by Idiotal
To count number of words in a string.
[2 replies] Last: I've found two errors in your program. First is in line 7. You declare... (by jgg2002)
by fast7777
Putting a file into an array
[2 replies] Last: The problem is trying to read a whole line into a single character - ... (by Chervil)
by wreck99
bitwise XOR operator function
[3 replies] Last: thanks very much #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<stri... (by wreck99)
[5 replies] Last: I think I got it now.. #include <iostream> #include <string> using ... (by alexander1984)
by Darision
Move an object towards another (Bresenhams Line)
[3 replies] Last: The creature can move also in diagonals, ah cool, i will take a look a... (by Darision)
by monrelle
I can't quite bring everything together.
[1 reply] : What is your question? Are there any errors or warnings in the program... (by theturk1234)
by Zola92
Implementing 3rd party libraries into Qt
[1 reply] : This seems to be a very complex endeavor for someone new to QT. If yo... (by theturk1234)
by Trigguy
Issue with stack program
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply and help! my node stack seems to be ok now. bu... (by Trigguy)
by ws555
Tic Tac Toe game help. Store rows and columns into a vector
[1 reply] : You need two nested loops. The inner loop prints the rows and when don... (by coder777)
by fukonashi
Need assistance with a else if loop
[1 reply] : Remove line 7 and 8. Line 6: number = 0; (by coder777)
by shiveka
[1 reply] : here i am not mentioning the array size how it works??? Please explai... (by coder777)
by anasraza96
Convert prtintf() to cout in C++
[1 reply] : std::cout << "Reverse of entered string is " << std::quoted(str) << "... (by JLBorges)
by wotah
Need help with my code, any help is appreciated.
[2 replies] Last: I corrected it, however now it tells me I only have 1 word when I have... (by wotah)
Please Need Help with Assignment (Inheritance)
[4 replies] Last: Why does a withdrawl affect interest but writing a check does not? Why... (by dhayden)
by fast7777
Character 2D Array Question
[1 reply] : Move line 26 to 29 outside the while loop (after line 30). By the way... (by coder777)
Sets and Gets not displaying default, help! |
[3 replies] Last: Note that 'NULL' is a multicharacter literal . Exactly how this wil... (by Peter87)
by m0bb1n
help in checkers game
[no replies]
by GabeJ
Erasing all but one whitespace from strings of consecutive whitespace charaters in a string
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! My program is running without errors now. (by GabeJ)
by Vidus
porting as3 physics
[1 reply] : Holy smokes! The first thing I notice is that there's a significant a... (by helios)
by CrashNebula
Program runs, but returns "inf"
[5 replies] Last: I checked over your code again, and it doesn't look like you ever init... (by Zhuge)