Beginners - March 2016 (Page 23)

displaying data in arrays
If asked to display data column by column and row by row using a while statement in the outer loops and a for statement in the nested loops, would this be corre...
[9 replies] Last: Chervil I understand the necessity of constants in this example. The... (by Billyin4C)
Writing User Input to binary file.
Hello everyone, I've been trying to do this for a while now and I'm just not getting where I'm going wrong. What I'm trying to do is take user input for both th...
[10 replies] Last: The issue now is that it overwrites the data already inside the fil... (by Chervil)
by Ocen
do while loop won't stop for input after first loop
Hi, I am trying to write a program that converts a postfix expression to infix. It works just fine on the first go-around. But when I try to convert another e...
[3 replies] Last: Awesome. Thank you so much for the great responses; clearing the buff... (by Ocen)
Exit code with no corresponding return statement
I have a program that, when run with the same parameters, will sometimes complete its task successfully and sometimes crash with code 3 instead. My code does no...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, will do. Thank you (by DrZoidberg)
setting up an array of different unordered_maps
I'm attempting to build an array with two elements. The first: std::unordered_map<std::string,std::string> And, the second: std::unordered_map<st...
[4 replies] Last: 1. Can I use this forum for this discussion? What discussion? 2. Is... (by coder777)
Using OpenBLAS libraries in Code::Blocks
I've downloaded the pre-built OpenBLAS libraries for Windows and have followed all the steps here:
[1 reply] : and have followed all the steps here: Those steps are for another li... (by coder777)
by lang02
Nested For Loop Pattern
I've searched and have only found diamond patterns or box patterns with an asterisk. I need to make the following pattern below with a nested for loop. The ...
[5 replies] Last: The problem with "clever" is (as the below probably shows) that it is ... (by keskiverto)
Help with averaging and conditions.
Hello there,i am having a bit of trouble here, i am making a program that will average 3 test scores. the scores should be between 0 and 100 and if it does not ...
[2 replies] Last: IT would be better to make a function that prompts for a number inside... (by dhayden)
Need help with function prototype and parameters
Can you tell me why the function test(int,int=2,int=2)(line4) is match with test(third,second)(line13)? There are 3 parameters in prototype but only have 2 when...
[2 replies] Last: third u have given the default parameter it means if u want to deal wi... (by sylphsang)
function to create pointers to objects stored in a vector?
I am currently writing a program involving complex numbers (converting between rectangular and polar... and eventually basic mathematical operations) I am stuc...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your help, I have managed to get my program wo... (by toasterstoast1)
Vector content to 2D array
Hello to everyone Beginner in c++. I have I little problem. I would like to copy content of vector (vector<int> vrsta_2) into 2D array(int tabela ). What I ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I got it. (by Donovan)
user input range into array help
Hi all, I am trying to give a range to the user inputs, between 1 to 10 as it is being inserted into an array of size 3. I think I have totally messed up and...
[2 replies] Last: Hi there, thanks for the input. Just curious though, what is the diff... (by salik89)
SFML Issue
Was starting to code Tetris with SFML and I got an error: 'sf::Window::isOpen' : function call missing argument list; use &sf::Window::isOpen' to create a poi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Ganado. The good news is, your solution works and I'm very appr... (by Aethirius332)
Tic Tac Toe Trouble
I'm working on a tic tac toe board and am having difficulty displaying it correctly. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; /******...
[1 reply] : problem is here : for (int col; col < 3; col++) It should intialize t... (by sylphsang)
Binary Search
Hi All, I need help writing a binary search program for my assignment. I don't have much started, and I need to get this complete. bool binarySearch(const...
[3 replies] Last: Replace Bold-Texts with actuall c++ code bool binarySearch(const vect... (by Calcushtag)
Function problem
The parameters in the prototype have big difference with the function inside the main. Why they still work? Also, what are the parameters value in test(&second...
[1 reply] : The parameters in the prototype have big difference with the function... (by jlb)
double_swap function
I'm supposed to write a function named double_swap that takes two doubles as arguments and interchanges the values that are stored in those arguments. The funct...
[3 replies] Last: The parameters need to be passed by reference . See the example in t... (by Chervil)
by stav
setting up opengl with notepad++
hi guys, i'm trying to setup opengl using notepad++ and handling the files and directories myself rather than dealing with all the visual studio and codeblocks...
[1 reply] : $ g++ foo.cp... (by ne555)
displaying a simple array
task: to display array first column by column then row by row. ?: is this correct? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int nums...
[2 replies] Last: The instructions say "complete the program using a while statement in ... (by Billyin4C)
val % 2
Hello, I am working through the "Programming Principles and Practice Using C++", and have come across some confusion about the following code concerning the "...
[3 replies] Last: Expression within the parenthesis of if is a conditional. Conditional'... (by keskiverto)
March 2016 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 47
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