Beginners - March 2016 (Page 5)

my program is to find the largest pallindrome made by two 3-digit number.I didn't find where i've done wrong but i didn't get any output.In my code whenever i r...
[4 replies] Last: ohh thanx for ur help... i really needed that. (by stiflersharif)
Hello World
Hello, I just started reading this book: Programming_Principles_and_Practice_Using_C_Plus_Plus_Bjarne_Stroustrup. I got stuck during the first drill. Cou...
[3 replies] Last: @Moschops I've tried repairing the VS but the issue still occurs. @Che... (by ChrisTan)
Nested While Loops Are Confusing
This is just a random test program I made, to understand more about nested while loops but... I keep getting an infinite loop. For Example if I input 5 I get ...
[1 reply] : It doesn't matter what input or calculation. This size==size will al... (by coder777)
[Solved] Reversing using loop
Hello all. So far I know how to reverse a string through obvious methods like var.rbegin(), var.rend(), but I would like to know how to do the same thing but u...
[2 replies] Last: That is exactly what I was trying to do. Thank you very much. I had ... (by ChocolateColumbo)
Singly Linked List Switch Case Problem
Hello, I am having a problem with my linked list. When I try to run the code, my switch cases all seem to show up when I press a certain key. I don't know what ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, You should have a break; at the end of each case, otherwise exe... (by TheIdeasMan)
Hi, im noob, how can I make the app close only if the user PREss X Its closing pressing any keyboard input #include <iostream> #include <locale> #incl...
[5 replies] Last: Try using another key to reprint the result. For Example: if(input ==... (by McNo)
Quick question about nullptr
Hey guys, so I am trying to set a variable to nullptr. I have two files for this project one is a .cpp the other is a .h In the .h file nullptr is not recognize...
[5 replies] Last: but then why would it work in a different file of the same project? ... (by TheIdeasMan)
ifstream wont open
Unfinished code but cannot move forward until the ifstream is corrected #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { int...
[4 replies] Last: TY, what I did was call both file when I learned I had to name one fil... (by miah612000)
Confusion with using String as a function argument.
This is homework that my professor assigned. What he wants us to do is make a program that finds the highest sales among four burger joints in my area. Thats si...
[9 replies] Last: Oh, wow. That actually makes a lot of sense! I was wondering why the o... (by BayBayMan)
Guessing game code
How's my coding? I am trying to build a guessing game that's between 1-20 in 3 guesses or less. #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main(void) { int...
[2 replies] Last: It is common practice not to include void between the parenthes... (by Too Explosive)
General Improvements for my W.I.P Game?
Hello forum, this probably isn't my smartest idea but it's 4AM and i cannot make a proper judgement currently. I've spent the whole night creating a little WIP ...
[6 replies] Last: Ah ok i see now, thanks! (by thatonebeginner)
Bazaar output
Until this program, I've always believed that C++ always reads from top to bottom. I created this program, and it seems that later code can influence how earlie...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, I think I see. Thanks for the help. (by t967h088)
Simple while loop question
I have two while loops. They both should count to 10 from what I see. But one counts to 11. It seems to me like they should run exactly the same. The only diffe...
[2 replies] Last: I must have been tired when I posted this question. Thank you for answ... (by Marshallamule)
Binary file reading problems?
I'm having trouble when it comes to reading from a binary file within a function after writing to it in a previously used function. The function writes an insta...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, itemName strcpy_s was giving me trouble so I just initialized it... (by curseofcj)
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // This funtion computes the burnout alt...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, I have the program working now. Though my calculations a... (by kalberti32)
[SOLVED] File reading goes one past EOF
Hi guys. I'm having a bit of problem with my code. Here it is. ... fManA = fopen("Settings", "r"); int varNum = 1; int retStat; while(retStat != EO...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch! ^^ You helped a lot. Now I may proceed... Cx Again, th... (by SnowyClaw)
Using vectors
Hi everyone. I've recently started doing some work with vectors, and I'm a little confused so I just have a few questions on this program I'm writing. So the pr...
[1 reply] : Line 15,99: Do not call srand() within a loop or a random number funct... (by AbstractionAnon)
Functions help
Can anyone help me out? An Internet service provider has three different subscription packages for its customers: Package A: For $15 per month with 50 hour...
[1 reply] : idk how to make it work in the main I'll point one detail of your co... (by keskiverto)
Program with Functions
Can anyone help me out? An Internet service provider has three different subscription packages for its customers: Package A: For $15 per month with 50...
[3 replies] Last: Line 16: you call getPackage(), but you ignore the result. Line 17: ... (by AbstractionAnon)
How to make an play again function?
How to make an play again function? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int mainagain(); int main() { int total, g; cout << "Welcome to my min...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by Seba13zxc)
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