the program prints that same number but with dashes in between in the format of a so...
[3 replies] Last: @ Databend (ScottSmith1020) Glad to be of help. (by whitenite1)
by zapshe
Using Factorials in C++
Sorry to post so much, but there's so much I don't know ! When using factorials in C++, I've seen dozens of posts of factorial coding, but I don't understand an...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks a lot everyone for the answers. And yes, negative factorials ar... (by zapshe)
My First build simple Game
Well this is my second serious program(game) build by me, i know isn't very much but this game is a big step for me , nothing for you but whatever , what is you...
[1 reply] : what is your opinion about it On the whole, it’s nice. Seemingly ... (by Enoizat)
by Fewgod
Choosing random subfunction from array
Hey I would like to ask how can I get a random subfunction to open when I click a button. Like using subfunctions to display different text everytime you press...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks alot! I'll repair my code asap. For now on my mobile app it wo... (by Fewgod)
March 2018 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 29
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