by benwiley
log table
[1 reply] : 1. It is enough to set precision on stream once. 2. http://www.cpluspl... (by keskiverto)
by HG319
Accessing queue within a vector
[3 replies] Last: Simpler example: std::vector<int *> foo; int * bar; // where does the... (by keskiverto)
Confussion over output
[2 replies] Last: I understand that i is 5, No, it is not. It is 5 only after the l... (by keskiverto)
by bluefrog
using crypt
[4 replies] Last: not to worry, figured it out eventually (-_-) gcc -std=c99 file.c... (by bluefrog)
by Idiotal
Tic-Tac-Toe program
[5 replies] Last: You may use std::system("CLS"); before showing the box. http://www.... (by coder777)
by alx119
Exercises suggestion
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! Next time I should search better :D (by alx119)
| |
[no replies]
by Areey
[5 replies] Last: it works :)))) thank you both. int main() { int i, n; float sum = ... (by Areey)
by AnthonyA
Can someone please help?
[1 reply] : How far have you got? (by Moschops)
by Bopaki
The implementation file does not see the header file
[5 replies] Last: I have resolved my problem. Thank you all. (by Bopaki)
by eajajul
[1 reply] : Why is totalSales Amount an integer instead of a float? You're suppos... (by dhayden)
by nfnicolas
max and min word in string
[4 replies] Last: this function couted words in the string No it didn't. It counted t... (by dhayden)
by eajajul
[3 replies] Last: The object s and t are two completely different objects. The share... (by coder777)
by Gector
COM port not sending any information
[2 replies] Last: Try this code to see the error: #include <windows.h> #include <stdio... (by Thomas1965)
by smoody916
Madlib program help
[1 reply] : Very likely that you have a mix of the operator>> and getline(). See t... (by coder777)
by TheLoneWolf
Creating multiple occurences of the same struct
[7 replies] Last: Hey JLBorges! That seems to be great! Infact it went over my head till... (by TheLoneWolf)
How do I get the code to stop running if a certain condition is true? |
[4 replies] Last: Excuse me, I meant while ( weight > 0 || weight < 0) (by Nick Schuck)
by Tyleahsmom
My C++ program stops half way
[5 replies] Last: Glad to hear you got it working. Good luck. (by McNo)
by Viiarge
Setting "positions" to an array of object[6][6]
[1 reply] : Thinking about it, do I really need a position, as the index of the ob... (by Viiarge)
by Kyle M
***Pointer notation
[1 reply] : If you are asking what it means, it is a pointer to a pointer. If you ... (by Nick Schuck)