by Harutyun
Program does not work.
[3 replies] Last: Just tried, this works Try to simplify your solution as much as possib... (by ephraimr)
by gameguy8888
Why is there something wrong with my char array?
[3 replies] Last: What compiler says "something wrong"? One says: In function 'int ma... (by keskiverto)
by sadij97
Vector.Size() error!
[6 replies] Last: @Chervil Thank you for explaining it. I get it now! I had the defini... (by sadij97)
by totalnooob
Check multiple numbers if they are Armstrong numbers
[10 replies] Last: (Your indentation is not systematic. Confusing.) That does not work a... (by keskiverto)
by gameguy8888
How can I make my game 'shoot' bullets
[1 reply] : Well you already have an x,y for the player, so you need a way to dyna... (by kind9)
by nubius48
using a function template to return vector
[1 reply] : Works for me. Maybe clean your project? #include <vector> #include... (by Bdanielz)
by xikij
Need help
[1 reply] : Here is a hint. #include <iostream> void printArray(int candidate ... (by Bdanielz)
by treassach
Question with functions and division.
[13 replies] Last: Glad to Help, hope you can get it working :D. (by McNo)
by tspen54
Help with exchange sort strings
[4 replies] Last: DEnforcer You are welcome. (by ephraimr)
How can I transfer what I have in my main() into a string function? |
[2 replies] Last: Please don't duplicate post, it's ultimately a time waster for those w... (by TheIdeasMan)
by bgc
intermittent driving of an oscillator
[no replies]
by sadij97
C++ Word Alignment Adjustment Assignment Help!
[5 replies] Last: Ah good ! Thanks for the appreciation :+) More importantly though: Of... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Gondvanaz
Why does this program output 2 x Enter First Letter at a wrong answer?
[2 replies] Last: Your Program is picking up the newline character that gets sent when y... (by McNo)
by Slashdash
How to find out which code is being executed
[3 replies] Last: Visual studio comes with a debugger. (by Moschops)
How can I get my code to work in the proper function instead of main()? |
[4 replies] Last: A suggestion - this seems like an ideal opportunity to use a std::ist... (by Chervil)
by Idiotal
Connect Four problem
[1 reply] : When you print your array connectFour you need to use a series of fo... (by McNo)
by etrusks
Why is my valarray faster than std::valarray
[2 replies] Last: Here it is. I dont have some kind of exception guarantees. Just made s... (by etrusks)
by stealthboy
Distance between two lines?
[4 replies] Last: Question, have you considered two parallel lines at 30 degrees from th... (by GRex2595)
unwanted proximity in dividing two float numbers |
[4 replies] Last: Chervil - That does the work! :) Thank you! (by EnjoyDeSilence)
by Idiotal
Changing vowels to 'z'
[5 replies] Last: Another pretty simple way to do this program. If you can't use C++11,... (by GRex2595)